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    Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur


    Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur - Page 4 Empty Re: Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur

    Post by MarkA249 Mon Sep 17 2012, 18:46

    Good performance but 1 we was expected to win Big Jan V class the Belgian Rio Ferdinand LOL future Spurs Captain for sure Dembele hes going to be class when pushed further upfield Modric who ? now Siggy for me ill get slagged off fo this but im not sure about him just my opinion. QPR next week need 3 points from that with Old Trafford the week after where V Persie will get his usual goal against us but after that all winnable games with Chelski at home that should be fun
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    Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur - Page 4 Empty Re: Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur

    Post by anicoll5 Mon Sep 17 2012, 20:46

    vis wrote:
    anicoll5 wrote:The referee is not always right Vis

    I say the referee is doing the best job he can, surrounded by cheating players, an absence of technology to assist him, and unlike the armchair fan or pundit does not have 23 camera angles to review each decision

    Webb made an error today - today you were lucky to be on the right end of it

    When you are unlucky and on the wrong end of it think back to today before moaning

    Ok ?

    Nic as I said, Jog on. Please desist from your anti-Spurs generalisations on here. This is a SPURS board. There is a section to discuss other teams and I would suggest you take your red & white attitude to that area? You are a respected & prolific poster but the feed back I am receiving at the moment is very negative towards your attitude of late. Please remember that when you think about abusing the friendship, camaraderie & hospitality of the Bill Nicholson Forum. Thank You . . ..

    I was surprised to read that last night and thought it sensible to reflect upon it before responding.

    Having pondered the advice I think the situation has degenerated over the past few months to the point where it is not satisfactory for either side.

    There was inevitably a tension in allowing, and me actively posting, on the board and while the experiment was worthwile it is best ended before matters slide too far into the negative.

    It has been a pleasure posting, and conversing on matters of football over the period since 2003.

    Time to end on a good note Very Happy


    Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur - Page 4 Empty Re: Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur

    Post by djfitzo Mon Sep 17 2012, 21:19

    anicoll5 wrote:
    vis wrote:
    anicoll5 wrote:The referee is not always right Vis

    I say the referee is doing the best job he can, surrounded by cheating players, an absence of technology to assist him, and unlike the armchair fan or pundit does not have 23 camera angles to review each decision

    Webb made an error today - today you were lucky to be on the right end of it

    When you are unlucky and on the wrong end of it think back to today before moaning

    Ok ?

    Nic as I said, Jog on. Please desist from your anti-Spurs generalisations on here. This is a SPURS board. There is a section to discuss other teams and I would suggest you take your red & white attitude to that area? You are a respected & prolific poster but the feed back I am receiving at the moment is very negative towards your attitude of late. Please remember that when you think about abusing the friendship, camaraderie & hospitality of the Bill Nicholson Forum. Thank You . . ..

    I was surprised to read that last night and thought it sensible to reflect upon it before responding.

    Having pondered the advice I think the situation has degenerated over the past few months to the point where it is not satisfactory for either side.

    There was inevitably a tension in allowing, and me actively posting, on the board and while the experiment was worthwile it is best ended before matters slide too far into the negative.

    It has been a pleasure posting, and conversing on matters of football over the period since 2003.

    Time to end on a good note Very Happy

    So basically, unless you can take the p**s, your not interested, how about you do the occaisonal ribbing and have sensible debates?


    Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur - Page 4 Empty Re: Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur

    Post by BazSpur Tue Sep 18 2012, 00:06

    Spot on Dave and Repped. Banter? fine, and we expect to be ribbed over poor results i.e games we should have won but didn't after all that goes both ways. But some of the things like Hi-jacking posts by taking them off thread is simply not on. Any forum I've ever been on will not let that happen. Taking the P*ss out of long standing posters on here. Not on old chap. Rubbishing a posters knowledge of football is not on.

    Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur - Page 4 Empty Re: Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur

    Post by djfitzo Tue Sep 18 2012, 00:16

    BazSpur wrote:Spot on Dave and Repped. Banter? fine, and we expect to be ribbed over poor results i.e games we should have won but didn't after all that goes both ways. But some of the things like Hi-jacking posts by taking them off thread is simply not on. Any forum I've ever been on will not let that happen. Taking the P*ss out of long standing posters on here. Not on old chap. Rubbishing a posters knowledge of football is not on.

    At first Baz, i thought he was playing the "last post" game, but i just know he wont be able to resist in looking in on how we have reacted to his supposed departure!!


    Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur - Page 4 Empty Re: Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur

    Post by vis Tue Sep 18 2012, 02:13

    I feel I issued Nic with a "friendly" warning. The feedback I was receiving was that he was abusing the hospitality of the forum with some of his posting. Should he choose to ride off over hill into the sunset with the strains of The Last Post echoing behind him that would be a shame. I enjoyed the banter & ribbing. When he posts on topic his knowledge of the game is immense, although sometimes contentious. He has not been banned, let me make that clear. I just bought to his attention the feelings of some other forum members . . . .

    Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur - Page 4 Empty Re: Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur

    Post by Guest Tue Sep 18 2012, 02:58

    hes been weird the last few months. something up with him. i hope he dont leave. hes post lately are all negative aganst our club.

    i can take it when we lose and play bad but not when we win

    Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur - Page 4 Empty Re: Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur

    Post by djfitzo Tue Sep 18 2012, 03:17

    He has been pushing it and i think reprimanded over the use of the word spuds, but despite that in a recent post he even highlighted spuds by putting it in capitals.

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    Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur - Page 4 Empty Re: Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur

    Post by shearspur Tue Sep 18 2012, 06:00

    i didnt think his posts were all negative against our club lought,tbh i thought he gave us credit when it was due. its good to have an outside view now and again or we become very insular in our opinions even though we all dissagree at times. shame if he jacks it in i respected a lot of his views and didnt let it personally affect me. he certainly stood his corner when being got at from us all . fair play to him for that.

    Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur - Page 4 Empty Re: Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur

    Post by totalytot Tue Sep 18 2012, 23:07

    Nic's just a attention seeker and is loving all this discussion about him.

    Mikey M

    Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur - Page 4 Empty Re: Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur

    Post by BazSpur Tue Sep 18 2012, 23:41

    Spot on Mikey.
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    Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur - Page 4 Empty Re: Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur

    Post by ArnieArdiles Wed Sep 19 2012, 00:12

    Well first of all, I feel Vis handled that well and for Nic to go off on one at that, is up to him.
    Perhaps Dave is right and Nic only wants to be here to take the P*ss.

    Loughtan said: hes been weird the last few months. something up with him.

    FFS , Loughtan, sometimes you just don't get it do you ? Some Spurs fans dish it out with all that Mind The Gap bollox, Goons not won a trophy in seven seasons but fail to realise winning a trophy apart , last season was as near a sweet a season in football as it can get for the Goons.

    As simply put, as I can.

    First Half to season

    Man Utd 8-2
    Spurs beat Goons 2-1
    13 point gap between us and them
    Our lot giving it the biggun

    At this point, Nic is a decent little goonie on the Forum, when he's logged on that is.

    2nd Half to season

    RVP goes goal crazy and Goons go on a run

    The gobby Yids then go to the Emirates 10 points ahead, go 2 goals up but get tonked 5-2 !

    Spuds collapse

    But with two games to go, Wigan shock Goons at Emirates, if Spurs beat Villa its go back into third but Harry the gooner helps 'em out.

    Last game of season Marton Fulop gets Nic's Goons the 3rd spot and now the Spuddies have to sweat it out the Chavs dont win in Munich.

    Order has been restored . Spuds forever in the shadow.

    Drogba's penalty in Munich was cheered in the red half of North London. Yes they hate us that much they'd rather see the Chavs win the CL than us qualify for it .

    So Loughtan last few months Nic gone weird?

    Does anyone here seriously think, Nic would've been on here taking the P*ss like he has been all summer, if it were his team and not ours that were playing their European football on a Thursday night ?

    I tried to remind Nic about a week ago he's on a Spurs forum and to calm himself down but by then his trolling had all but consumed him. I feel we're all a little to blame with our leniency towards him. His trolling should've been curbed months back.


    Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur - Page 4 Empty Re: Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur

    Post by BazSpur Wed Sep 19 2012, 01:43

    Well, I very much doubt Nic will be back on here. I agree Arnie Nic would have been very quiet if we had got 3rd but then I find most goons are like that. As for the 13 point gap, I never got carried away like some on facebook. We are Spurs, we were bound to implode and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. It's the Tottenham way. Yeah, I had a bit of fun with them taking the P*ss but I never said we would finish above them. I'm not that stupid.

    Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur - Page 4 Empty Re: Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur

    Post by BazSpur Wed Sep 19 2012, 01:53

    I felt I should have said something to Nic ages ago but I felt I was damned if I did and damned if I didn't. Not wanting to dig up old dirt but when I started to admonish Burger and Sparky on here I got a mild backlash with people saying they were harmless and just let them be etc. Not withstanding the fact that I felt they were tearing the forum apart with their constant jibes and disrupting threads and Burger trying to wind posters up on here even after he was told not to. Anyway, maybe this should be a Spurs only forum.
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    Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur - Page 4 Empty Re: Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur

    Post by ionman34 Wed Sep 19 2012, 17:31

    Blimey, I go away for a while and all Hell breaks loose.

    Can't take you kids anywhere!

    Now I've known Nic for years, right back to the AOHELL forums, just like many of you on here. He's always taken the P*ss, every now and again it gets a tad waspish, then suddenly we're all friends again. So what is different now?

    Not having a pop just genuinely been out of the loop.

    I have to ask Vis and Baz too, what has Nic done, in denigrating Loughts knowledge, that I haven't done in the past when I've got rather frustrated with him?

    I do hope we're not setting a 'do as we say, not as we do' precedent here. I'm not saying that is the case, just hoping that it isn't. This touchiness about being called 'Spuds' is just a tad ridiculous, in all honesty. I see enough references on here to 'goons' and 'scum' that, frankly, being upset over the use of 'spud' is kind of pitiful really. Man up guys, seriously.

    And Nic ........... Stop being a soft cock! The line has been drawn which means you don't step over it, you don't retreat from it. That's altogether too French of you.

    As of now I shall refrain from calling you a goon, you are now a Cheese eating surrender monkey!
    How could you possibly leave now I have that in the armoury?

    Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur - Page 4 Empty Re: Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur

    Post by djfitzo Wed Sep 19 2012, 18:42

    ionman34 wrote:Blimey, I go away for a while and all Hell breaks loose.

    Can't take you kids anywhere!

    Now I've known Nic for years, right back to the AOHELL forums, just like many of you on here. He's always taken the P*ss, every now and again it gets a tad waspish, then suddenly we're all friends again. So what is different now?

    Not having a pop just genuinely been out of the loop.

    I have to ask Vis and Baz too, what has Nic done, in denigrating Loughts knowledge, that I haven't done in the past when I've got rather frustrated with him?

    I do hope we're not setting a 'do as we say, not as we do' precedent here. I'm not saying that is the case, just hoping that it isn't. This touchiness about being called 'Spuds' is just a tad ridiculous, in all honesty. I see enough references on here to 'goons' and 'scum' that, frankly, being upset over the use of 'spud' is kind of pitiful really. Man up guys, seriously.

    And Nic ........... Stop being a soft cock! The line has been drawn which means you don't step over it, you don't retreat from it. That's altogether too French of you.

    As of now I shall refrain from calling you a goon, you are now a Cheese eating surrender monkey!
    How could you possibly leave now I have that in the armoury?

    Ion mate and I was the one that was unhappy with Nic the most, your tear ups with Lought was completely different and you dealt with it by making reasoned arguments, whereas Nic was condescending and it felt like he was taking the P*ss out of Lought personally.


    Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur - Page 4 Empty Re: Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur

    Post by BazSpur Wed Sep 19 2012, 22:10

    I think the difference is he's a goon on a Spurs board. His disrupting of threads by taking them off thread was getting a tad tiresome mate and the thing is he knew what he was doing. Whenever I went on Lizzies board I was courteous and talked only about football in relation to the thread I was on. I never went out of my way to disrupt the thread. Personally ion in the end I couldn't see any difference between Nic and Burger you even remarked that Nic seemed to have taken on the persona of Burger. Incidentally mate he hasn't been banned he is still a member. He decided to take himself off here which tells me he had no intention of treating this forum with the kind of respect that any guest should.

    Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur - Page 4 Empty Re: Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur

    Post by Guest Thu Sep 20 2012, 01:38

    baz is right. i thought nic was burger in the last few weeks. yet ion you hated burger posting on here yet sticking up for nic.

    i dont want to see anyone banned on here but nic been warned so many times about calling us spuds and still does it.


    Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur - Page 4 Empty Re: Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur

    Post by Guest Thu Sep 20 2012, 01:54

    Loughtonlegend wrote:baz is right. i thought nic was burger in the last few weeks. yet ion you hated burger posting on here yet sticking up for nic.

    i dont want to see anyone banned on here but nic been warned so many times about calling us spuds and still does it.

    Its all gone down lought, i remember you saying you loved burgers posts !!!!!! lol.

    We call them goons and yet they cant call us spuds, ffs ! it makes no difference to me at all, its just banter , but the police on here wont have it.
    My message to those that reign is ! retain the varied and colourful posts, lets not keep saying how wonderful we spurs are, lets have another opinion now and again, and if its sarcastic then fine, its another topic of conversation,to enrich the forum, another opinion only, thats all, it isnt set in stone.
    Argue the point, and make your point, surely that is what the forum is about.

    Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur - Page 4 Empty Re: Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur

    Post by Guest Thu Sep 20 2012, 02:24

    i didnt say the word spud bothers me but when your warned so many times from the admis then they will prob feel he was taking the mic.

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    Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur - Page 4 Empty Re: Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur

    Post by ArnieArdiles Thu Sep 20 2012, 02:44

    [quote="ionman34"] This touchiness about being called 'Spuds' is just a tad ridiculous, in all honesty. I see enough references on here to 'goons' and 'scum' that, frankly, being upset over the use of 'spud' is kind of pitiful really. Man up guys, seriously.

    Ion, why is that directed at us ?

    This is a Spurs Forum , why not let Nic go the whole hog and allow him to display all his Gooner hate on us ?

    No one was seeking for him to be banned for his calling us Spuds but he was reminded where he is and it was pointed out to him that he were taking liberties he couldn't be taken elsewhere in a similar scenario.

    He continually abused our hospitality on a daily basis . His actual honest debate was now non existant. Opening up threads like the Bentley loan move merely to have his digs by replying to his own postings ? WTF is that Ion ?

    He's not been banned and speaking for myself is welcome to post so long as he shows even a modicum of decency towards my club and the other forum members . All I'm saying is, if he posts in the same manner as he were, then he has to expect some flak in return which up to now has been virtually non existent as most of the forum members get bored with the tediousness of it all and move off to other Spurs forums where they can actually debate Spurs matters without some mouthy gooner troll gobbing off. .
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    Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur - Page 4 Empty Re: Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur

    Post by ArnieArdiles Thu Sep 20 2012, 02:52

    We call them goons and yet they cant call us spuds, ffs ! it makes no difference to me at all, its just banter , but the police on here wont have it.
    My message to those that reign is ! retain the varied and colourful posts, lets not keep saying how wonderful we spurs are, lets have another opinion now and again, and if its sarcastic then fine, its another topic of conversation,to enrich the forum, another opinion only, thats all, it isnt set in stone.
    Argue the point, and make your point, surely that is what the forum is about.[/quote]

    Lew -- the police on here is needed or it descends into anarchy , more to the point, your kind of anarchy . Threads invariably were getting hi-jacked into gooner are better than spuds , spurs are better than goons shite... Sleep ... Thats your anarchy you can get all that anarchy shite on Facebook or at a children's playground .

    Your comment : lets not keep saying how wonderful we Spurs are ...

    Can I ask who's doing this? Is it Lought lol ? me , who the f*ck is saying we are wonderfull ?

    You keep harping on about variation like only you on here have the ability to write a varied post . I find that rather condescending to all here... There are some good posters and threads on here and perhaps if you were to contribute it would further enrich the forum.


    Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur - Page 4 Empty Re: Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur

    Post by vis Thu Sep 20 2012, 03:08

    ionman34 wrote:Blimey, I go away for a while and all Hell breaks loose.

    Can't take you kids anywhere!

    Now I've known Nic for years, right back to the AOHELL forums, just like many of you on here. He's always taken the P*ss, every now and again it gets a tad waspish, then suddenly we're all friends again. So what is different now?

    Not having a pop just genuinely been out of the loop.

    I have to ask Vis and Baz too, what has Nic done, in denigrating Loughts knowledge, that I haven't done in the past when I've got rather frustrated with him?

    I do hope we're not setting a 'do as we say, not as we do' precedent here. I'm not saying that is the case, just hoping that it isn't. This touchiness about being called 'Spuds' is just a tad ridiculous, in all honesty. I see enough references on here to 'goons' and 'scum' that, frankly, being upset over the use of 'spud' is kind of pitiful really. Man up guys, seriously.

    And Nic ........... Stop being a soft cock! The line has been drawn which means you don't step over it, you don't retreat from it. That's altogether too French of you.

    As of now I shall refrain from calling you a goon, you are now a Cheese eating surrender monkey!
    How could you possibly leave now I have that in the armoury?

    Ion it certainly isn't a case of do as I say. I can only go on feedback I receive from other Forum users. If you trawl through threads you will see me attempting to "reign" Nic in a touch. Eventually he had to be told that it was felt he was abusing the hospitality of the Forum and asked to bear that in mind . . . .

    Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur - Page 4 Empty Re: Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur

    Post by BazSpur Thu Sep 20 2012, 03:43

    Lought? Nic was never warned about the use of the word Spuds by the admin. What he was warned about was continually abusing membership by taking threads (deliberately to my mind) off topic. Others had a word about the Spuds word. And Lew if you feel it's all gone down fella, you don't have to come on here. Your decision.

    Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur - Page 4 Empty Re: Reading F.C. vs. Tottenham Hotspur

    Post by seebee1944 Thu Sep 20 2012, 05:01

    Even in his absence Nic has hi-jacked another thread. What started off as a discussion about a football match has degenerated into an argument about him and his comments. Seems to me he has achieved his goal and split the board. Such a pity.

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