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    Queensland Floods

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    Queensland Floods Empty Queensland Floods

    Post by ionman34 Tue Jan 11 2011, 22:51

    Goddamn scary guys.

    I don't know if you've seen the footage of the Toowoomba 'inland Tsunami' but, if you haven't, take a look at just what Mother Nature can do to the unprepared, or even the prepared for that matter.

    Spare a thought for those poor souls who lost their lives, both in Toowoomba and also in the Lockyer Valley.

    The latest is that large areas of Brisbane, Ipswich and surrounding suburbs have been evacuated in anticipation of the surge of water expected between today and Thursday. It is expected that up to one third of the City of Ipswich will be under water by this evening, the river is expected to peak at approx 22m. That is 22m higher than its usual level!

    Ipswich is just half an hour away from where I live.

    In Brisbane, the river has already burst its banks and is expected to rise higher than it did in the 1974 floods. If you've never seen the footage of the '74 floods then look them up, there's something harrowing about seeing vast tracts of a city underwater. The fact that we also have a King Tide due on Thursday just compounds the troubles.

    Spare a thought for all those poor unfortunates who will now be left homeless and in shelter until the waters subside, only to have to go through the heartache of rebuilding once more.

    Spare also your prayers for those who will lose their lives, along with those who already have. It is inevitable when a disaster like this occurs and one can only hope that it is minimal.

    I'm one of the lucky ones who lives in a suburb relatively unaffected. We are on higher ground so remain relatively safe, although we are gearing up for loss of power over the next few days so I may not be on here for a bit.

    It's funny you know. So often, whilst living in the UK, I'd see so many disasters on the news, feeling sad but still detatched from the reality of the situation.

    Now it's on my doorstep and the reality is heartbreaking.

    If nothing else, it puts into perspective just what is important.


    Queensland Floods Empty Re: Queensland Floods

    Post by BazSpur Tue Jan 11 2011, 23:32

    Been watching it all happen over here ion. My heart really does go out to all the people that are suffering so much loss over there at the moment. I was watching scenes last night as water cascaded down a street in Aussie, sorry, I didn't catch where it was but the water was literally sweeping cars and big 4x4s down the road like they were match sticks, I couldn't believe how easily the flood water took them away. Must admit there was a lump in my throat as I saw two people clinging onto a thin rope as they were trying to get to safety. It looks horrific mate. You and your family keep safe fella. Let us know you are OK when you get the chance.

    Queensland Floods Empty Re: Queensland Floods

    Post by BazSpur Tue Jan 11 2011, 23:35

    Due to the obvious importance of this I moved this thread to Spurs Chat so that everyone will see it. I know not many people look at General chat. It will stay here until it has run it's course then I will move it back.
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    Queensland Floods Empty Re: Queensland Floods

    Post by anicoll5 Wed Jan 12 2011, 00:22

    Having watched the cataclysm unfolding over the past few days and today's images of vehicles bobbing up and down like empty KFC boxes not much else to say but take it easy and keep your brolly to hand !
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    Queensland Floods Empty Re: Queensland Floods

    Post by ionman34 Wed Jan 12 2011, 00:29

    BazSpur wrote:Been watching it all happen over here ion. My heart really does go out to all the people that are suffering so much loss over there at the moment. I was watching scenes last night as water cascaded down a street in Aussie, sorry, I didn't catch where it was but the water was literally sweeping cars and big 4x4s down the road like they were match sticks, I couldn't believe how easily the flood water took them away. Must admit there was a lump in my throat as I saw two people clinging onto a thin rope as they were trying to get to safety. It looks horrific mate. You and your family keep safe fella. Let us know you are OK when you get the chance.

    Mate, that was in Toowoomba, and that wasn't the worst of it. Those same flood waters then swept down to lower lying towns and wiped them out. They have been showing footage over here of houses (Queenslanders) that were swept off their pilings and carried down river. They showed houses that had had the back walls of the garages smashed down by the water, this is brick walls, with the garage doors blown outward by the force.

    Apparently this 'inland Tsunami' got up to around 8m high when it got to the lower towns. One of the people who died was a 4 year old child who was swept away.

    I'm in tears as I write this because my kids are asleep at the moment and I can't help thinking how lucky I am and how distraught the parents of that child must be.

    I have friends who recently moved out to Ipswich. We have rung them to make sure they are OK, they were in the process of sand bagging their home before getting out of the area.

    Never seen anything like this in all my days.

    Thanks for the kind wishes, I'll keep you guys up to date as much as I can

    Queensland Floods Empty Re: Queensland Floods

    Post by BazSpur Wed Jan 12 2011, 00:37

    As you say mate the power of nature. Yes please keep us updated when you can. I am sure we are all thinking of you and all the other people living there. It's at times like this that we all take stock and put our own lives in perspective.

    Queensland Floods Empty Re: Queensland Floods

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 12 2011, 06:24

    Have to say ion that the powers of nature are immense and very scary, i have been out on a boat fishing when the sea was calm, then within minutes we had to up anchor and head for shore, one minute the boat had 5 metres of sea below us, next it was 5 metres above us, my knees went to jelly when i had to pull up anchor because i was tossed around on the prow like a rag doll, bearing in mind this was a 25 foot cabin cruiser and not a boat built to withstand gale force 9s.

    At a market stall one day the wind got up and lifted the gazebo 12 feet in the air, then rolled it toward a crowd of people and ended up scraping the front of a supermarket, as i said scary and it was lucky no one got injured with the gazebo legs made of metal that could have ripped someone in half.

    Doesnt compare to the disaster you are witnessing, and of course it stands to reason our prayers go out to those people in danger of ! or who have lost their lives.

    Lew and Sharon

    Queensland Floods Empty Re: Queensland Floods

    Post by MarkA249 Wed Jan 12 2011, 07:21

    It looks really bad hope u r safe ion not only the floods but snake crocs and alligators loose sack that never go to kangaroo land. People here moan about a bit of snow.As well as all the people all the domestic pets too Sad

    Queensland Floods Empty Re: Queensland Floods

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 12 2011, 07:47

    Keep yourself & your family safe Ion. Thoughts are with you my friend . . . . . . .
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    Queensland Floods Empty Re: Queensland Floods

    Post by ionman34 Wed Jan 12 2011, 19:22

    Just been out trying to get through to some friends of ours in Collingwood Park, which is due to go under soon, without much success. They are currently OK but we are told that the floods are due to peak in this area at 4,30 tomorrow morning.

    Other friends, in Indooropilly, had to evacuate. They went to check on their home earlier to find that the water is currently 3 feet from their ceiling, with more to come.

    Thank you all for your well wishes. I'm happy to let you know that we are out of the danger area. With 75% of Queensland affected we really are lucky. Thank God the Wife and I chose Forest Lake to live in.
    75% of Queensland flooded guys, to give you some perspective that equates to approximately 5 UK's under water!

    Just hearing that the water supply may now be under threat.


    Queensland Floods Empty Re: Queensland Floods

    Post by seebee1944 Wed Jan 12 2011, 22:11

    Just heard on the news that an area the size of France/Germany underwater and still can't grasp the severity. I remember Boscastle a few years ago and caes being swept out to sea but that seems incomparable to this. Keep safe Ion and family
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    Queensland Floods Empty Re: Queensland Floods

    Post by ionman34 Wed Jan 12 2011, 22:46

    Just been witness to one of the most bizarre and amazing sights I think I'll ever see as long as I live ................... Bull Sharks chasing mullet.

    Along the Centenary Motorway!!!

    I sh*t you not, the flood waters have covered areas of the motorway and the sharks are hunting the mullet that have swum out from the river.

    So now we have Snakes swimming to higher ground, bearing in mind that 10 of the 11 deadliest snakes on the planet can be found in Queensland, Crocs being swept down with the flood waters, Spiders seeking dry ground and huge amounts of debris swirling around in treacherous eddies and currents.

    And to cap it all off we now have extremely aggressive Bull Sharks prowling the flood waters, which can't be seen as the waters are so silty, this particular sharks hunting conditions as they can often be found in Estuaries.

    Australia must REALLY have upset someone upstairs!
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    Queensland Floods Empty Re: Queensland Floods

    Post by anicoll5 Wed Jan 12 2011, 22:49

    Hmm .............. sharks chasing Chris Waddle

    Lovely image !

    Queensland Floods Empty Re: Queensland Floods

    Post by BazSpur Thu Jan 13 2011, 00:11

    Bloody hell ion, that must be scary. So I take it the bull sharks can hunt in fresh water as well as seawater? Fcuk that for laughing matey. It must be an awe inspiring sight to these animals swimming up a motorway though but just a little scary too. Keep safe with your family fella. They are saying on the news here that the waters are about to peak. Hopefully an end is in sight. Keep us updated mate.
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    Queensland Floods Empty Re: Queensland Floods

    Post by ionman34 Thu Jan 13 2011, 00:24

    BazSpur wrote:Bloody hell ion, that must be scary. So I take it the bull sharks can hunt in fresh water as well as seawater? Fcuk that for laughing matey. It must be an awe inspiring sight to these animals swimming up a motorway though but just a little scary too. Keep safe with your family fella. They are saying on the news here that the waters are about to peak. Hopefully an end is in sight. Keep us updated mate.

    Surreal Baz, really surreal.

    The flood waters have peaked in Ipswich and are due to peak tonight in Brisbane. However, the meteorologists have reported some really alarming news that there is another Cyclone developing off the North East coast. Now they are saying that it is due to move away from the coast, out to sea, but that it will also turn and head back to the East coast around the 26th 27th. They are predicting that it will be weakened by then but Cyclones are notoriously unpredictable and they are saying that 100 to 200mm of rain would be absolutely catastrophic.

    Unfortunately we look to be on tenterhooks for the next couple of Months as this is forecast to go on through to March.

    Queensland Floods Empty Re: Queensland Floods

    Post by BazSpur Thu Jan 13 2011, 00:38

    How high up are you ion? Obviously enough to be out of the way at he moment but another 100-200 mm of rain? Could the floods get to where you are? Is it affecting your work?
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    Queensland Floods Empty Re: Queensland Floods

    Post by ionman34 Thu Jan 13 2011, 00:51

    BazSpur wrote:How high up are you ion? Obviously enough to be out of the way at he moment but another 100-200 mm of rain? Could the floods get to where you are? Is it affecting your work?

    100 to 200 mm wouldn't flood Forest Lake, we're a good 10 to 15m higher than the peak flood level at the moment so the house is safe. By the time the extra rain hits, the worst of the flood waters should have subsided, I believe.

    Just how much more catastrophic the extra rain would be I honestly can't tell. They are already stating that it will take 2 years to rebuild the damage to Brisbane alone.

    I can only keep you up to speed as I see it on the news over here.

    Queensland Floods Empty Re: Queensland Floods

    Post by DJSR Thu Jan 13 2011, 01:52

    Just found this shocking picture, cant believe this is happening!!

    Queensland Floods 16803017779012173941535

    Queensland Floods Empty Re: Queensland Floods

    Post by BazSpur Thu Jan 13 2011, 03:15

    sh*t, imagine that walking into your garden on the quiet?

    Queensland Floods Empty Re: Queensland Floods

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 13 2011, 03:52

    FECK IT, Stick another croc on the barbie Bruce!!!!!!

    Queensland Floods Empty Re: Queensland Floods

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 13 2011, 05:07

    Reminded me of my ex-wife waiting for me to come home from work ! ! ! (sorry if thats in bad taste)
    Seriously, this is an awful event. I saw that todays T20 cricket match put a good sum of cash into the disaster fund and I would hope that they continue to do so through the rest of the one day games. Words kinda fail you when you see destruction on such a monumental scale and anything that can be said seems slightly hollow. I found today a guy I work with has relatives living in the affected Ipswich area.
    Ion, stay safe & stay strong . . . . . .
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    Queensland Floods Empty Re: Queensland Floods

    Post by shearspur Thu Jan 13 2011, 07:20

    yeah best wishes ion, hope it all works out well for you eventually.horrible to see it on news

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