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    CRAP Empty CRAP

    Post by Guest Sun May 01 2011, 05:48

    I was saving this for the end of season but after today's debacle I can wait no longer. We are CRAP. Relegation form FFS. 'arry has to go. Forget Neil f*cking Warnock or Jose f*cking Mourhinio. We need a mangar who can build for the future. It's also time to get rid of Bale. Time to cash in while his price is high. He has been found out and can't deal with it. Talk about a player playing on his reputation alone ! Oh how we needed a player like Drogba today leading the line. I want a manager who will take us forward and take chances. I want players who fight for Tottenham not rest on their laurels. Gomes has to go. I want a 'keeper I have faith in. Corluka has to go. I want a full-back who can at least run. Don't worry about Modric going. He has been found out at the highest level. Just re-watch how Real worked him out ! ! ! So long Pavy, you're good but not that good. So long Defoe. Thanx for the 100 goals. Lennon I would keep if he can re-prove him-self, but today he done sweet FA. VDV ? I would rather have a Berbatov. King & Woodgate ? So long. Lets show faith in Dawson, Kaboul & Bassong. Debateable goals or not basic errors and a lack of belief, class & skill undone us. Why bring Jenas on when we are after an equaliser ? I'm just hoping England fail and we see 'arry off into retirement with the job and bring in an Ancellotti, Hiddink, Coyle or anyone who can sort things at The Lane. Clive Allen if needs be, or Hoddle, or anyone. Too many draws and no idea how to fashion the win. FFS this season we had a chance to make top 3 considering how the other top teams have played. We need a clean sweep to get rid of the deadwood and 'arry is not the manager to do that. Thanx 'arry you have done Spurs proud and I really hope you get the England job but I need to see some fresh iddeas at my team . . . .

    CRAP Empty Re: CRAP

    Post by Guest Sun May 01 2011, 06:11

    Bit kneejerk vis but i do understand where you are coming from.

    I,m off to the recording get lost in a bit of self appreciation......i wrote "hole in my soul " in i see aerosmith did a song called the same in the 1990s.....must have heard mine all those years ago.

    Chill out vis, it was all over when we drew against wba. Smile

    CRAP Empty Re: CRAP

    Post by Guest Sun May 01 2011, 06:15

    Not knee-jerk at all Lew. As I said I was saving this for end of season; been thinking it for awhile but hey I'm Spurs so have to keep on supporting what we have, but I'm fed up with our relegation form results . . . .

    (enjoy the studio. Im going to sort some sounds out me-self in a lil while)

    CRAP Empty Re: CRAP

    Post by Guest Sun May 01 2011, 06:20

    yeah i know what you mean, a lot of us on here hang back with what are (very fair) comments, only to be slammed for them when we voice them.

    But the season and cl was lost when we kept failing to beat the dross, but the thing is that we become a target when we do well against teams like inter and co, the little teams then up their games against us.

    Thing is why doesnt it happen the same with man utd? Very Happy
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    CRAP Empty Re: CRAP

    Post by LOBO Sun May 01 2011, 06:36

    VisionarySound wrote:I was saving this for the end of season but after today's debacle I can wait no longer. We are CRAP. Relegation form FFS. 'arry has to go. Forget Neil f*cking Warnock or Jose f*cking Mourhinio. We need a mangar who can build for the future. It's also time to get rid of Bale. Time to cash in while his price is high. He has been found out and can't deal with it. Talk about a player playing on his reputation alone ! Oh how we needed a player like Drogba today leading the line. I want a manager who will take us forward and take chances. I want players who fight for Tottenham not rest on their laurels. Gomes has to go. I want a 'keeper I have faith in. Corluka has to go. I want a full-back who can at least run. Don't worry about Modric going. He has been found out at the highest level. Just re-watch how Real worked him out ! ! ! So long Pavy, you're good but not that good. So long Defoe. Thanx for the 100 goals. Lennon I would keep if he can re-prove him-self, but today he done sweet FA. VDV ? I would rather have a Berbatov. King & Woodgate ? So long. Lets show faith in Dawson, Kaboul & Bassong. Debateable goals or not basic errors and a lack of belief, class & skill undone us. Why bring Jenas on when we are after an equaliser ? I'm just hoping England fail and we see 'arry off into retirement with the job and bring in an Ancellotti, Hiddink, Coyle or anyone who can sort things at The Lane. Clive Allen if needs be, or Hoddle, or anyone. Too many draws and no idea how to fashion the win. FFS this season we had a chance to make top 3 considering how the other top teams have played. We need a clean sweep to get rid of the deadwood and 'arry is not the manager to do that. Thanx 'arry you have done Spurs proud and I really hope you get the England job but I need to see some fresh iddeas at my team . . . .

    Rep Vis :P

    Well it is time for a change in many departments , arry is a good manager but for me i lost faith in him when he went public about his ambition to manage england next , that told me his heart isn't in it,he wasn't here for the long haul & to build for the future , last season he was gifted a great side but as loughton already pointed out several times before a lot of his re signings just haven't worked out, his transfer target i don't understand one bit, he seems like junk shop owner always looking for something on the cheap, i really have lost faith in him, and i hope levy makes changes, this season was meant to be the season we moved up a gear, but We've gone backwards , arry won't shoulder the blame, he will again blame the players .. knee jerk reaction, no way, I've been saying it since November..

    CRAP Empty Re: CRAP

    Post by Guest Sun May 01 2011, 06:47

    Thanx for the rep Lobo. I've stated many times on here that I have no problems with 'arry chasing the England job. Highest accolade a manger could recieve. But our form since Christmas has worried me. I said I wanted to wait until the seasons end to air these concerns but today just proved to me that something is going wrong. We have many good players for the future. Kaboul, Dawson, Gallas for a short time, Modric, Sandra to name but a few. But we also seem to need fresh blood & fresh ideas. This end of season, until August, could prove to be the most important time for Spurs since Keith Burkinshaw in the 1980's. I just hope that we get it right . . . . .

    CRAP Empty Re: CRAP

    Post by Guest Sun May 01 2011, 07:31

    wish you stuck up for me when i wa sjust postin what i could see on the pitch instead of having baz only moan at me. even jjim said what i been saying.

    the players need to take a hrd look at themselfs. 1 win and that was aganst stoke in about 10 games. i dont think blackpool have won a game since they beat us.

    i find it amazin liverpool will go ahead of us 2mz

    CRAP Empty Re: CRAP

    Post by BazSpur Sun May 01 2011, 07:34

    Werent moaning at you Lought. I was just having my say, same as you.

    CRAP Empty Re: CRAP

    Post by Guest Sun May 01 2011, 09:15

    Lought I have been keeping my own counsel. I don't agree with the constant moaning because we can still, mathematically make 4th. I have had my moan tonight, I would rather have had it at seasons end, but next week I will be behind my manager & players again . . . . .

    CRAP Empty Re: CRAP

    Post by BazSpur Sun May 01 2011, 10:22

    Spot on Vis. We are where we are. We have to get behind the team and the club. I always did that even when I knew the manager was wrong. We have to support them.

    CRAP Empty Re: CRAP

    Post by HotspurRoper Sun May 01 2011, 20:49

    Sorry Vis mate but i dont agree with your comments about Modric. Gomes, yes Corluka, yes Pav and Defoe yes but not Modric he has been our player of the season and yesterday he was his brilliant self again popping up all over the pitch wanting the ball trying to make things happen. I do agree about our players for the future i.e Dawson, Kaboul and Sandro but we have to but Bale in there too mate yeah at the minute he is finding it a little difficult when Defenders are doubling up on him and when all they want to do is put him on the floor every chance they get but he will have to find a way round that in the summer but to say he has been found out and to sell him is a bit extreme mate. Come on pal chin up!!!

    CRAP Empty Re: CRAP

    Post by Guest Sun May 01 2011, 21:39

    Lee my point about Moddle was not so much one of criticism more one of don't worry about him going anywhere. He is a fine midfielder and his defensive duties are perhaps stiffling his creativity. He tricks & conjures. Everything good goes thro' him but he does seem to lack an end product in the opposistions defensive areas. The lad has the talent but where are the goals to give with it ? I really feel that Madrid worked him out, no bad thing for us as the lil magician can, surely, only get better for us . . . . .

    CRAP Empty Re: CRAP

    Post by HotspurRoper Mon May 02 2011, 18:16

    Yeah if i was forced into 1 critisism of Modric it would be than he dont score anywhere near enough goals from midfield. But for me that aint a big problem!!

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