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    Players weaknesses and do they outweigh their plus,s ?


    Players weaknesses and do they outweigh their plus,s ? Empty Players weaknesses and do they outweigh their plus,s ?

    Post by Guest Sat Nov 12 2011, 21:39

    I was thinking about 2 spurs players in particular, defoe and dawson, do their strengths outweigh their weaknesses.
    Lets take daws for a start, his strengths are that he gets in where it matters,is brave, doesnt pull out from a challenge, is there when the high cross gets over, also goes about his work with a smile on his face.
    His weaknesses in my opinion is that he can commit himself to a sliding tackle, if that goes wrong he is one defender less as he,s on the ground, clearances are often humped back to the opposition putting us back under the cosh again........just my opinion and wonder what others on here think?

    With defoe his strength is also a weakness as far as i can see, he is such a quick little player that he often does things too quick, i think many of his "straight at the keeper shots" could have been goals if he had just taken a second less to place the ball rather than blast at it.

    As we dont have a game for a while i thought this might be of interest, and wondered if anyone else had other players in mind, although please realise i am not on a put down of spurs players, its just an opinion and i wouldnt want either player sold .

    Players weaknesses and do they outweigh their plus,s ? Empty Re: Players weaknesses and do they outweigh their plus,s ?

    Post by djfitzo Sun Nov 13 2011, 19:50

    Dawsons main problem is he lacks pace and Kaboul has come back a better player then when he left us, is quick, good in the air and dangerous at set plays for us and is my first pick as a central defender.

    Defoe I thought just before he got injured last season, was thinking more about his games and started the season this time around the same and like I said earlier I think VDV has it in his contract that he must start when fit.

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    Players weaknesses and do they outweigh their plus,s ? Empty Re: Players weaknesses and do they outweigh their plus,s ?

    Post by LOBO Sun Nov 13 2011, 20:37

    I hear vdv has got injured on international duty, will this pave the way for defoe return

    Players weaknesses and do they outweigh their plus,s ? Empty Re: Players weaknesses and do they outweigh their plus,s ?

    Post by djfitzo Sun Nov 13 2011, 22:10

    LOBO wrote:I hear vdv has got injured on international duty, will this pave the way for defoe return

    Yep, although VDV has an incredible record against Villa!!

    Players weaknesses and do they outweigh their plus,s ? Empty Re: Players weaknesses and do they outweigh their plus,s ?

    Post by Guest Mon Nov 14 2011, 05:47

    they saying he should be fine for villa. plus he loves scoring aganst them.

    as for dawson its like lew said. hes a typical english defender.

    how many pens have we given away plus last season we was letting in 3 a game when he plays and before people say king was not playin well then we had daws galas ekotto corluka . thats a good defence on paper and now we have walker kaboul king ekotto

    as for defoe hes not a natural finniser.

    he started of well last season then had a slight nock but decieded to play for england and it got worse plus hes missed so many pens for us and hes selfensnis has cost us so many times in the past. plus the silly red cards and biting players

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    Players weaknesses and do they outweigh their plus,s ? Empty Re: Players weaknesses and do they outweigh their plus,s ?

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