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    ADE Empty ADE

    Post by Guest Thu May 09 2013, 09:22

    People saying they are angry with Ade because of a performance like this, why can't he get more support from us? To me he puts effort in every game, but he was lacking a lot of confidence for whatever reason. Tonight it was there and we got a good performance.

    Torres seems to get the 'Aww poor Torres, he's going through some tough times' treatment from a lot of the media while Ade gets mocking and patronisation, particularly from commentators. 'Even Adebayor had a good game tonight!' I'm sure I heard as they went to a break. It's pretty ridiculous. Just because he is capable of scoring a goal like tonight it doesn't mean we deserve it every game. Just because he misses the chances like against West Ham it doesn't mean he isn't bothering.
    Champions League
    Champions League

    ADE Empty Re: ADE

    Post by shearspur Thu May 09 2013, 21:26

    if he had done his bit that he gets handsomely paid for earlier in the season we wouldnt be sitting here praying other teams can do us a favour. i blame levy anyway for not getting a striker in jan.

    ADE Empty Re: ADE

    Post by Guest Thu May 09 2013, 22:05

    have u ever seen defoe play that well for the team.

    Champions League
    Champions League

    ADE Empty Re: ADE

    Post by shearspur Thu May 09 2013, 22:26

    ade was given a lot more playing time i would think, but just didnt do it for me. i would rather have defoe over ade any day. just an opinion mate as you have yours.
    and to answer your question defoe hasnt been great this season either.

    ADE Empty Re: ADE

    Post by vis Fri May 10 2013, 05:37

    90% of the season he has been sh*t, AWOL or injured. Talk about how to win friends and influence people! Or maybe it's time for contract negotiations? Shop window & all that . . . .

    ADE Empty Re: ADE

    Post by vis Fri May 10 2013, 05:42

    Loughtonguy wrote:People saying they are angry with Ade because of a performance like this, why can't he get more support from us? To me he puts effort in every game, but he was lacking a lot of confidence for whatever reason. Tonight it was there and we got a good performance.

    Torres seems to get the 'Aww poor Torres, he's going through some tough times' treatment from a lot of the media while Ade gets mocking and patronisation, particularly from commentators. 'Even Adebayor had a good game tonight!' I'm sure I heard as they went to a break. It's pretty ridiculous. Just because he is capable of scoring a goal like tonight it doesn't mean we deserve it every game. Just because he misses the chances like against West Ham it doesn't mean he isn't bothering.

    Lought I distincly heard Gary Neville say after Adabadbigtoes wonder goal last night "He's been rubbish up until that". And for 90% of the season he has been rubbish, AWOL or injured. So fair play to people who are stating the blindingly obvious that Adabadbigtoe turns up so infrequently . . . .

    ADE Empty Re: ADE

    Post by Guest Fri May 10 2013, 06:10

    ade had no pre season then went to the african cup nations. hes only getting hes fitness.

    what is defoe excusse.
    he was sh*t agansts southampton and wigan.

    in fact ade touched the ball more in 20 mins then defoe all game because all defoe does is stand up front and shoot. thats why aganst southampton they was all over us because defoe cant hold the ball up.

    by the way the last 3 seasons defoe has only scored 4 prem goals. and he has 3 so far in 23 games.

    can defoe beat it lol

    ADE Empty Re: ADE

    Post by vis Fri May 10 2013, 06:48

    ade had no pre season then went to the african cup nations. hes only getting hes fitness.


    ADE Empty Re: ADE

    Post by Guest Fri May 10 2013, 07:41

    well i think after last nights game ade will start and not defoe aganst stoke

    ADE Empty Re: ADE

    Post by vis Fri May 10 2013, 07:55

    I would think so as well Lought but even you with your current love-in of Adabadbigtoe cannot argue against the fact that for most of this season he has been rubbish, AWOL or injured . . . .

    ADE Empty Re: ADE

    Post by totalytot Fri May 10 2013, 08:28

    I think Adebyebye probably had his best game for Spurs since he came here. But it doesn't alter the fact that for all this season he has been absolute crap. You only have to listen to the commentators or pundits or the media to see he is considered a joke.

    His control when he receives the ball is laughable and usually goes 10 metres in front.

    That's why that was probably his brother out there last night.

    Mikey M

    ADE Empty Re: ADE

    Post by Guest Fri May 10 2013, 08:48

    vis i think hes worked hard but hes not looked like scoring.

    i think defoe should always start from the bench

    ADE Empty Re: ADE

    Post by BazSpur Mon May 13 2013, 10:04

    Sooner he leaves our great club the better. Wherever he wants to go I will drive him personally and pack his f*cking bag for him.

    ADE Empty Re: ADE

    Post by Guest Mon May 13 2013, 10:22

    harsh baz. defoe came on today and again was invisible.

    where was he when that cross went in.

    caulker or ade both read the situation

    ADE Empty Re: ADE

    Post by BazSpur Mon May 13 2013, 10:24

    Who's scored more goals this season Ade or Defoe? Don't like him don't want him.

    ADE Empty Re: ADE

    Post by Guest Mon May 13 2013, 10:48

    ade had no pre season. he didnt get signed untill late august.

    hes getting goals now unlike defoe whos now got 3 in 24 although today he was a sub.

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