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    Post by Guest Sun Mar 27 2011, 02:19

    Baz i know this isnt a spurs subject, but i am just asking for say 1 hour on the main chat forum before putting it on non football posts.

    The plight of anne the elephant can be googled and the video watched of the beating she took from her carer, for christ sake he was smashing at her arthritic leg .

    Any spurs fan can help by writing to the government to stop circus owners like bobby roberts ever owning animals again.

    There is other info on the daily mail article from adi who placed the hidden camera in the first place.

    Thanks baz.

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    Post by cstmrsking Sun Mar 27 2011, 03:11

    Bobby Roberts Needs His Ar se Whooping. I'd pay to Watch.

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    Post by BazSpur Sun Mar 27 2011, 04:05

    I find it very difficult to watch things like that. Now it's been highlighted hopefully someone will take the animal off them.

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    Post by BazSpur Sun Mar 27 2011, 04:19

    Managed to watch it. Words fail me. The cruelty of mankind is nauseating. Lew, I can't find the petition. Have you got a link?

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    Post by Guest Sun Mar 27 2011, 06:44

    I couldnt find it either baz, a friend of mine may be able to find it, be back a bit later.

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    Post by Guest Sun Mar 27 2011, 06:52

    Baz the petition is on care2, if you google it.......anne the elephant petition.

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    Post by Guest Sun Mar 27 2011, 07:03

    I just watched that again ! looking for the petition, i feel absolutely murderous, i would like to do the same to those fcking evil scum............................

    That blow to the base of her spine was meant to inflict agony.

    She has to be taken away from roberts and into a sanctuary.

    Only collectively can we do anything about it.

    There are more able pc academics on here than myself,perhaps someone can get the petition up on one of the forums.

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    Post by shearspur Sun Mar 27 2011, 08:59

    lew, i cant bring myself to even watch the video, the still pics are enough for me as i can imagine the rest. i would like to torch that f*cking circus to the ground with those excuses for humans inside. myself i support international animal rescue who do a good job abroad saving animals such as dancing bears from the horrors of their"owners" barbaric treatment.i will find the petition and sign it mate. karmas coming those b*stards way eventually.

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    Post by Guest Sun Mar 27 2011, 09:50

    Thanks shear, i know this isnt a spurs subject and i apologise to anyone who thinks i am out of order asking baz to keep it on the main forum, but i know many of us on here are horrified by animal cruelty, if i have brought it to the attention of just one member or guest looking in who then go on to voice their anger to the correct channels then just maybe we might get something done about circuses in this country.

    This has been on my mind all day, i cant understand why human beings would beat up an old 55 year old elephant thats chained to the spot so she couldnt even run away, and to target her arthritic leg.....and pitchfork her face, and to even spit at her....kicking her stomach, bashing her across the base of her spine ? i am completely numbed and have to ask how long has she been subjected to this treatment, because you know for a fact this wouldnt have been an isolated incident.

    On monday i am getting on to rspca headquarters, i have a direct debit to them for the past ten years, i want to know what they are going to do about it, the owner and staff have to be prosecuted in my opinion and banned from working with animals again....i am not happy , the rspca have had hundreds of pounds of my money, i am disillusioned because i pay them to look after animals...they need to do something because i will be cancelling the direct debit if they dont.
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    Post by shearspur Sun Mar 27 2011, 10:01

    i saw they said the animal was apparently well looked after ?????? wtf have they even seen the vid yet. they should prosecute that handler in the pics. evil b*stard

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    Post by BazSpur Sun Mar 27 2011, 11:31

    I was talking to Lauren about it earlier tody Lew. She says the RSPCA are aware but unfortunately there is nothing they can do as Circuses do not come under the remit of RSPCA law like dogs, cats and horses etc. Circuses are a law unto themselves in this country. It will need to be changed in parliament first.

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    Post by BazSpur Sun Mar 27 2011, 11:36

    Here is the link to sign the petition.

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    Post by Guest Sun Mar 27 2011, 21:48

    BazSpur wrote:I was talking to Lauren about it earlier tody Lew. She says the RSPCA are aware but unfortunately there is nothing they can do as Circuses do not come under the remit of RSPCA law like dogs, cats and horses etc. Circuses are a law unto themselves in this country. It will need to be changed in parliament first.

    I think lauren is right baz but quoting from the daily mail article "In 2005 the rspca and the government refused to intervene in her case after claims that she was being kept in appalling conditions "..........this seems to intimate that something could and can be done.

    Thanks for everything baz, and the petition link.

    Thanks everyone and only by voicing your protest at this by doing what you can, we will stop animal abuse.

    You can look at what adi are doing by googling them, you can write to your mp, i just have to end by saying what pleasure anne must have given little kiddies who saw an elephant for the first time, and now she deserves her day of peace...........instead of being rewarded by being beaten up by absolutely low life scum, i am sure those same little kiddies would be in tears seeing what has become of her.

    Thanks everyone.


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    Post by HotspurRoper Mon Mar 28 2011, 05:48

    ]color=blue]Words fail me lads its absolutley disgusting, i feel phyically sick after watching that. Last summer we took Leona to see that very circus and in all honestly we didnt stay and watch it all. I remember as we pulled up into the car park and saw about 2 dozen protesters outside i thought to myself what are these wallys doing, but after watching that i can see what they are protesting about and i too will sign the petition and am actually angry at myself i gave those b*stards money. I will never see another circus again they should be banned immediatly!!

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    Post by Guest Mon Mar 28 2011, 06:12

    Thanks lee ! and thanks to those that run the forum that the petition is well past its goal of 1000 signatures.

    Roberts is finished, you cant even get a reply from his booking office 07860 787745.

    Now we just need anne handed over to the right hands, roberts has abused his right as owner of her, he cant look after her but has to pay evil filth.

    You cant tell me he didnt know what was going on, and says it would break his heart to part with her, while his staff are breaking her body.

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    Post by HotspurRoper Mon Mar 28 2011, 06:20

    Am not the biggest animal lover in the world but no animal should be subject to such brutality. I wouldnt mind shackling those maggots and smashing f*ck out of them with pitch forks and bats they are the lowest of the low! That video has really upset me!

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    Post by BazSpur Mon Mar 28 2011, 08:03

    The Daily Mirror highlighted Anne's plight years ago and raised £20000 to pay for her to go to a sanctuary but that evil b*stard refused to let her go. He charges £5 a photograph for kids to have their picture taken with her. She has to stand for hours every day to earn him noney. He is an absolute w*nker. I am fuming.

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    Post by Guest Mon Mar 28 2011, 16:27

    One of the (so called carers) have been named on facebook.

    See, bobby roberts super cruel circus on facebook.

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    Post by Guest Tue Mar 29 2011, 13:28

    Baz and all, there are a lot of big names now joining the plight of anne, plus the rspca and adi are actively involved, the latest news is that roberts seems to be relenting and will allow anne to leave and retire, whipsnade zoo have offered to take her, but we have to hope roberts now feels the public anger against him so much that he really is risking what afterall is his livlihood, and stay true to his word.

    I cant say how grateful i am that you allowed this thread to continue on the main board, i feel i have taken advantage of your good nature, but its up to you if you want it to stay on what afterall is a tottenham chat forum.

    For those wishing to stay up with news about anne then the mail online is probably the best site to go on.

    As i said big names are now getting involved at the outrage, so i feel we have done our bit on here.



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    Post by HotspurRoper Tue Mar 29 2011, 17:06

    Pleased to hear it Lew. The missus was telling me that there was a piece about it on GMTV, yesterday morning.

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    Post by Guest Tue Mar 29 2011, 18:06

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    Post by BazSpur Tue Mar 29 2011, 21:27

    Lol Max.

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    Post by BazSpur Tue Mar 29 2011, 21:29

    Lew, I have no problem with the thread staying on Spurs chat. It's a very special case and a cause that is close to my heart. A rep for you my friend for bringing it to our attention.

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    Post by Guest Thu Mar 31 2011, 06:16

    Latest news is that anne might be going to longleat, she is not a well elephant and is being assessed by vets.

    Fingers crossed ! oh and roberts is now concerned about his business , lol! and his wife says anne can go as long as she is well looked that a fcking joke or what ?

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    Post by BazSpur Thu Mar 31 2011, 07:19

    Trying to cover up the mistreatment that's all Lew. Lets hope mate.

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