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    Post by Guest Fri Dec 17 2010, 19:47

    I know the subject of jol has run its course on this forum, over the years and particularly after the events of his sacking, but in retrospect you have to sit back and think where would we be if he was still in charge today.

    Would he finally have got us above 5th, would he have gotten us involved in a relegation fight, might he have won a cup or something in the last few years that ramos and then harry have since been in charge ?

    Well its all immaterial really but with nobody posting much i thought i would ask the question.

    In my own opinion i dont think we would have gone down under jol, but i dont think he would have taken us any further than he had already done in the seasons before .

    You have to ask the question " what has he done since " ? and of course the major one of "would you want him in charge now " instead of harry?

    Jol was good for spurs and a proud man who was badly treated, but i personally dont think he would have achieved what harry has done in his short time as i suppose you have to say that it all happened for the best even though it wasnt nice at the time .

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    Post by ionman34 Fri Dec 17 2010, 21:00

    Decent question Lew and worthy of debate.

    It's no secret that I was extremely pro Jol during his tenure. Many thought that it was a blind devotion thing, even though I explained myself time and time again that he required time to get things right. We were still in a transition phase, at Spurs, whilst he was with us. Our player turnover was still in full swing as we 'traded up' on players in various positions, many of the team were youngsters still finding their feet and learning their trade.
    We were in a time of trouble, with players learning at the wrong end of the table but, through it all, I still felt that he could have turned it around and made the bond between him and the players that much stronger.

    Look at the resilience of this team now, after being put through the rigours of fighting a relegation battle. They found a self belief in themselves that has been missing at Spurs for too long.

    Whether Jol would have taken us where we are now? Why not? He took us to 5th twice in a row with a transitional team. Had he been allowed to see the troubles through I think you'd have seen him grow along with the team and achieve top 4.

    In all honesty, I don't really think you can point at what he's done since and use that as proof that he wasn't up to it. He has had to build up teams wherever he's gone to get them towards challenging and the progress, for all those teams, hasn't been swift enough for the hierarchy's liking.

    Be that as it may, we've seen how so many managers can be successful with one team and have a mare with the next they move on to.

    There are exceptions, but not many.

    The key is time and resources Lew. I thought that Jol had done more than enough to earn himself the right to be given that time, unfortunately the board, and the loud minority, saw it otherwise. Waiting over 50 years for a title shot obviously never taught them the value of patience.

    It would be nice to believe that they've learned the lesson and gained greater patience, but I don't hold out much hope for that, or Harry, should he have a poor season by current expectations.

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    Post by BazSpur Fri Dec 17 2010, 21:51

    A Rep for Lew, what a good question and a Rep for ion for his answer.My own thoughts are much along the lines of ion's. Why not? The other thing to remember is the team that Ramos won the Carling Cup with were mainly Jol's so I don't see any reason why he couldn't have done the same. Lets face it Ramos couldn't even speak English which in the end if you take as gospel was the reason he was sacked. As ion said Jol got us fifth place twice and was very unlucky not to get 4th because of Lasagne gate. Had we got CL with Jol who knows what would have happened? It could have been a fillip to Jol and the whole team and we may have matured very quickly as we have under Harry. I really don't think we would have gone down under Jol but who can say. Would I want him back now? No, not while Arry still wants to be with us. At some future date? Yep, I would give him another go and this time hopefully his hands wouldn't be tied by the chairman and the director of football. The big fella hinted recently in and interview that Comolli was the problem during Jol's tenure. I loved the big man at Spurs. He was a breath of fresh air in a stagnant game at that time. He was idolised and still is by thousands.

    Last edited by BazSpur on Fri Dec 17 2010, 23:20; edited 1 time in total
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    Post by LOBO Fri Dec 17 2010, 22:28

    I'd love to see Jol replace Redknapp when the england job comes up, i think jol has gained alot more experience since his departure .. crazy but who esle is there ..jol wont take anyother job in england because of his ties to THFC i believe

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    Post by seebee1944 Fri Dec 17 2010, 22:33

    Wasn't just lasagnegate it was two points dropped at OT despite Mendes "goal" we would have been fourth with those. Yeah I wouldn't mind the big man back when/if Harry goes.

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    Post by Guest Fri Dec 17 2010, 23:15

    Excellent question Lew. I think Big Mart would have taken us further had he been given the time to do so. Footballing dynastys are not built in 1 or 2 seasons but over many. I see a lot of similarites between Big Mart & 'arry in the style of play & a naivety at times with the use of subs and changing tactics through a game. This is not a criticism of either. Just part of their attacking styles. As for what he has acheived since, well 5th with Hamburg and the semi's of German Cup & Uefa Cup, then runners-up in Dutch League and the Dutch Cup (also scoring goals for fun) with Ajax was not too sad at all. OK he blew it in the C/L but 'arry nearly did in the qualifying. I was always a huge fan of his and should the circumstances ever be right I would love to see him back at The Lane . . . . .

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    Post by Guest Sat Dec 18 2010, 09:44

    Ion, baz and all, i have to answer truthfully that i personally think there is a lot of sentimentality attached to martin jol, from spurs supporters.....especially regarding the nature of his sacking !

    .....and i really dont want to incite a paragraph dissection from ion on this matter because it really is a contentious subject, but for all he did at spurs there is really one aspect of his managerial qualities that we all questioned on the old aol board, namely his tactical prowess.

    It was a chink in his armour.......i remember the game against ramos,s seville, the game that made ramos look like a manager on another planet, so much so that levy chased after him and besmirched the name of tottenham hotspur.

    But i didnt bring the subject up to knock martin because i have to admit in that last fatal season he had lost so many defenders, that such an intelligent man as levy didnt see the situation as it truly was.

    It will always be a mystery ! whether jol would have gone on and achieved what harry has done..who knows ? but yes i would like to see him back at whl one day and he did promise the fans he would be back..... Wink

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    Post by Guest Sat Dec 18 2010, 11:32

    hes a really nice guy who done ok for us.
    would we have won the carling cup with jol here. nope no way.

    hes teams was always unfit. played for 60minutes then they run out of puff. theres no way he would have the balls to to take our right back off at half time aganst chelsea and go for it.

    every since hes left spurs he spends 1 maybe 2 seasons at a club then jumps ship.

    the truth is as a person i trust and like him more then harry but i dont think jol would of got us where harry has

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    Post by cstmrsking Sun Dec 19 2010, 11:13

    Would Levy ask him back?
    Would Jol come back after the way he went?
    Is Jol a better manager than the cureent top 4/5 Managers/
    Do I like Jol, yes.
    Jol done a Fab Job for us after Santini walked out on us.
    Jol Done what he had to do.
    The Big Q is this in my opinion, is Jol a better Mangaer than Harry?
    After Harry, do we need a beter Manager than Harry?

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    Post by ionman34 Sun Dec 19 2010, 20:40

    cstmrsking wrote:Would Levy ask him back?
    Would Jol come back after the way he went?
    Is Jol a better manager than the cureent top 4/5 Managers/
    Do I like Jol, yes.
    Jol done a Fab Job for us after Santini walked out on us.
    Jol Done what he had to do.
    The Big Q is this in my opinion, is Jol a better Mangaer than Harry?
    After Harry, do we need a beter Manager than Harry?

    Good questions all Kingy. The best ones being the last two.

    Is Jol better than Harry? Hard to answer that one as I've never really seen Jol's teams play enough, since he left Spurs, to judge whether he's learnt any more since he left us. If he has progressed no further then I'd have to say no.

    Do we need a better manager after Harry? Hopefully it's a while before we have to find out. I think it'd have to be an established name though, particularly if we end up Champions under Harry, which I fully expect by the way. Players with that nder theirbelt will need to have a manager they respect, althoug this doesn'tnecessarily mean they won't respect someone like, say, Clive Allen.

    Like I said, hopefully it'll be a good while before we need to find out.

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    Post by cstmrsking Sun Dec 19 2010, 23:55

    Would it not be possible for Harry to Manage Club and Country? I dont know how these things work.
    However, It is some time of As Ion points out (Thanks for the reply)
    I think Arry would be involved in apponting his sucsessor.
    Clive Allen Gets my Vote.

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    Post by totalytot Tue Dec 21 2010, 22:26

    I, like most on here, liked Jol a lot and for a couple of seasons he gave us hope. But could he have done what Harry has done I don't believe so and I also think had he stayed we probably would have gone down.

    I think he had taken us as far as he could go and don't forget that another reason he was fired was that he had "lost the dressing room." Players, supposedly were not happy with his tactics.

    I agree when Lew says that a lot of it is sentimentality with Jol. Zola was a nice guy but not a good manager. Be thankful that he has gone or we would not have Harry and be were we are now.

    I remember when it seemed that time was running out for Jol and he could be leaving, someone on a radio station, I think it was TALK sport, said that a "insider" has said the feeling at the club was that he had been a lucky manager and his time is up.

    That criticism could I suppose be leveled at Harry but who cares we are riding high and what ever he has or does is working but in the end it wasn't for big Mart.

    Mikey M

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