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    Spurs youth policy !


    Spurs youth policy ! Empty Spurs youth policy !

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 04 2010, 08:35

    Lets get this straight before laurel and hardy say we havent a youth policy.

    Spurs have been buying future unproven youth players for quite a while now, and it seems that levy is happy to buy youngsters in and take a chance that they will come through.

    Its natural that some wont make it, leigh mills for instance, but lennon, huddlestone ,bale have proved bargains and i wonder what they would be worth now ?

    Apart from leigh mills we had dean marney who didnt make an impact, and so they get moved on to where they will get regular football but at a lower level, seems a good deal to me !

    We have townsend, walker, naughton ,obika and rose who could make it, just lately it sounds like taarabt has been sold, which could turn out to be a wrong decision. ? but sorry lought i believe it is the right decision.

    We would by now have bought the ipswich youngster connor wickham, had keane not been the manager there and is influencing the asking price of £10 mill, when the lads correct value should be around the £3-£4 mill mark for a youth prospect which could include clauses for what the lad might achieve.

    As far as i can see its a great policy, yes you have a some that dont make it but then the rewards are fantastic when you unearth a bale or a lennon.

    Spurs youth policy ! Empty Re: Spurs youth policy !

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 04 2010, 08:58

    Our youth policy is fine Lew. Unfortunately there are a few who believe that we do not produce young talent. Bless their lil deluded minds eh ? We have bought in and seen players come thro' the ranks to be, in Bales case, amongst the best around. How many teams can claim to have a better left-sided talent than the raw lad we bought at age 18 after only 45 odd games for Southampton ? Great find or what ? Then he is eased along at Spurs to become the player he is today . In Lennon's case a fast, tricky winger who plays regularly for his country. In Thudds case a prospect who gets better every season and has the talent, if realised, to be amongst the best. So yes our scouting network is superb. OK we don't sniff 'em out abroad at 16 and lure them in for free and then claim we 'made them', but we are Spurs and our way seems to be paying dividends. Walker & Naughton are maybe "one's" for this season ? But now, as well, there is a steady influx of players coming thro' from our acadamy. A trickle of players, who from what we have seen, have the raw talent to come thro' into the senior squad (AKA First Team) and over the next few seasons hold their own and shine . . . . . .

    Spurs youth policy ! Empty Re: Spurs youth policy !

    Post by BazSpur Wed Aug 04 2010, 09:28

    And they aint French.

    Spurs youth policy ! Empty Re: Spurs youth policy !

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 04 2010, 16:35

    LOL ! have a rep point baz ! by the way how would you pronounce laurel and hardy in french.........

    Spurs youth policy ! Empty Re: Spurs youth policy !

    Post by DJSR Wed Aug 04 2010, 20:53

    or African, for who they offered their parents a cheap house in Africa to lure the player to the UK.

    Spurs youth policy ! Empty Re: Spurs youth policy !

    Post by BazSpur Wed Aug 04 2010, 21:12

    Thanks Lew. Spurs youth policy ! Icon_biggrin

    Spurs youth policy ! Empty Re: Spurs youth policy !

    Post by totalytot Wed Aug 04 2010, 23:59

    lewspurs wrote:LOL ! have a rep point baz ! by the way how would you pronounce laurel and hardy in french.........

    Lorol et Ardy Spurs youth policy ! Icon_bounce

    Spurs youth policy ! Empty Re: Spurs youth policy !

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 05 2010, 00:52

    our youth policy is rubbish. these kids wont get a chance. the only reason they are playin now is cos we have to many games.
    Now the world cup players are back we will have the full sqaud for saturday friendly and these kids will go through a black hole and not be seen again. just like last season and the season before
    It dont matter if we have good kids they wont get a game in the prem unless we get tons of injuries but we will go and poach other teams kids then let them rot in the reserves

    Spurs youth policy ! Empty Re: Spurs youth policy !

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 05 2010, 02:24

    Loughtonlegend wrote:our youth policy is rubbish. these kids wont get a chance. the only reason they are playin now is cos we have to many games.
    Now the world cup players are back we will have the full sqaud for saturday friendly and these kids will go through a black hole and not be seen again. just like last season and the season before
    It dont matter if we have good kids they wont get a game in the prem unless we get tons of injuries but we will go and poach other teams kids then let them rot in the reserves

    Yeah right lought ! bale lennon and huddlestone didnt get a chance did they, ffs its up to these youngsters to prove they are good enough when they do get a go, and to keep out the player they have replaced because of injury or whatever..........

    If spurs policy is to invest in prospects other teams have nurtured then so be it, to say they will rot in the reserves is rubbish, honestly mate you may have wanted adel in the first team but he isnt good enough ! i waxed lyrical about blondel but he didnt get much of a chance either all those years back.

    Spurs youth policy ! Empty Re: Spurs youth policy !

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 05 2010, 05:21

    Good heavens. Twits and twats are the same in any language.
    Respect for Lought for not being blinded by the light.
    Can anyone explain why tottenhams youth team hasn't won the FA's highest ranked youth trophy for Youths 3 times out of the last 4 years?
    It might be something to do with the fact that you only have TEN PLAYERS registered in your 'Academy' first team... lololol.... leaving you a bit short when it comes to fielding a whole team....lololol

    Spurs youth policy ! Empty Re: Spurs youth policy !

    Post by BazSpur Thu Aug 05 2010, 05:36

    Twits and Twats? That's a little strong Mark IMO. Coming very close to insults there if you are aiming it at any posters on here.

    Spurs youth policy ! Empty Re: Spurs youth policy !

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 05 2010, 05:38

    Spurs youth policy ! Icon_question i'll pm you

    Spurs youth policy ! Empty Re: Spurs youth policy !

    Post by BazSpur Thu Aug 05 2010, 05:40


    Spurs youth policy ! Empty Re: Spurs youth policy !

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 05 2010, 05:46

    I've used the collective term 'twits and twats' above because AFAIA, they are used as terms for less intelligent beings in a humorous way.
    Dictionary explanation

    However Baz has pointed out the other meaning for 'twat' when used on it's own, I didn't mean that. Hope that's obvious.

    Spurs youth policy ! Empty Re: Spurs youth policy !

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 05 2010, 06:04

    Mark2spark wrote:Good heavens. Twits and twats are the same in any language.
    Respect for Lought for not being blinded by the light.
    Can anyone explain why tottenhams youth team hasn't won the FA's highest ranked youth trophy for Youths 3 times out of the last 4 years?
    It might be something to do with the fact that you only have TEN PLAYERS registered in your 'Academy' first team... lololol.... leaving you a bit short when it comes to fielding a whole team....lololol

    What are you on about you goat ! you are as thick as the proverbial plank sparks.

    Dont you get the point at all ?

    In recent years the policy has been to spot young talent and get it on the cheap, though i didnt want to put it as blunt as that ! some of these prospects wont make it, but some will, and have.

    Winning youth trophies doesnt pay the fcking wages or the running of a premiership side you fanny.

    Its ok praising lought because he can be cynical about spurs and i guess you pick up on that being a gooner but lets face it, at the end of the day its money mate.

    So at the end of the day tottenham havent a trophy winning youth side, so fcking what ? we finished 4th last season with bale, lennon and huddlestone all acquired by spurs while very young, and they came at a premium.

    As far as i am concerned thats good business and i hope levy pursues this youth buying policy, for the financial well being of the club.

    Spurs youth policy ! Empty Re: Spurs youth policy !

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 05 2010, 06:09

    lewspurs wrote:

    Its ok praising lought because he can be cynical about spurs and i guess you pick up on that being a gooner but lets face it, at the end of the day its money mate.

    Good. At long last. Let's not hear any more nonsense now about how the commercial organisation known as Arsenal continues to balance the books by fielding sides made up of many nationalities, with being English not of a commercial concern.

    Spurs youth policy ! Empty Re: Spurs youth policy !

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 05 2010, 06:21

    Mark2spark wrote:
    lewspurs wrote:

    Its ok praising lought because he can be cynical about spurs and i guess you pick up on that being a gooner but lets face it, at the end of the day its money mate.

    Good. At long last. Let's not hear any more nonsense now about how the commercial organisation known as Arsenal continues to balance the books by fielding sides made up of many nationalities, with being English not of a commercial concern.

    Tell that to others who it concerns mate, but dont give me that crap about youth policies and what have your youth won blah blah blah ! ? it doesnt wash with me mark.
    I know exactly what levy is doing for spurs and thats keeping the club on a firm financial footing.
    Snapping up young talent over the past 6 years or so has worked for spurs, why then ? when the game is all about money should we have a massive youth investment.

    You say we have ten registered youth players, not sure where you get your figures from but it doesnt matter, in my experience of coaching kids they tend to go to lower league clubs because they are more likely to get a chance of first team football at those clubs, 2 of my lads trialed for southend back in the 1990s even though they were tottenham fans through and through and would have loved tp play for spurs, but they realised not many make it with the big clubs.....................i wonder how many actually trial for prem sides and how many actually get on the books ? i would guess 10 %.

    If they were good enough the big clubs would come calling sooner or later anyway.

    Spurs youth policy ! Empty Re: Spurs youth policy !

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 05 2010, 06:28

    Lew, there's a link on one of my other posts. Spurs website has the details of your 'Academy' players, there's 10 on the first team and twelve (i think) on the 2nd team.
    Finding details of 'any' youths you have on the books is harder. I'm not sure you have a youth team of sorts any more. (not looking for point scoring, honestly asking if you have one or not)

    Spurs youth policy ! Empty Re: Spurs youth policy !

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 05 2010, 06:41

    Mark2spark wrote:Lew, there's a link on one of my other posts. Spurs website has the details of your 'Academy' players, there's 10 on the first team and twelve (i think) on the 2nd team.
    Finding details of 'any' youths you have on the books is harder. I'm not sure you have a youth team of sorts any more. (not looking for point scoring, honestly asking if you have one or not)

    The point is mark that we are talking about 2 different methods of encouraging young footballers here, and i would love spurs to have an academy of x-amount of youngsters to see what can be made of them, but levy and co have chosen to let others do the hard work in making these youngsters into top footballers, usually these lower league clubs need the cash and sell these youngsters on ! in my opinion nothing is wrong in doing that.

    I believe there is a load of rubbish written about encouraging youth because talent will show through in the can you encourage the making of a hoddle, or greaves, or ronaldo or ginola, ? you can add things to their all round game but the unique talent was there in the first place, it only needed to be spotted in the first place, maybe by a lower league clubs scout .

    As i have said i would love to see a massive youth academy at spurs but i am happy with the way things are.

    Spurs youth policy ! Empty Re: Spurs youth policy !

    Post by BazSpur Thu Aug 05 2010, 06:45

    usually these lower league clubs need the cash and sell these youngsters on ! in my opinion nothing is wrong in doing that.

    That was being done years ago, so there is nothing new in it. The lower league clubs have always raised money that way.

    Spurs youth policy ! Empty Re: Spurs youth policy !

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 05 2010, 09:35

    Mark2spark wrote:Lew, there's a link on one of my other posts. Spurs website has the details of your 'Academy' players, there's 10 on the first team and twelve (i think) on the 2nd team.
    Finding details of 'any' youths you have on the books is harder. I'm not sure you have a youth team of sorts any more. (not looking for point scoring, honestly asking if you have one or not)

    That's 22 players if my maths are correct ? Very close to the 25 players that Premier League squads are allowed this season. If you look closely at the web site you will see a Senior (1st team squad), Professionals (reserve teamfor want of a better term) and then 2 acadamey squads. As I posted elsewhere. This is the Spurs way, we don't follow like sheep . . . . . .

    Spurs youth policy ! Empty Re: Spurs youth policy !

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 05 2010, 10:57

    huddlestone lennon and bale was from a differnt club. we never give our own players a chance.
    best thing that happend to spurs last january was gettin loads injjuries as that made harry having to play bale
    in harrys own words he almost loaned bale out. imagine that, bale comming back to spurs now .
    he was our best player 2nd half of the season. also pav played well when given a chance

    Spurs youth policy ! Empty Re: Spurs youth policy !

    Post by Guest Fri Aug 06 2010, 03:08

    Loughtonlegend wrote:huddlestone lennon and bale was from a differnt club. we never give our own players a chance.
    They were from many different clubs actually lought ! and they were bought when very young as youth prospects, if i remember routledge was meant to be better than lennon but lennon got his chance ,took it and routledge was moved on, and where is he now ? exactly.
    best thing that happend to spurs last january was gettin loads injjuries as that made harry having to play bale
    in harrys own words he almost loaned bale out. imagine that, bale comming back to spurs now .
    he was our best player 2nd half of the season. also pav played well when given a chance

    Totally agree lought, it took an injury to give bale a chance but lets look back on the circumstances, bale got a bad injury in his first season, and it took him ages to get back to anywhere near his true form, he was given time and now the whole team has been rewarded, yes it was initially through an injury but like lennon he took his chance and made it impossible for harry to drop him, pav also made it hard for harry to drop him but.! thats what players young or old have to do, make it hard for the manager to drop them.
    Lought, adel never really set the place alight now did he ? if he had taken his chance like the others mentioned here then harry may well never have sent him on loan.

    I am not saying there isnt any truth in what you are saying in that it is hard for spurs youth players to get a chance, but i know you would be the first one on here to blast anyone who doesnt have a good game for spurs, you have constantly had a go at crouch, jenas , keane and many more, so i am sure any youngster regardless wouldnt be exempt from your criticism.

    Not having a go lought but i look at your posts sometimes and cant help thinking that everyone gets it wrong in the spurs hierachy, especially harry ! your opinion, and thats why we had the best prem league finish ever under harry.......he must be doing something right lought.

    Spurs youth policy ! Empty Re: Spurs youth policy !

    Post by Guest Fri Aug 06 2010, 05:15

    that thats what winds me up keane started loads of games last season and was woefull in most. im thinkin it wasnt that he was playin bad that harry ended up droping him and loanin him out in jan it was that he went behind harrys back and arrange the team to go on a trip
    i think puttin adel up front would of been good. go back and watch the 1st game of usa tour he played. he set up keane so many times. if keane had finnised them chances we be going what a great pass.
    how many games does jenas get. when was last time he put in a great free kick corner scored yet is always in the sqaud.
    wp gave the ball away the most last season and since jan he was well off form.
    i hope we keep gio now or ill be well pi**ed off that we got rid of 2 players that do have genuine talent

    Spurs youth policy ! Empty Re: Spurs youth policy !

    Post by Guest Fri Aug 06 2010, 06:01

    Lought time alone will tell if the players have the real talent to make it to the big time. If Tarrabt is so good why was a major club not biting our hand off to have him at, in today's market, the bargain basement price of just £1M ? If in a couple of seasons he is winning major trophies and getting the plaudits from the meeja I will throughly enjoy your "told you so" posts. I hope Gio get's his chance with us as he does seem to have true pace & directness going forward and that will add a dimension to the squad that would compliment players like Defoe, Lennon & Bale . . . . . .

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