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    Post by Guest Mon Jan 02 2012, 08:44

    found this

    Hi to all you Spurs fans, and a happy New Year to you.

    The end of year 2011 has seen our beloved Spurs held to draw by the energetic and stylish Swans. Yes we did drop two points, but some might say that we gained a point because we were outplayed towards the end of the match. The Swans had made some six or seven changes to the team that played against QPR, and yet played the sparkling passing game that they have become renown for.

    We had made no changes to the team that outclassed Norwich on Thursday. Our midfield and attack seemed tired, lethargic and bereft of ideas as we chased the youthful Swans all round the park. Yes we may not have many days like this, and yes we had not lost the match unlike our competitors Chelski and ManU, but can this poor performance been circumvented had we made changes to the team?

    Why do we have players like Kranjcar, Pienaar, Livermore in the squad if they cannot start a match? Where is our much-touted depth? Anyone could have seen, that at the end of the Norwich game, that Parker was knackered. For some reason Bale was off his game yesterday and should have been replaced after the break. Why are we not using effective replacements instead of playing our stars into the ground?

    I know that rotation of the squad has been often discussed on this forum, and that this seems to be an apparent weakness of Harry, but was this not the same issue that led to our dip in form at the beginning of the last year?

    We are playing the best football since the sixties and have been praised by the great one himself (SAF) as the most exciting team in the EPL, so please Harry let us not lose it! COYS

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    rotate Empty Re: rotate

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 02 2012, 09:51

    Yup and soon as any rotation took place Lought and points were lost you would be P*ssing in everyones ears about it. You quote elsewhere that Adabayour should be "rested". Yet you do nothing but moan about Defoe & VdV, his obvious cover. Pavy ain't up to job as has been proven. You use a copy & pasted article to back up moans you have used in other threads. These players are at the peak of their physical prowess and any manager is going to pick the strongest side available to them. Our strongest side includes Adabayour, Bale & Parker. You really do want all your cake and then to eat it . . . . .

    rotate Empty Re: rotate

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 02 2012, 10:28

    pav not up to it lol goalscorer is there to score goals

    wtf was ade playin left wing for yesterday while bale prances around showing off.

    i see darren bent scored another goal at a big ground.

    rotate Empty Re: rotate

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 02 2012, 10:34

    vis why play defoe on right when u got kranker

    we could of played pinnar . harrys got options but dont use them.

    whats the point in buyin players if he dont trust them


    rotate Empty Re: rotate

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 02 2012, 10:52

    FFS Lought Bent is not a Spurs player anymore so why bring him into it ? Did he score for us at the so-called by "big grounds" ? Who gives a flying fek what he does for Villa ? I didn't see the game but maybe Defoe coming on was to keep a tactical shape ? 4-3-3 ? I'm sure someone else can fill me in on that. But Lought why do you always look for a scapegoat ? Why is the player who isn't playing always better and the player who has left the club better still ? Can't quite work that one out mate . . . .

    rotate Empty Re: rotate

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 02 2012, 11:12

    yes darren bent scored at chelsa arsnal man u when he was with us Very Happy

    back to rotation. looking forward to ions thoughts on the subject

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    Post by Guest Mon Jan 02 2012, 11:16

    Did he Lought ? Which games ? Show us ya stats big-boy lol . . . .

    rotate Empty Re: rotate

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 02 2012, 11:26

    he scored in spurs 4 4 . arsneal game. he scored in the chelsea away 1 1
    he scored 2 goals at man u in 6 2 game

    hes scored loads of goals aganst arsneal for other clubs and aganst man u.

    unlike defoe lol big game bottler

    rotate Empty Re: rotate

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 02 2012, 11:32

    He scored against ManUre in a 6-2. Bet thats one of his fave raves eh ? But why oh why Lought do you use your post to belittle a current Spurs player and big up an ex Spurs player confused ? The past is nothing but history now, the present is what counts and the future is worth hoping for . . . . .

    rotate Empty Re: rotate

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 02 2012, 11:36

    yea i understand what your saying.

    i just think it would do bale and ade a world of good to come on off the bench.
    freashin up freashin things up.
    Champions League
    Champions League

    rotate Empty Re: rotate

    Post by ionman34 Mon Jan 02 2012, 14:11

    Another pointless thread with a post from yet another clueless bandwagon fan. Without fail, as soon as these clowns see a balow par performance they bang on about 'rotation like it's the magical cure all. We didn't rotate for the Norwich game yet played them off the park.

    Explain that one Mr expert.
    2nd Division
    2nd Division

    rotate Empty Re: rotate

    Post by philip Mon Jan 02 2012, 21:05

    VisionarySound wrote:FFS Lought Bent is not a Spurs player anymore so why bring him into it ? Did he score for us at the so-called by "big grounds" ? Who gives a flying fek what he does for Villa ? I didn't see the game but maybe Defoe coming on was to keep a tactical shape ? 4-3-3 ? I'm sure someone else can fill me in on that. But Lought why do you always look for a scapegoat ? Why is the player who isn't playing always better and the player who has left the club better still ? Can't quite work that one out mate . . . .

    I agree with you about Bent Vision, Lough Bent is and will never be a Spurs player like others I was glad to see the back of him good luck to him it is a team sport not whether Bent scores or not - Seewhere Vila are. What I would agree with Lough though is the fact that Harry should rotate a bit more not necessarily wholesale rotation but rather bring in substitutes when others are tired

    rotate Empty Re: rotate

    Post by Guest Tue Jan 03 2012, 00:34

    philip wrote:
    VisionarySound wrote:FFS Lought Bent is not a Spurs player anymore so why bring him into it ? Did he score for us at the so-called by "big grounds" ? Who gives a flying fek what he does for Villa ? I didn't see the game but maybe Defoe coming on was to keep a tactical shape ? 4-3-3 ? I'm sure someone else can fill me in on that. But Lought why do you always look for a scapegoat ? Why is the player who isn't playing always better and the player who has left the club better still ? Can't quite work that one out mate . . . .

    I agree with you about Bent Vision, Lough Bent is and will never be a Spurs player like others I was glad to see the back of him good luck to him it is a team sport not whether Bent scores or not - Seewhere Vila are. What I would agree with Lough though is the fact that Harry should rotate a bit more not necessarily wholesale rotation but rather bring in substitutes when others are tired

    Is there really enough in depth strength in the squad philip ? i just think this is questionable.
    Certainly we have a very large squad but is there quality all the way though.
    To tell the truth i would like to see andros townsend come on, or that midfielder we used in the europa, i forget his name but he looked a great talent, and now townsend is out on loan.
    I just dont think players like pav, pienaar etc etc are good enough to put the rotation theory into effect, you want your best players out there all the time in the prem.
    I am a little disappointed with defoe, with a creative midfield like we have at spurs he should have nailed down a regular place by converting chances, he does seem a little rushed into shooting by defenders, he always seems to need a bit more time to tee it up.

    rotate Empty Re: rotate

    Post by Guest Tue Jan 03 2012, 00:51

    so now kranker pinnar defoe bassong or not good enough
    the season we got 4th we had pav and defoe up front for most of the last 8 games. also we had kranker playing and bentley on the right.

    if we used kranker against swansea then we mite of been able to hold keep the ball better
    Champions League
    Champions League

    rotate Empty Re: rotate

    Post by ArnieArdiles Tue Jan 03 2012, 01:11

    Out of all our games in the premeirship , Swansea away would've been the last one for SuperPav to be picked.. We needed to put pressure on their back line , Pav is hardly suited for that ....

    Rotation is fine but it can go tits up too... A few years back I can remember the red scousers citing Benitez's addiction to rotation as costing them the title ...

    Even the most successful manager in the game gets it so wrong . You only have to go on the ManUre RedCafe forum to see just how many there are there complaining about rotation, where numerous postings state, Lindegaard was the better option for the physical and direct Blackburn and De Gea better for Wigan who play the more 'Spanish style' passing game ..


    rotate Empty Re: rotate

    Post by Guest Tue Jan 03 2012, 04:05

    Loughtonlegend wrote:so now kranker pinnar defoe bassong or not good enough
    the season we got 4th we had pav and defoe up front for most of the last 8 games. also we had kranker playing and bentley on the right.

    if we used kranker against swansea then we mite of been able to hold keep the ball better

    Says the most reliant of posters, quote lought ! why did we buy pienaar, defoe should be used as an impact i need to go on.
    Lought your credibi;ity is crap.

    rotate Empty Re: rotate

    Post by Guest Tue Jan 03 2012, 04:23

    yes pinniar most pointless buy but he can still start a game aganst lesser team

    why say that about my credibilty

    low shot from you lew

    rotate Empty Re: rotate

    Post by Guest Tue Jan 03 2012, 04:49

    Loughtonlegend wrote:yes pinniar most pointless buy but he can still start a game aganst lesser team

    why say that about my credibilty

    low shot from you lew

    Because lought, you have said he is a pointless buy many times over and then pick up on my comment that the in depth quailty of the squad isnt good enough for rotation when you have the likes of pienaar and pav waiting in the wings.
    You say he should start against lesser teams, and he does when fit to play, we played a strong team against swansea and i cant see what pienaar or pav, or a recently returned from injury krancky could have done.
    I like krancky, he can do amazing things, but pienaar is a player like we had in the old days at spurs, pre 2000 if you like.
    Lought, have some consistency, if you say a player is a pointless buy then dont then say he should be played because you are disappointed with a certain result.

    rotate Empty Re: rotate

    Post by Guest Tue Jan 03 2012, 05:05

    its not just him theres loads of players that could play

    he could of put dawson on to be more defensive and put kaboul at right back and push walker on right wing

    rotate Empty Re: rotate

    Post by Guest Tue Jan 03 2012, 05:12

    Loughtonlegend wrote:its not just him theres loads of players that could play

    he could of put dawson on to be more defensive and put kaboul at right back and push walker on right wing

    I agree walker could be played on the right wing, i posted that after lennon got injured.
    I wouldnt want a recently recovered from a bad injury dawson put anywhere at the moment lought, he needs to get match fit, maybe a run out in the fa cup would be the best thing, and games like that the fringe players should make harry look up and notice.
    Champions League
    Champions League

    rotate Empty Re: rotate

    Post by ionman34 Tue Jan 03 2012, 13:41

    Loughtonlegend wrote:its not just him theres loads of players that could play

    he could of put dawson on to be more defensive and put kaboul at right back and push walker on right wing

    It wasn't so long ago that you where moaning about A itch bringing players back from injury too soon, end of last season as I recall. Now you want Dawson, who you slag off regularly for not being good enough, to play in a 'must win away game against a team that pressed incessently for 90 minutes.

    Then you wonder why you get shots about your credibility.


    rotate Empty Re: rotate

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 04 2012, 02:06

    i was given examples of what options he had. im sure dawson could of come on for 15 20 mins to beef up the defence

    why play defoe out on the right. makes no sence. we had ade on left and nobody up front wich allowed swansea defenders to push up more as we only had bale with pace.

    stepehn or kranker or even walker would of been better then playing defoe right.

    sorry but harry got this one wrong

    rotate Empty Re: rotate

    Post by djfitzo Wed Jan 04 2012, 02:44

    Loughtonlegend wrote:i was given examples of what options he had. im sure dawson could of come on for 15 20 mins to beef up the defence

    why play defoe out on the right. makes no sence. we had ade on left and nobody up front wich allowed swansea defenders to push up more as we only had bale with pace.

    stepehn or kranker or even walker would of been better then playing defoe right.

    sorry but harry got this one wrong

    But Lought, you have to weigh up what Harry sees in training, only he can judge whether a player can transfer that on matchdays.

    Apparently Pav scores for fun in training, but when the pressure is on in real games his found wanting because mentally his not tough enough.

    Defoe when called upon has come on and scored in most games his started has sub, but yet again his progress has been halted by injury, infact Harry started with Defoe recently and VDV was benched, so players that have served us well will play and dont need to be rested or you could rest players like Swansea and end up mid table, your call Lought.


    rotate Empty Re: rotate

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 04 2012, 03:10

    on what harry sees in training lol yet ade gets worst trainer yet still starts.
    pav scores loads in training yet ade misiss hundreds chances in games

    defoe overated and you know that. go check hes stats since hes return

    rotate Empty Re: rotate

    Post by djfitzo Wed Jan 04 2012, 03:17

    [quote="Loughtonlegend"]on what harry sees in training lol yet ade gets worst trainer yet still starts.
    pav scores loads in training yet ade misiss hundreds chances in games

    defoe overated and you know that. go check hes stats since hes return

    But thats it Lought, since his return, his just missed 3 games through injury

    Europa League Th 18Aug 2011 Hearts 0 - 5 Tottenham 1

    Premier League Mo 22Aug 2011 Man Utd 3 - 0 Tottenham

    Premier League Su 28Aug 2011 Tottenham 1 - 5 Man City

    Premier League Sa 10Sep 2011 Wolves 0 - 2 Tottenham 1

    Premier League Su 18Sep 2011 Tottenham 4 - 0 Liverpool 1

    Carling Cup Tu 20Sep 2011 Stoke 0 - 0 Tottenham

    Europa League Th 29Sep 2011 Tottenham 3 - 1 Shamrock R 1

    Premier League Su 02Oct 2011 Tottenham 2 - 1 Arsenal

    Premier League Su 16Oct 2011 Newcastle 2 - 2 Tottenham 1

    Europa League Th 20Oct 2011 Tottenham 1 - 0 Rubin

    Premier League Su 23Oct 2011 Blackburn 1 - 2 Tottenham

    Europa League Th 03Nov 2011 Rubin 1 - 0 Tottenham

    Premier League Su 06Nov 2011 Fulham 1 - 3 Tottenham 1

    Premier League Mo 21Nov 2011 Tottenham 2 - 0 Aston Villa

    Premier League Sa 26Nov 2011 West Brom 1 - 3 Tottenham 1

    Europa League We 30Nov 2011 Tottenham 1 - 2 PAOK Salonika

    Premier League Sa 03Dec 2011 Tottenham 3 - 0 Bolton 1

    Premier League Su 11Dec 2011 Stoke 2 - 1 Tottenham

    Europa League Th 15Dec 2011 Shamrock R 0 - 4 Tottenham 1

    Premier League Sa 31Dec 2011 Swansea 1 - 1 Tottenham

    total 9 goals, then take away games that his been injured and not started
    and its not a bad return.

    then when his actually on the pitch he tries a lot harder then Pav and his quicker then Pav.

    but you just dont like him Lought and all the stats in the world wont change that.

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