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    Redknapp off to Liverpool stories.


    Redknapp off to Liverpool stories. Empty Redknapp off to Liverpool stories.

    Post by BazSpur Mon Jun 07 2010, 04:53

    I am getting real sick of this now. Everywhere you look there is a story of Harry leaving us for The Pool. I wouldn't mind if there was nothing else to write stories about in football.
    4th Division
    4th Division

    Redknapp off to Liverpool stories. Empty Re: Redknapp off to Liverpool stories.

    Post by Pavlar Mon Jun 07 2010, 05:10

    Him and Kenny doing soccer aid i can see Harry leaving

    Redknapp off to Liverpool stories. Empty Re: Redknapp off to Liverpool stories.

    Post by BazSpur Mon Jun 07 2010, 05:22

    Well, if he goes he goes but I won't be happy.
    Champions League
    Champions League

    Redknapp off to Liverpool stories. Empty Re: Redknapp off to Liverpool stories.

    Post by shearspur Mon Jun 07 2010, 05:29

    hope hes got locking wheel nuts if he does go.

    Redknapp off to Liverpool stories. Empty Re: Redknapp off to Liverpool stories.

    Post by BazSpur Mon Jun 07 2010, 05:42

    The thing that worries me at the moment is like when all Berbatoss stories were circulating Harry hasn't come out yet and quashed the stories. I hope I am wrong but this does have a familiar ring to it. A case of deja-vu, that we have been here before feeling. I really can't see that Harry will do the off to the hub cap stealer's but until he says he is not interested we will continue to doubt him. I read a post on the net that pointed out that Harry has done it before so why not again.

    Redknapp off to Liverpool stories. Empty Re: Redknapp off to Liverpool stories.

    Post by cstmrsking Mon Jun 07 2010, 06:36

    Harry's a Hustler. He just playing the leverage game. Waiting to see whats on offer. Is Harry still waiting for talks with Levy over contract renewals. If so then Levy needs to pull his finger out.
    Any how it all speculation. It make sense that after the season that Harry has had,
    that he will be approached other Clubs.
    I think that, Harry, is now a Hotspur! the Club is in his blood now. I would be very surprised if he went off to a skint Northern Club.

    Redknapp off to Liverpool stories. Empty Re: Redknapp off to Liverpool stories.

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 07 2010, 07:24

    Bottom line is 'arry would be a fool to go. And, wily old fox 'arry is, he must know that. Look at both teams and who would you bring in from 'Pool to us ? Gerrard & Torres, maybe Mascherano ? We are stronger throughout the starting team, and the season gone has proven this, and we have more strength in depth. We are in a much better position financially. We have a stable chairman & board and well laid plans for future development. It's a no brainer ! I am sure, tho', that 'arry is flattered by the speculation & possible underlying fact. The esteem that he is now held in through the English game means any high profile vaccancy will have the meeja speculating. It must be an honour for him to be linked with clubs like Liverpool & you can't blame him too much for 'milking' it just a bit. My real fear is that after the World Cup Cappello could leave. Then I think we see an attempt by the FA to replace him with a high profile English manager of good standing. That Ladies & Gentlemen would be one Henry James "Harry" Redknapp. And that might just be a job to tempt him . . . . . .

    Redknapp off to Liverpool stories. Empty Re: Redknapp off to Liverpool stories.

    Post by DJSR Mon Jun 07 2010, 07:42

    I wouldnt read too much into it lads. Our top players at Spurs have just signed new contracts (Modric & Bale of recent), and by them doing this, i believe that Harry isnt going anywhere. Its probably the Gooner supporters in the Media stirring things up as usual. Just goes to show how jealous they really are, that Spurs have caught up the Woolwich Wanderers, and plus Fibreglass is doing the off, Spurs will be the top North London club, the future is THFC!

    Redknapp off to Liverpool stories. Empty Re: Redknapp off to Liverpool stories.

    Post by cstmrsking Mon Jun 07 2010, 08:04

    As long as we get the, Special one as our next Manager if Arry went then i dont care. lol

    No really, when you reach the Level of management, such as Wenger, Ferguson, Rafa, Mourinho, you dont start, Club hoping around the Prem like a prostitute.
    Just been on, Betfair, and Hodgson and MON are favs, Redknapp not far behind, but i can see Sven or Hughes as Manager.

    Redknapp off to Liverpool stories. Empty Re: Redknapp off to Liverpool stories.

    Post by cstmrsking Mon Jun 07 2010, 08:07

    Fiberglass! PMSL

    Redknapp off to Liverpool stories. Empty Re: Redknapp off to Liverpool stories.

    Post by DJSR Mon Jun 07 2010, 08:10


    Redknapp off to Liverpool stories. Empty Re: Redknapp off to Liverpool stories.

    Post by BazSpur Mon Jun 07 2010, 08:18

    Redknapp off to Liverpool stories. Lol

    Redknapp off to Liverpool stories. Empty Re: Redknapp off to Liverpool stories.

    Post by HotspurRoper Mon Jun 07 2010, 08:33

    Complete utter bollox lads, Harry is with us for the foreseeable........................... Were on the up and up and up and up, its happy days ahead so lets put these conspiricy theories to bed and get behind 'Arry!!!!!

    Redknapp off to Liverpool stories. Empty Re: Redknapp off to Liverpool stories.

    Post by totalytot Tue Jun 08 2010, 00:04

    I can't see it happening at all, there is no way he would want to go to Liverpool now after the contrasting season both teams have had. Us on the Up and them DOWN!! It might have been a different story a couple of seasons ago but they would never have offered him the job then and they have not offered him the job now. I don't see him as a the type of manager that liverpool go for and he's a cockney in there eyes and not what the fans would take to.
    We all know Harry is in it for what he can get out of it but I believe he is happy at what he has achieved at Spurs and is looking to see how far he can go with it. If he went to L'Pool he would have to start building all over again with no money.
    What we have to hope is that Harry has the ability to go that extra mile and take us to the top as only a few managers over the years have had that ability to get there and stay there. Quite a few have done it the once and then faded away, I hope Harry is not one of those. This season will show us once and for all if he is THE MAN!!
    He needs to buy wisely and sell what we don't need and not to let Levy look for a profit on our best players. That will take strength of Character to stand up to your chairman and say NO! they are not for sale. Ferguson does it, so does Marhinio and I believe Wenger probably is his own man also.
    So Harry will not go to L'Pool, he will stay with us and challenge for top honours.

    Mikey M

    Redknapp off to Liverpool stories. Empty Re: Redknapp off to Liverpool stories.

    Post by Guest Tue Jun 08 2010, 01:24

    no smoke without fire, liverpool are in the sh*t, just like u were when harry took over, this is what harrys good at and liverpool recognise this. i dont think he will go but wouldn be surprised if he did, harrys a breadhead afterall and if liverpool could find the money to up his money he will be tempted dont have any fear about that, i dont know liverpools finacial situation but rafa was on a 20 mill 5 year contract.

    Redknapp off to Liverpool stories. Empty Re: Redknapp off to Liverpool stories.

    Post by HotspurRoper Tue Jun 08 2010, 02:50

    "No smoke without fire" it just seems to be Gooners and Scousers wafting this smoke around, i hear Robbie Fowler stirring sh*t up this morning on SSN, am afraid all effots to lure 'Arry to Anfield will be in vain Bin Dippers, this cockney wide boy aint for turning!!!!

    Redknapp off to Liverpool stories. Empty Re: Redknapp off to Liverpool stories.

    Post by seebee1944 Tue Jun 08 2010, 03:33

    Been in Portsmouth for the weekend and they all reckon he'll go cos thats what he's like but I think they are not seeing the whole picture. BUT on a cautionary note I remember what he said at last years AGM something like my ambition for Spurs is to leave them as a champions league side. Well on the face of it he's achieved that but wouldn't he want to establish them further I hope so cos we can't go through the management roundabout again.

    Redknapp off to Liverpool stories. Empty Re: Redknapp off to Liverpool stories.

    Post by djfitzo Tue Jun 08 2010, 19:42

    I cant see him doubling his travelling time or his old woman letting him stay up in the Pool during the week.

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