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    letter by disgruntled spurs fan


    letter by disgruntled spurs fan Empty letter by disgruntled spurs fan

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 15 2010, 02:24

    An open letter to Tottenham Hotspurs

    Dear spineless c**ts

    I have finally f**king had it with your capitulating, spineless, terminal ineptitude. How many times have you flattered to deceive? How many more false dawns are there? You f**king make me sick to my stomach, I am livid with the f**king gash you served up this afternoon...what the f**k was that? You totally reverted to was complete fanny.

    I'm sick to the back teeth of your inability to win a game from a position of invincibility or to win a game convincingly. I've seen you cock up 3-0 leads at half time, I've seen you lose countless semi finals and penalty shoot outs and I've seen you cheap talk and cheap talk only to see you choke and fail when push actually comes to f**king shove. Bottling when it matters and not having the mental strength to dominate and discharge fight and grit when it's needed appears a disease that runs through the club from top to bottom.

    Now Harry, I usually go in to bat for you any time tax dodging is mentioned, or you are compared to Droopy, but continuing to defend you has become untenable. For me this weekend you have displayed a fatal flaw and exposed yourself as having nothing else left in your locker to take this job further. You prepared for failure in your pre match press conferences by using phrases such as..."if we don’t win the cup or make 4th we've still had a great season and come forward a million per cent compared to where we were last season"...which basically means you were protecting yourself for the backlash of losing the semi final by preparing us for defeat. You played that lanky useless streak of P*ss Crouch for a full 120 minutes today and you took Defoe off after 60 mins. A diabolical decision...were you getting paid by Peter Storrie for that? Did you have a stroke and think you were back in the Pompey dug out? You dumb c**t...why can you not see how shank Crouch is? You've already sold the pr*ck twice in your career...but to buy him back and play him and Pav together through choice...well. I’d have fancied our chances more if Joey Deacon and Zach Gowan were paired up front with Stephen Hawking playing just behind in the hole.

    And as for that little haemorrhoid O’Hara saying he wanted Portsmouth to win, remember who pays your f**king wages. I hope Danielle Lloyd gives you aids you little c**t and Harry recalls you from your loan there before the cup final out of spite. Do you not know how many professional footballers' porridge you're stirring each time you mount that Botox road kill? Opening her jeans must be like opening the letterbox to the flat of a dead alcoholic friend who you've not heard from in 2 weeks and being hit in the face with a thousand flies and the stench of manky little munchkin.

    f**k you and if one, just one, of you overpaid, lazy, half hearted excuses for men dare speak another word in the press this season about either "deserving to finish 4th" or "we can still achieve 4th" or "the gap between us and ars*nal is closing" I will start shitting in jiffy bags and go and buy a load of stamps.

    </TD></TR>[tr][td style="HEIGHT: 20px" class=messagefooter][/td][td class=messagefooter noWrap]<TR><td noWrap></TD><td align=right>letter by disgruntled spurs fan Message-topletter by disgruntled spurs fan Message-bottom </TD></TR>

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    letter by disgruntled spurs fan Empty Re: letter by disgruntled spurs fan

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 15 2010, 03:27


    letter by disgruntled spurs fan Empty Re: letter by disgruntled spurs fan

    Post by BazSpur Thu Apr 15 2010, 03:36

    I think he was pi**ed off letter by disgruntled spurs fan Lol I'm sick to the back teeth of your inability to
    win a game from a position of invincibility or to win a game
    convincingly. Well, I think he was generalising just a bit there. Didn't we beat Wigan 9-1?
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    letter by disgruntled spurs fan Empty Re: letter by disgruntled spurs fan

    Post by SuneJim Thu Apr 15 2010, 04:49

    BazSpur wrote:I think he was pi**ed off letter by disgruntled spurs fan Lol I'm sick to the back teeth of your inability to
    win a game from a position of invincibility or to win a game
    convincingly. Well, I think he was generalising just a bit there. Didn't we beat Wigan 9-1?

    But you have to admit that 9-1 win is the exception to the Baz. But i can name a stream of comebacks by other teams lol.

    letter by disgruntled spurs fan Empty Re: letter by disgruntled spurs fan

    Post by BazSpur Thu Apr 15 2010, 05:13

    Thats true. letter by disgruntled spurs fan Lol

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