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    Fao tress ! Empty Fao tress !

    Post by Guest Wed Mar 03 2010, 08:21

    Tress ! reading some of your posts about ionman ! to say he has his protectors on here and that we are a clique ? thats crazy, loads of us have never met each other, i am still waiting for djfitzo to buy me a pint at the local, Fao tress ! Lol and dave (dj) would be the first one i have met on here.

    Just to say its very apparent that you want to take ion on ! and i have seen the ruck room altercations, there is a difference between honest discussion and taking on people for the sake of wanting to argue the toss over ........well...nothing , because the pav situation has been gone over and over, tarred and feathered !

    Lets say that my conclusion of ion is that he is spurs through and through, and it obviously hurts the bloke to see us fans turn on the clubs manager when he has only been in charge just over the one season..............and that is the core of the problem ! we have turned on managers because they havent had that instant fix, god knows how long bill nic or keith burkinshaw would have lasted under the pressure todays managers have to endure..........bill nic wasnt instant and keith took us down, under todays logic both would have been sacked very very soon,,,,,,,, and look what we would have missed.

    As for cliques, how do you get cliques with people that have never met each other.?

    Last edited by lewspurs on Wed Mar 03 2010, 10:14; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : mispelling)

    Fao tress ! Empty Re: Fao tress !

    Post by djfitzo Wed Mar 03 2010, 19:04

    Bloody cheek, you blew me out (only joking), one night next week Lew, Tuesday ok?

    Fao tress ! Empty Re: Fao tress !

    Post by Guest Wed Mar 03 2010, 19:16

    djfitzo wrote:Bloody cheek, you blew me out (only joking), one night next week Lew, Tuesday ok?

    Tuesday next week same time as before dave.
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    Fao tress ! Empty Re: Fao tress !

    Post by ionman34 Wed Mar 03 2010, 19:30

    Lew, you make the mistake of thinking that a logical argument will sink in.

    You compounded that mistake by believing that, where I'm concerned, reason will have any possible chance of penetrating.

    He's been away for a few weeks now and it's apparent that he's been stewing on this the entire time. Why people take an argument so to heart is beyond me.

    Don't waste your breath mate. Some people nurse grudges and just can't move on. When presented with reasonable people who happen to agree with me, it then becomes 'cliquey' and, therefore, excuses the weakness of his argument.

    LOL, argument ..................... Who am I kidding?

    Fao tress ! Empty Re: Fao tress !

    Post by Guest Wed Mar 03 2010, 20:02

    ionman34 wrote:Lew, you make the mistake of thinking that a logical argument will sink in.

    You compounded that mistake by believing that, where I'm concerned, reason will have any possible chance of penetrating.

    He's been away for a few weeks now and it's apparent that he's been stewing on this the entire time. Why people take an argument so to heart is beyond me.

    Don't waste your breath mate. Some people nurse grudges and just can't move on. When presented with reasonable people who happen to agree with me, it then becomes 'cliquey' and, therefore, excuses the weakness of his argument.

    LOL, argument ..................... Who am I kidding?

    I think the problem here ion is that appearing to lose a debate on this forum is a bit different to say losing an argument while you are having a few drinks with mates in the local, you can just laugh it off there, while here is a little bit more public.
    I personally wouldnt argue with anyone unless i was convinced in my own mind that i was right.

    Tress is pretty well new on here, i was a little sensitive on the old aol board and got in some right rows, because i didnt like the terseness of some replies to my views, and i think tress maybe is a bit like i was then ? however several years later you realise some people will protect their side of the debate to the hilt, my attitude now is just to cop out, have a beer and watch one of my spurs dvds.
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    Fao tress ! Empty Re: Fao tress !

    Post by ionman34 Wed Mar 03 2010, 21:10

    That's what I mean though Lew. You get into a debate here and you need to approach it with an open mind. If someone proves a preconceived opinion as wrong then I see it as gaining more knowledge rather than resenting the fact that I was proven wrong.
    You know how I am, I present any argument forcefully and back it up. I know I can get prickly at times but that is solely when I get into one with a mind like a locked door. The absolute refusal to accept any other point of view but their own, even when their argument lies in tatters, absolutely baffles me.
    I'm told I won't accept the view of anyone else but, and I keep saying this, when you offer proof that your view is correct, and mine wrong, I will gladly accept it. I'm not asking much, just an Adult exchange of views.

    You all know how much I detest the 'fickle' badge we have. Now I know that we are no worse than many others but, let's face it, we have our fair share. Now I can understand their frustrations as I've lived through 37 years of them but I also know the game and understand that success doesn't come instantly, it takes time and since the AOHELL days I've been trying to get this through the densest heads. All the evidence is there, overwhelmingly so, that continuity and trust are the ingredients that some on here aren't prepared to swallow. If I live to be a hundred I'll never understand how so much evidence can be ignored, sometimes vehemently.

    You tell me mate 'cos I'm stumped.

    Fao tress ! Empty Re: Fao tress !

    Post by djfitzo Wed Mar 03 2010, 22:44

    ionman34 wrote:That's what I mean though Lew. You get into a debate here and you need to approach it with an open mind. If someone proves a preconceived opinion as wrong then I see it as gaining more knowledge rather than resenting the fact that I was proven wrong.
    You know how I am, I present any argument forcefully and back it up. I know I can get prickly at times but that is solely when I get into one with a mind like a locked door. The absolute refusal to accept any other point of view but their own, even when their argument lies in tatters, absolutely baffles me.
    I'm told I won't accept the view of anyone else but, and I keep saying this, when you offer proof that your view is correct, and mine wrong, I will gladly accept it. I'm not asking much, just an Adult exchange of views.

    You all know how much I detest the 'fickle' badge we have. Now I know that we are no worse than many others but, let's face it, we have our fair share. Now I can understand their frustrations as I've lived through 37 years of them but I also know the game and understand that success doesn't come instantly, it takes time and since the AOHELL days I've been trying to get this through the densest heads. All the evidence is there, overwhelmingly so, that continuity and trust are the ingredients that some on here aren't prepared to swallow. If I live to be a hundred I'll never understand how so much evidence can be ignored, sometimes vehemently.

    I think it comes with age mate, I remember going to many matches and thinking gid rid of the manager, its only over many years that ive acquired the tolerance needed to support Spurs!!

    You tell me mate 'cos I'm stumped.

    Fao tress ! Empty Re: Fao tress !

    Post by BazSpur Wed Mar 03 2010, 23:40

    I think the problem sometimes is that posters have a view but can't explain in laymen's terms why they have that view. Sometimes posters find it hard to get their views across. Some posters like Ion, Arnie and others find it easy to get their point across. The problem also is that a debate about why you think this way or that way can go on forever. Example being. "why do you think that? "because of this". But I don't agree that that is a valid point" "Well, I do because of so snd so" ad infinitum. In that case both posters think they are right and have put valid points across but neither will accept what the other says. I get fed up at that point and usually say "We'll have to agree to disagree", because I have lost the will to live by that time anyway lol. I think the problem with Ion and Shaun is for whatever reason they have a clash of personalities, maybe it beacause they both live in Aussie lol. Not really wanting to rake up past posts but I will anyway lol. Ion took umbrage at Shaun's use of the phrase soft cocks and said Shaun had called Ion a soft cock which incidentally he didn't and I did point that out at the time Ion along with another poster. The whole thing spiralled out of control from there. We are where we are now and where we are is that Ion and Shaun don't like each other. Its a personality clash. I had the same thing with Anicoll on AOHell, whenever he posted something it got my back up straight away. It ended up with him putting me on ignore but hey I got over it lol. You can be prickly Ion as you have pointed out and Shaun can too and I think with two posters who have that trait its never gonna work. Sometimes if you can't persuade a poster to see your point of view you just have to leave it at that. I certainly don't think labelling them dense is the way forward. Personally I find that condescending.
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    Fao tress ! Empty Re: Fao tress !

    Post by ionman34 Thu Mar 04 2010, 00:02

    Baz, I neither like him nor dislike him.

    Oh and calling someone dense is hardly a compliment is it? LOL

    Fao tress ! Empty Re: Fao tress !

    Post by BazSpur Thu Mar 04 2010, 00:17

    Oh and calling someone dense is hardly a compliment is it? LOL

    No, its not mate that was my point.

    since the AOHELL days I've been trying to get this through the densest heads.

    I have to ask the question now then. If posters don't agree with you does that make them dense?
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    Fao tress ! Empty Re: Fao tress !

    Post by ionman34 Thu Mar 04 2010, 08:20

    [quote="BazSpur (Admin)"]Oh and calling someone dense is hardly a compliment is it? LOL

    No, its not mate that was my point.

    since the AOHELL days I've been trying to get this through the densest heads.

    [b]I have to ask the question now then. If posters don't agree with you does that make them dense?

    Not in the slightest, as long as they can produce something to back themselves up. Sound reasoning always wins me over. They're dense because sound reasoning has zero effect on them.

    Call it condescending if you want mate, the facts speak for themselves.

    The trouble is that they seem to be speaking in a foreign language where some are concerned.

    Fao tress ! Empty Re: Fao tress !

    Post by BazSpur Thu Mar 04 2010, 09:48

    I think sometimes though you have to cut posters a bit of slack Ion. Maybe some don't want to get into a debate about it. You know what its like for some people. They have their thoughts and views and some just don't want to argue the toss. Maybe, just maybe they realise you are a good debater and feel a little put off by entering into a debate with you. I dunno mate there may be many reasons they don't want to put out their reasons (I know reasons twice in the same sentence lol) for thinking the way they do. I don't question everything people say unless they say it to me. You question even if its not put to you. I am not saying thats wrong just that sometimes posters may not want to enter into a debate about it. Maybe they feel intimidated by you. Maybe they feel that whatever they say will be seized upon and ripped to pieces which you are more than capable of doing. End of the day Ion anyone can say anything they like and to be honest they really don't have to explain why they said what they said. If however they enter into a debate and say you are wrong then I agree they should explain why. Its not about being dense or thick. Its about being on a forum and having a point of view where if you don't want to, you don't have to explain yourself to anyone.

    Fao tress ! Empty Re: Fao tress !

    Post by Guest Thu Mar 04 2010, 10:58

    would bale be starting if ekotto hadnt got injurid. of course he wouldnt. same for pav. suddenley harry says hes a bad trainer but didnt mention this last season. . think of all those games we needed a goal and harry the wise man brought on a defender instead of pav. to think if harry never brought pav on for the last 14mins on a crap pitch at wigan and he hadntt scored we mite stil be playin crouch.
    crouch the guy who just cant seem to score no matter how many chances hes presented with.
    harry has done a decent job but to call him a god is just stupid. hes got a better team of players then jol had
    remember them players zamora tanino etherington mido gardner ghaly atouba remember them yet we stil finised 5th with east that season. we are 2 loseses away from7th
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    Fao tress ! Empty Re: Fao tress !

    Post by ArnieArdiles Thu Mar 04 2010, 17:54

    Thanks for being complimentary regarding my posts Baz , not sure you're entirely right ..I actualy think there are times where Im like a broken record but then, it's about our beloved Spurs so Im sure all you good Spurs people cut me some slack on this , Legend too Fao tress ! Lol
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    Fao tress ! Empty Re: Fao tress !

    Post by ionman34 Thu Mar 04 2010, 19:39

    [quote="BazSpur (Admin)"]I think sometimes though you have to cut posters a bit of slack Ion. Maybe some don't want to get into a debate about it. You know what its like for some people. They have their thoughts and views and some just don't want to argue the toss.

    Fair point Baz. But on the flip side, why would you offer an opinion if you weren't prepared to argue it? Take Lought for an example, where Redknapp is concerned we are on opposite poles in our assessment. I disagree totally with Lought but he backs up what he says with the facts, as he sees them, and I have the utmost respect for him on that.

    Sometimes I am overbearing I know, and I can only apologise to those posters I respect, which is the vast majority, if I have ever put that thought into your heads. The thing is, it's the outlandish or undermining posts that I take umbrage with. And be honest mate, when have I ever initiated a slanging match? I'll read a post that looks to undermine and respond to every point with a counter argument.
    I do it because it needs to be out there. If all you hear is negative then it stands to reason that you'll start believing it after a while. I see only positive in what is being built and I feel that, as a SUPPORTER, I need to support it.

    Maybe, just maybe they realise you are a good debater and feel a little put off by entering into a debate with you.

    That's sad really because I enjoy it regardless of who I'm debating with. I've had some really great long term conversations on here with people I disagreed with. Never a bad word spoken and both parties coming out a little bit wiser for the experience.
    I don't get into tear ups with these guys as there's give and take and acceptance of ideas and opinions. I got into the last tear up after being called a 'soft cock' because I reminded the poster of just where we are and who has taken us there.
    Before you say it Baz, whether it was directly at me or just Harry supporters in general, as I'm one of them it was then directed at me.

    And anyone else who believes we have a good manager.

    Have a think about that mate. It kind of went under the radar that he sent the insult at the majority of the board, yourself included.

    I dunno mate there may be many reasons they don't want to put out their reasons (I know reasons twice in the same sentence lol) for thinking the way they do. I don't question everything people say unless they say it to me. You question even if its not put to you.

    It's on a public forum mate! It was a contentious opinion on a contentious subject.

    This is open debate mate, private messages are for MSN.

    I am not saying thats wrong just that sometimes posters may not want to enter into a debate about it.

    See above.

    Maybe they feel intimidated by you.

    That certainly wasn't the case here was it. He kicked it off, he entered into the debate with me, he didn't like what he heard so he resorted to insults and I responded in kind. You told us to rein it in and I respected your request.

    He then disappeared for a few weeks, comes back onto the pages and, from first post to last, he's been spoiling for it. He initiated another one by addressing me directly, I responded like an Adult giving him an opinion and asking him his.

    My response was 'Bring it on Bitch!'

    Twice now and you think I might be the aggressive one LOL!!

    Maybe they feel that whatever they say will be seized upon and ripped to pieces which you are more than capable of doing.

    Only when provoked to it though Baz, my first recourse is always to get into a decent debate.

    End of the day Ion anyone can say anything they like and to be honest they really don't have to explain why they said what they said.

    There we disagree Baz. I'm a great believer that if you want to put it out there then you'd damned well better be prepared to back it. You have no right to slag off any part of my team if I don't have the right to defend it. What p*sses these people off is that I defend it better than they can attack it.

    What does it tell you about these people? When offered a strong argument showing them that things are much better than they think do these people feel better? Or do they shut it out because they don't fancy the manager and want the team dismantled once again until they get one they do?

    You'd have thought we'd have learned our lesson with Hoddle.

    If however they enter into a debate and say you are wrong then I agree they should explain why.

    Which is precisely the situation here mate. Have you read the Ruck Room posts mate? I was civil with the guy right up until the point where the guy called me an idiot because he was unable to read the post correctly.

    The response is probably why we haven't seen him on here for the past few days.

    I never singled him out, quite the opposite actually. But he made his own bed so now let him lie in it.

    Its not about being dense or thick. Its about being on a forum and having a point of view where if you don't want to, you don't have to explain yourself to anyone.

    Again we'll have to agree to differ there mate. On an open forum you have no right to an opinion if no one else has the right to question it.
    If you have an opinion but cannot give a reason why you have that opinion the, I'm sorry mate, but that really is dense. Might as well be a Parrot mouthing off words because you heard someone else saying them.

    You have my utmost respect Baz, along with many others on here, because you are able to argue and, more than that, you have the open mind necessary to accept other ideas and integrate them into your thinking.

    Truly mate, I'm not here to score points and I don't set out to belittle people. I do well in arguments because I'm informed on the subject. If I'm not then I'll either shut up or offer a supposition. Normally the latter because I hope to get people thinking in a more positive vein.

    I'm not sorry for the way I treated Tress, all I did was pay him in his own coin. However, if you or anyone else has found me offensive then I apologise.
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    Fao tress ! Empty Re: Fao tress !

    Post by tressman1 Thu Mar 04 2010, 22:01

    Think I made myself clear in the open letter to Arry thread which should answer you points, just to add that IMO people do not need to personally know each other to form a relationship where one person can and wants to defend another, you know him on here thats enough for a relationship IMO

    Fao tress ! Empty Re: Fao tress !

    Post by BazSpur Thu Mar 04 2010, 22:23

    Which is precisely the situation here
    mate. Have you read the Ruck Room posts mate? I was civil with the guy
    right up until the point where the guy called me an idiot because he
    was unable to read the post correctly.

    Yes I read it Ion and I agree with you. Like Lew says he used to be like Shaun but realised there was a better way to do things.

    Truly mate, I'm not here to score points
    and I don't set out to belittle people. I do well in arguments because
    I'm informed on the subject. If I'm not then I'll either shut up or
    offer a supposition. Normally the latter because I hope to get people
    thinking in a more positive vein.

    Well, don't think I don't take on board what you say Ion because I do. I may not say it but there have ben many times on AOHell and on here where you have made me re-think my position on a stance I have taken. I may not always tell you but it has happened.

    I'm not sorry for the way I treated
    Tress, all I did was pay him in his own coin. However, if you or anyone
    else has found me offensive then I apologise.

    I only found one statement offensive because like you said yourself mate when you say something such as soft cocks or dense people you are saying it about everyone which is why I mentioned it but as you say this is a forum. Things get said. Anyway I am losing the will to live on this one now
    Fao tress ! Lol so I am done with it. Feel free to answer any of the points though as I know you will anyway lol but don't expect an answer back mate.
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    Fao tress ! Empty Re: Fao tress !

    Post by ionman34 Fri Mar 05 2010, 00:39

    No I think this one's done to death mate.

    Moving on.

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