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    To mr burgermeister !


    To mr burgermeister ! - Page 2 Empty Re: To mr burgermeister !

    Post by Guest Sat Jun 19 2010, 04:33

    lol, made my day that.

    To mr burgermeister ! - Page 2 Empty Re: To mr burgermeister !

    Post by BazSpur Sat Jun 19 2010, 05:02

    Well, I would Dave but the thing is if you start slinging muck around its going to come back isn't it? Now, I aint getting into all this sh*t again Dave, Let me put it to you stratight so there is no mistake and so everyone knows. You are goading Burger and Mark all the time with your mug remarks etc, etc. then you call Mark a Nonce which is totally out of order, then you have the temerity to moan to me when he says it takes one to know one. . Now I have asked you in the past to moderate your insults but once again it just seems to fall on deaf ears. If you don't like Gooners being on here Dave then don't post on here its simple as. You post on both the Spam site where there are gooners and the goon site where funny enough there are gooners. Then you complain there are gooners on here. Its laughable it really is. I have made my position clear. Once again I ask you to go and read the rules. The reason I said something to you about the Nonce jibe is because you started it. I am not saying any more about this now. Read the rules Dave. Mark in future it would be easier if you don't respond. I will deal with it.

    To mr burgermeister ! - Page 2 Empty Re: To mr burgermeister !

    Post by Guest Sat Jun 19 2010, 05:18

    Rule 43 is prison slang. It means a very undesireable person.Solitary confinement because of the crime commited ! RIGHT GUYS lets stop with the name calling ffs ? Nonce ain't a nice term but neither is rule 43 ! As a mod if I see nonce or rule 43 I will delete the thread. I'm not getting into who started it, he called me a name etc. At the end of the day this is the FRIENDLEY board. We dish some stick and take some stick ! ! ! C'mon guys just because we support different teams we can at least agree to disagree ? The name calling is just childish. Dave is right to be offended but so is Mark. But both of ya sort it out. Take it to the ruck room where you can insult eachother. Dave is Spurs to his bones, Mark is a gooner. SO WHAT. You both knoww the insults are untrue. Get in the ruck room guys and ruck it out with class & style . . . . . . . .

    To mr burgermeister ! - Page 2 Empty Re: To mr burgermeister !

    Post by HotspurRoper Sat Jun 19 2010, 08:53

    Nice 1 Baz and Vis, now this is a prime example of why i dont stick with Long threads, sooner or later it turns into a pile of shite, but fair play to yous especially u baz you nipped it in the bud before it turn childish!!!

    To mr burgermeister ! - Page 2 Empty Re: To mr burgermeister !

    Post by BazSpur Sat Jun 19 2010, 09:49

    Thank you for the support Lee. Its well appreciated mate. At least I feel we are doing something right. Cheers Vis.

    To mr burgermeister ! - Page 2 Empty Re: To mr burgermeister !

    Post by Guest Sat Jun 19 2010, 17:14

    Mark2spark wrote:I don't think either of us are saying that Man C won't eventually be title contenders, with an unlimited budget then of course there's going to a title challenge made.
    But Chelski also seemingly have an unlimited budget, so they both can't win it.
    And if Liverpool also come up with arab owners then they could also be in the same position.
    What of Arsenal and the russian Billionaire?
    What of Tottenham and the Caribbean billionaire?
    The list of what if's is endless lads.

    Chelsea i believe have done their major spending mark, they will probably buy in one big name this close season and thats all.
    Its all if,s about gooners dont have much dosh.
    We will spend a little money but we have our city dont.

    To mr burgermeister ! - Page 2 Empty Re: To mr burgermeister !

    Post by Guest Sat Jun 19 2010, 18:52

    lew u seem fixed on this money thing. yids have spent millions and got no where, the one season they didn spend too much, they finished 4th. no one has answered my qiestion with who man city will attract, because i cant see anyone going to a side in the eurpoa league. and what makes u say arsenal aint got no dosh, just because we dont throw it around like confetti dont mean we aint got it. arshavin,vermuelen,nasri,ramsey theres 30 million we have spent in the last 2 seasons. i am very confused and surprised by anyone thinking money is a guaranteed recipe for success, its that thinking thats killing our game.

    To mr burgermeister ! - Page 2 Empty Re: To mr burgermeister !

    Post by Guest Sat Jun 19 2010, 19:00

    HotspurRoper wrote:Nice 1 Baz and Vis, now this is a prime example of why i dont stick with Long threads, sooner or later it turns into a pile of shite, but fair play to yous especially u baz you nipped it in the bud before it turn childish!!!
    lee i am also very happy that vis and especially baz have nipped it in the bud, obviously the constant mug callin wernt getting the bites leggy was looking for so he upped the ante and started callin more lets say out of order names, nonce is a terrible thing to call anyone, especially unprovoked, but this is the type of guy leggy is, you guys can blame it on being spurs to the bone i just think he is a horrible person, the other week he was hoping my plane crashed with my wife and kids on it, but this was laughed off as leggy being SPURS TO THE BONE, im not saying no more on the subject but i wish people would stop making excuses for someone who has been trying his hardest to ruin this board, i speak to bill stroller all the time and have invited him many times on to this board, i will let u workout why he dont bother.
    2nd Division
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    To mr burgermeister ! - Page 2 Empty Re: To mr burgermeister !

    Post by tressman1 Sat Jun 19 2010, 19:12

    Burger!!!!!!! I must say in all honesty, and i should be speaking for everyone !!!!!!!!!! nobody would wish that on anybody!!!!! and there is no excuse that could be raised that would go anywhere near excusing that !!!!!!! I have not seen that myself, and I very much hope you are mistaken !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is a truly nasty comment, I would never use someone's family like that, I do hope that the MODS on here did pick that up!!!!!!!! and maybe that's why Leggy has been given a bit of stick lately for his comments!!!!!

    I am and from, every spurs supporter on this board, I hope!!!! very sorry for those very inappropriate comments directed to you and your wife & children, very sorry Burger!!!!

    To mr burgermeister ! - Page 2 Empty Re: To mr burgermeister !

    Post by Guest Sat Jun 19 2010, 19:19

    no need to apoligise sean i am more than used to it, and i am very pleased in how the boards moderated.

    To mr burgermeister ! - Page 2 Empty Re: To mr burgermeister !

    Post by Guest Sat Jun 19 2010, 19:20

    burger777 wrote:lew u seem fixed on this money thing. yids have spent millions and got no where, the one season they didn spend too much, they finished 4th. no one has answered my qiestion with who man city will attract, because i cant see anyone going to a side in the eurpoa league. and what makes u say arsenal aint got no dosh, just because we dont throw it around like confetti dont mean we aint got it. arshavin,vermuelen,nasri,ramsey theres 30 million we have spent in the last 2 seasons. i am very confused and surprised by anyone thinking money is a guaranteed recipe for success, its that thinking thats killing our game.

    Who will city attract ? no one has answered because its obvious all deals will be done after the world cup, and then you will see city buy up anything thats moves that can kick a ball in the right direction.
    Money doesnt guarantee success, of cause it doesnt but its the intent burg ! and one little factor is the outrageous wages they can offer a player, i think harry was going for gareth barry last summer but we couldnt match what city offered in wages, same with bellamy, and i think they will still attract players even though they are in the europa league, its human nature burg ! if spurs offered you 50,000 per week and cl football, but city offered you 100,000 per week where would you go,..? bearing in mind that its exciting times up at eastlands at the moment, they are building a side and the owners have made it plain they want the prem title and cl footie.
    Champions League
    Champions League

    To mr burgermeister ! - Page 2 Empty Re: To mr burgermeister !

    Post by ionman34 Sat Jun 19 2010, 19:44

    burger777 wrote:lew u seem fixed on this money thing. yids have spent millions and got no where, the one season they didn spend too much, they finished 4th. no one has answered my qiestion with who man city will attract, because i cant see anyone going to a side in the eurpoa league. and what makes u say arsenal aint got no dosh, just because we dont throw it around like confetti dont mean we aint got it. arshavin,vermuelen,nasri,ramsey theres 30 million we have spent in the last 2 seasons. i am very confused and surprised by anyone thinking money is a guaranteed recipe for success, its that thinking thats killing our game.

    Who will city attract ? no one has answered because its obvious all deals will be done after the world cup, and then you will see city buy up anything thats moves that can kick a ball in the right direction.
    Money doesnt guarantee success, of cause it doesnt but its the intent burg ! and one little factor is the outrageous wages they can offer a player, i think harry was going for gareth barry last summer but we couldnt match what city offered in wages, same with bellamy, and i think they will still attract players even though they are in the europa league, its human nature burg ! if spurs offered you 50,000 per week and cl football, but city offered you 100,000 per week where would you go,..? bearing in mind that its exciting times up at eastlands at the moment, they are building a side and the owners have made it plain they want the prem title and cl footie.

    Interesting thread this one guys and I think you both put some good points across here.
    Ordinarily I'd go along with Burger's slant on this one, purely because there have been teams out there who can offer both CL AND the obscene wages. Teams like Real Madrid, Barca, ManU and Chelsea. Well now I think that Real and Barca may well 'tighten the belt' as Spain, like much of Europe, is in dire straits financially. My parents live near Valencia, whilst my Nephew lives in Barcelona, and those are the noises I'm hearing from them.

    If such is the case the Real in particular may find it hard to come by the readies as I can't see the Government being able to justify handing out millions with the country on the verge of bankruptcy.

    You never know with the Spanish though, prideful people who may not want to let that kind of kudos go.

    Then there's ManU. Up to their necks in debt and only paying back the interest on the 800 million? Chelsea may well be OK but I believe Roman has snapped his purse shut. He may well open it again to keep Chelsea up there but, then again, he may well decide that the Honeymoon is over.

    This then leaves Citeh. They may not be in the CL right now but I'm sure a hefty pay packet and the right sales pitch would be sufficient to lure some of the best quality footballers to Eastlands.

    Bearing all that in mind, I'm inclined to agree with Lew here. If these players manage to input a get out clause that states Citeh must achieve CL qualification in 2 seasons or they can get on their toes, how many do you really think would say no?

    I wouldn't like to put money on it.

    To mr burgermeister ! - Page 2 Empty Re: To mr burgermeister !

    Post by Guest Sat Jun 19 2010, 21:39

    lewspurs wrote:
    burger777 wrote:lew u seem fixed on this money thing. yids have spent millions and got no where, the one season they didn spend too much, they finished 4th. no one has answered my qiestion with who man city will attract, because i cant see anyone going to a side in the eurpoa league. and what makes u say arsenal aint got no dosh, just because we dont throw it around like confetti dont mean we aint got it. arshavin,vermuelen,nasri,ramsey theres 30 million we have spent in the last 2 seasons. i am very confused and surprised by anyone thinking money is a guaranteed recipe for success, its that thinking thats killing our game.

    Who will city attract ? no one has answered because its obvious all deals will be done after the world cup, and then you will see city buy up anything thats moves that can kick a ball in the right direction.
    Money doesnt guarantee success, of cause it doesnt but its the intent burg ! and one little factor is the outrageous wages they can offer a player, i think harry was going for gareth barry last summer but we couldnt match what city offered in wages, same with bellamy, and i think they will still attract players even though they are in the europa league, its human nature burg ! if spurs offered you 50,000 per week and cl football, but city offered you 100,000 per week where would you go,..? bearing in mind that its exciting times up at eastlands at the moment, they are building a side and the owners have made it plain they want the prem title and cl footie.

    Interesting thread this one guys and I think you both put some good points across here.
    Ordinarily I'd go along with Burger's slant on this one, purely because there have been teams out there who can offer both CL AND the obscene wages. Teams like Real Madrid, Barca, ManU and Chelsea. Well now I think that Real and Barca may well 'tighten the belt' as Spain, like much of Europe, is in dire straits financially. My parents live near Valencia, whilst my Nephew lives in Barcelona, and those are the noises I'm hearing from them.

    If such is the case the Real in particular may find it hard to come by the readies as I can't see the Government being able to justify handing out millions with the country on the verge of bankruptcy.

    You never know with the Spanish though, prideful people who may not want to let that kind of kudos go.

    Then there's ManU. Up to their necks in debt and only paying back the interest on the 800 million? Chelsea may well be OK but I believe Roman has snapped his purse shut. He may well open it again to keep Chelsea up there but, then again, he may well decide that the Honeymoon is over.

    This then leaves Citeh. They may not be in the CL right now but I'm sure a hefty pay packet and the right sales pitch would be sufficient to lure some of the best quality footballers to Eastlands.

    Bearing all that in mind, I'm inclined to agree with Lew here. If these players manage to input a get out clause that states Citeh must achieve CL qualification in 2 seasons or they can get on their toes, how many do you really think would say no?

    I wouldn't like to put money on it.

    I can see where burger is coming from ion when he says who will city attract without cl football, but i still say its the potential of a player (being part of something massive ) with unlimited funds that will attract them there and of course the big wages,let alone players like tevez, barry,bellamy, given etc etc, they already have the base set to launch an assault on the top four, and they will buy big this summer without doubt .

    Sadly its bad news for harry and us spurs fans because they seem to go for players we have been after but cant match the wages, so if burg is right this really shouldnt be the case when we have cl to look forward to.

    One bonus though ! we play them first match of the new season and they wont get it right first time out, they will have to gel if they are going to change players we could have 3 points from that game, later on in the season and they might be a force to reckon with.

    To mr burgermeister ! - Page 2 Empty Re: To mr burgermeister !

    Post by Guest Sat Jun 19 2010, 21:49

    i see your point too lew, i was saying the same about chelsea and i was proved wrong, i think mourinho was the gem there tho, and dont see mancini is the same league, we could argue this one till the cows come home, lets just wait and see, i m sure we remind each other nearer the time.

    To mr burgermeister ! - Page 2 Empty Re: To mr burgermeister !

    Post by Guest Sun Jun 20 2010, 04:55

    I think Chelski will be spending this summer as Ballack is out of contract now, Lamps maybe off to Real, I also think JT is past his best now (that's on last year prem not on WC).

    To mr burgermeister ! - Page 2 Empty Re: To mr burgermeister !

    Post by Guest Sun Jun 20 2010, 05:05

    Well guys if what is copy & pasted below this is how Citeh will attract players ! If the article is correct it certainley gives Lews ideas total creedence. My point of view is that of Lew's. Money talks. Tempt a player in with huge wages and the chance of Chumps League within a season or 2 and they will flock to Eastlands. Some players will probably look at a season out of it as a rest. Not sure they have the right manager but maybe Cappello will be there come August ? If not next season I feel that by 2011/12 season Citeh will be in a posistion to threaten most teams . . . . . . .

    Manchester City are stepping up their efforts to sign Valencia striker David Silva, and are set to offer the Spaniard a cool £40m in wages over five years.
    Full story: Daily Mirror

    Last edited by VisionarySound on Sun Jun 20 2010, 05:07; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : basic grammatical mistakes my dear fellow's)

    To mr burgermeister ! - Page 2 Empty Re: To mr burgermeister !

    Post by BazSpur Sun Jun 20 2010, 05:10

    Lol, there could be a mutiny among the other players though. Having a player on those sort of wages.

    To mr burgermeister ! - Page 2 Empty Re: To mr burgermeister !

    Post by Guest Sun Jun 20 2010, 05:13

    whoes david silva vis, i aint ever heard of him,

    To mr burgermeister ! - Page 2 Empty Re: To mr burgermeister !

    Post by Guest Sun Jun 20 2010, 05:23

    David Josué Jiménez Silva (born 8 January 1986 in Arguineguín, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands) is a Spanish footballer who plays for Valencia CF and the Spanish national team.
    Silva is capable of playing on either wing or as a traditional number 10, and sometimes as a supporting striker.

    Hope this helps Burgs . . . . . . . .

    To mr burgermeister ! - Page 2 Empty Re: To mr burgermeister !

    Post by Guest Sun Jun 20 2010, 05:40

    yes it does, but i still aint heard of him, what has he won then. this is my point vis, second tier players, they dont frighten me, especially ones that have not played together, never played in the prem, the ones that aint used to our winter scedule, the ones that wont like full backs greeting them with a lets say rough tackle, it all reminds me of our own reyas, great player couldn handle the prem, veron was another, the best central mid player in the world at the time, he couldn hack it at chelsea or manu, thanks for giving me a name tho.

    To mr burgermeister ! - Page 2 Empty Re: To mr burgermeister !

    Post by Guest Sun Jun 20 2010, 09:57

    Well here's a funny thing Burgs, I have a tale to tell that happened to me this evening. My other half decided she fancied a Chinese tonight. Now we live in a village but we have a Chinese takeaway, if it was up to me it would be a Kebab but as I don't pay the business rates it ain't up to me. Nipped in and ordered for a good hour or so later to allow me to go into me local and enjoy the World Cup special offer. From kick off to final whistle all pints £2. Oh yes Burgs two quid for a draught Stella. Result eh ? Well got talking to some northern guy with a couple of my mates. Guy was in his 60's, obviously a driver parked up for the night come in for a beer & the footie. Started with the England shambles then he went on about how "WE" are going to win everything etc. Asked him who "WE" are and turns out he's a Citeh fan. He's chuffed as f*** as he see's his team as the richest in the world. Remembering Lews feelings I quetioned him about who he would like to see at the club. His answer ? 'Whoever wants to come cos we can afford 'em'. That to me said it all to me. The fans themselves feel they can get who they want ! I pointed out they don't have C/L football ( I had said I was a Spurs fan before you ask) and his attitude was 'so what, it will come soon and modern players are mercenaries and if the price is right they would run naked around Manchester' ! . He went on to say, in his and fellow Citeh supporters, the feeling is that every trophy going will be within their grasp in the next 3/4 years. Yup typical northern gobshite but his knowledge of the game and his club was without question. So it seems that Citeh believe they are the future. I asked him about managers. He felt Mancini was not the right man and wanted Mourino. I pointed out that for at least 12 months that was unlikely and he agreed but stated once he was done at Real Citeh will make an offer he can't refuse. I taunted him with the thought that Spurs may take 3 points 1st game of next season and he actually agreed with that. Went on to speak about who he would want should Mancini not deliver straight away and without hesitation he said Martiinez from Wigan, he also felt that they got rid of Hughes far too soon ! Intresting to speak to a fan of them and get opinions and it seems that they are brim full of confidence & expectation. Just as a little aside to the above his dislike of Utd was almost matched by his dislike of arsenil. Seems he has ties with Glossop in Derbyshire. According to him where the hill-woods come from. He reckoned the way they deserted the local area, after years of being involved, left a very sour taste thanks to arsenil. Dunno about that but I'm sure you goners will know the facts . . . . . .

    To mr burgermeister ! - Page 2 Empty Re: To mr burgermeister !

    Post by Guest Sun Jun 20 2010, 17:11

    Typical northeners biting the hand that feeds them. Never their fault, always someone else's. Even Arkwright gets stick for not building enough cotton mills.

    To mr burgermeister ! - Page 2 Empty Re: To mr burgermeister !

    Post by Guest Sun Jun 20 2010, 18:58

    now vis my arrogance may have come thru as far as man cuty are concerned,obviously they will be a force in prem football i just dont think it will happen next season, if lew bet me do i think man city will overtake arsenal in the next 5 seasons i probably would have to concede that bet, i just cant see it happening next season thats all, i dont think at the monet they have the right calibre of player or manager,

    To mr burgermeister ! - Page 2 Empty Re: To mr burgermeister !

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 21 2010, 03:14

    burger777 wrote:now vis my arrogance may have come thru as far as man cuty are concerned,obviously they will be a force in prem football i just dont think it will happen next season, if lew bet me do i think man city will overtake arsenal in the next 5 seasons i probably would have to concede that bet, i just cant see it happening next season thats all, i dont think at the monet they have the right calibre of player or manager,

    Well thats why i thought about the bet before i took it on burg ! it might not be this coming season but what the fck ! its a fair bet and it goes to charity either way.

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    To mr burgermeister ! - Page 2 Empty Re: To mr burgermeister !

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