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    Is Arry Having A Laugh. Empty Is Arry Having A Laugh.

    Post by BazSpur Tue Aug 03 2010, 04:41

    Article from vital Spurs Forums.

    Is Harry 'aving a laugh with us?

    In the afterglow of last season`s run-in almost as one Spurs supporters expectations rose, some might say unrealistically so.

    Fuel was thrown on this fire when Harry said that we only needed a bit of tweaking and a 'Marquee' signing..

    to some when we finished 4th we`d found the Holy Grail, Eldorado and
    the lost Ark all at the same time. This was it; now we`d be able to buy
    almost anyone we set our sights on; we were now a Champions league club.

    others, who seemingly took a more pragmatic view it meant nothing more
    than a welcome return to Europe with the prospect of playing with the
    big boys, (assuming of course that we`d got past the little matter of a
    qualifier). To some it was another step in the right direction after
    years of seeing our hopes raised and then dashed and shouldn't be seen
    as nothing more or nothing less.

    Not long after the celebrations
    ended, like many of us apparently Harry`s thoughts turned to what we
    needed to do to ensure we would remain in contention for another 4th
    place finish and acquit ourselves well in Europe.

    Harry seemed
    so buoyed by what he`d achieved that he uttered what now seems the
    infamous phrase that we needed 'a Marquee signing`...this almost to a
    man was understood to mean a big name signing with a huge ticket price,
    almost certainly a new club record.

    Since then, we`ve waited
    patiently for any sign of one; Joe Cole was perhaps who he had in mind,
    but a large body of posters seemed to think that he wasn`t the one. To
    some fans delight we were being associated with some very unlikely big
    name targets, but predictably they all seem to have come to nothing.

    However, since Cole decided to move to Liverpool the lists of names we`ve been associated with are tough to see as 'Marquee`.

    still, Harry`s recent comments to the media (it seems almost a daily
    occurrence lately, so much so I wonder sometimes how he gets the time to
    manage the players!) in respect of just about any player from any club
    from anywhere in continental Europe seems to have been; (I paraphrase) "
    I like him alot, he`s a triffic player, but his wages maybe a problem
    or he would cost too much money "..everytime I heard it I'd just grin a
    little with a knowing smile and think to myself, 'he just can't stop

    Harry`s now standard phrase was trotted out once again
    this weekend when asked about Stephen Ireland. Now in fairness I`m not a
    big fan of Ireland, to me he`s had one decent half season and has gone
    backwards ever since, but that`s beside the point. What really made me
    raise my eyebrows was Harry doing his scrooge impression as he exclaimed
    that £10-12 million was too rich for us. When I read his latest missive
    I didn't grin this time, he'd finally got to me and I can't pretend I'm
    not a little worried by his comments now.

    Given his recent
    remark of 'we don`t need to spend alot of money` and given our recent
    attempt to sign Parker (another player I can`t get excited about) there
    are more than a few supporters and posters who are beginning to think
    that Harry has either led us up the garden path, lost the plot or there
    is something fundamentally wrong that now seems to be stopping us dead
    in our tracks when it comes to signing anyone that we would remotely see
    as a 'marquee` signing; in other words a player that`s likely to get
    the blood racing.

    Recently when one enterprising journalist
    finally started to see Harry`s contradictions and pressed him, Harry
    trotted out that 'we are a wealthy well run club`.

    So what are we Harry; Hard up or wealthy?

    is it far more simple and all this angst he`s helping fuel is because
    Harry can`t resist making a comment to the media that he thinks will be
    'helpful` to our chairmen getting the targets that he`s given him?

    I know is that I`ve never seen so many arguments developing inside our
    forums and all across the internet about the quality and age of the
    players we`re being linked with. So much so, that a large body of fans
    seem to have already written off our chances of emulating last season.
    The argument goes that all our rivals have strengthened and by virtue of
    us doing nothing or buying the players we`re being associated with in
    the press we are rapidly going backwards.

    This feeling of anxiety
    amongst the faithful also seems to have reached Harry as one of his
    recent comments recently seemed intended to justify his choice of
    targets when he said (I paraphrase again) "You don`t win anything with

    With just over four weeks of the transfer window
    remaining I can`t help thinking that we are now firmly in 'put up or
    shut up` territory and that either Harry will either get who he wants or
    if he doesn`t that he`ll soon be implying that we couldn`t afford the
    signings he really wanted?

    I believe Harry has earned the right
    to build the squad the way he thinks it needs to be progressed, but am I
    alone in wishing he`d just keep his thoughts to himself for a couple of
    weeks? He`s doing my 'ead in!

      Current date/time is Sun Jul 07 2024, 05:23