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    stfu harry


    stfu harry Empty stfu harry

    Post by Guest Sat Jul 23 2011, 10:42

    again he starts it all up again

    Tottenham boss Harry Redknapp has reiterated his
    desire to keep hold of unsettled midfielder Luka Modric, even if
    Chelsea push up their bid to £35m.
    Spurs have rejected bids of £22m and £27m for Modric, who is believed to have handed in a transfer request.
    "He is worth an awful lot more money than that [£35m]," Redknapp said. "Really we're not looking to sell Luka.
    "[But] it is in the hands of the chairman, Daniel Levy. It's not my decision at the end of the day."
    When reports emerged in the middle of July speculating that
    the gifted Croatia international had handed in an official transfer
    request, Redknapp
    told BBC Sport's chief football writer Phil McNulty that it was
    ultimately irrelevant whether the 25-year-old had or not.
    "We know he wants to leave, whether he writes it down on a
    piece of paper doesn't really make any difference to our stance," the
    Spurs boss said at the time. "He's a great player and we don't want to
    lose him."

    Continue reading the main story
    We're quite determined, if we can, to hang onto him. But it is a difficult situation</blockquote>
    Tottenham boss Harry Redknapp

    Chelsea have not as yet been back with a third bid, and while
    Redknapp is hopeful Modric will stay, the 64-year-old has hinted that it
    is not certain the midfielder will stay at White Hart Lane.
    "I obviously want to keep him as the coach but the chairman
    says he is not for sale, so we'll have to wait and see," Redknapp said
    ahead of Saturday's pre-season match against Orlando Pirates in the
    Vodacom Challenge final in South Africa.
    "We're quite determined, if we can, to hang on to him.
    "But it is a difficult situation. It's a difficult one for Luka and it's a difficult one for Tottenham."
    Modric only signed a new six-year contract at Tottenham in May 2010.

    stfu harry Empty Re: stfu harry

    Post by Guest Sat Jul 23 2011, 10:43

    its all gone quiet then he comes out with this again

    we know you want to keep him.
    no other manager talks as much as our harry
    Champions League
    Champions League

    stfu harry Empty Re: stfu harry

    Post by ionman34 Sat Jul 23 2011, 13:54

    Everyone is sick to the back teeth of this drama/saga or whatever you want to call it. But think of this in a different slant;

    Aitch and Danny meet one evening in the WHL War room. Picture the scene, it's late, quiet, the War room lit by one desk lamp with the open fire banked and casting off a fitful, flickering light. DL is silhouetted against the firelight casting his features into deep shadow as he methodically casts written 'Gentlemen's agreements' to the hungry flames. Aitch is sat deep into the plush, overstuffed antique Red Leather chair, trilby pulled low, eyes invisible as the low desk light only catches his lower jaw. A lone Grandfather clock tick tock echoes eerily through the corridors, the setting is perfect for plotting and treason.

    DL: 'We've had an offer through for Luka Aitch.'
    HR: 'We were expecting it Boss. What's the damage?'
    DL: 'They're taking the P*ss Aitch, 22 million, no add ons, no sell on, nothing.'
    HR: Who's that fackin' Russian fink 'e's dealin' wiv ere Boss? 22 million? You laughed at him I hope?'
    DL: I did Aitch, I did. Took a leaf out of your book and told him he was having a bubble. He looked confused for a bit then said he only showers. I've bought us a bit of time as a result and that's why I've called you in tonight............. I have a cunning plan............. And if you call me Baldrick I'll flog you.'
    HR: 'Who's Baldrick? Never mind that, what's the cunning plan Boss, you know I'm all up for a bitta skullduggery.'
    DL: 'Yes Aitch, yes I do. Well, it goes like this, Those filthy Blue Tossers out West have tapped up our boy and now think they'll be able to low ball us and get him on the cheap because he's unhappy and wants a move. They've brought the Mail in on a saturation campaign, looking to destabilise the club by feeding the fans enough propoganda that they'll turn on our boy and force him out with a hate campaign. Three pronged attack Aitch using finance, behind the back tapping up and 'Meeja' propoganda. Footballing Blitzkrieg if you will.'
    HR: 'Huh?'
    DL: 'Christ Aitch, sometimes I wonder about you. THEY'RE f*cking US ABAAHHT MY SON!'
    HR: 'Ah right, gotcha Boss.'
    DL: 'Well the cunning plan is actually quite simple Aitch. We use their own tactics against them. First off I'll be making a statement to the Press that we will not sell our Star players AT ANY PRICE. The Blue twats will, of course, ignore this and return with a further bid. This is where it starts getting cunning Aitch so pay attention.'

    HR leans forward casting a greater amount of his face into the desk lamp light and revealing a feral glint in the shadowed eyes.

    DL: 'We will refuse this second offer once again, but I will remain in the background whilst you deal with the Press. I want you to make them think that we could well deal if the price is high enough. Spin them a few of your choicest lines like "It's well below my valuation" and "The price is insultingly low", that kind of malarky.'
    HR: 'No problemo Boss but, exactly why am I doing this, it makes it look like you and me ain't on the same page, know what I mean?'
    DL: 'Precisely Aitch, this is the cunning of the plan. To the Blue Scum, we look like a club divided. It makes it look like there's a weakness they can exploit. If they think the money going high enough might tempt you into pressuring me too then they'll keep at this all Summer and, now here's the kicker, whilst they're doing this, we keep their focus away from getting in someone else to strengthen that area. We play this right, show just the right amount of weakening as the window progresses, we'll keep them rivetted on Luka to the exclusion of all else. Then, just when they think that a big bid at the end of the window will see them land Luka, thereby weakening us hugely, we pull the rug out from under them, leaving them with no midfield creator and a squad of Chelsea pensioners! But we gotta do this right Aitch, keep them interested enough without causing the fans, and Luka, to totally believe that we'll sell. This is where you've got to put in the performance of a lifetime. At some point even the Press will stop believing it'll happen, it's then that you need to put in a soundbite to keep it going. If the Blue Mafia's gaze looks like it's wandering then use the 'meeja' to snap it right back on us. In the meantime, I'll go and get us a couple of strikers and that nippy little fella we looked at over in Barca.
    They thought they could f*ck with me? That Russian twonk thinks he's a player because he fleeced a bunch of illiterate Russian Peasants out of their Oil? I fleece bigger Sheep before my Cornflakes.'
    HR: 'But, you eat Bagels Boss.'
    DL: 'That's not the point Aitch, it's just an expression.'
    HR: 'Ah, Righto Boss.'
    DL: 'Now, don't forget Aitch, it's imperative that you make it look like you are weakening as the price goes up, the entire strategy hinges on the Blue filth being 100% convinced of that. In the meantime I'll speak with Luka's family and ensure they 'advise' him that staying with Spurs is in his, and their, best interests, both financially and health wise.'
    HR: 'Gotcha Boss, Skullduggery and then some eh?'
    DL: 'You betcha. These Clowns don't know who they're dealing with here. Ferguson got the message after Berbatov, the Frog stalker is scared shitless to come near me and everyone else, bar this Russki and the Arab, knuckles their forehead in respect whenever I enter a room. I'm gonna teach these douchebags the meaning of respect. I'm gonna play them like a lute and leave them mewling on the ground begging for mercy while I'm kicking dirt in their faces, I'M GONNA HUMBLE THEM!!
    Let's drink to this Aitch, you and me humbling World Football, Capiche?'
    HR: 'No thanks Boss, I'm not really a Coffee drinker, prefer me cuppa Rosey.'
    DL: Under his breath,'<God give me strength!>'

    Champions League
    Champions League

    stfu harry Empty Re: stfu harry

    Post by ArnieArdiles Sat Jul 23 2011, 14:54

    I've woken up in the middle of the night with a dry throat and come downstairs and headed for the fridge ....Got my glass of water and oh look, I'd left my computor running from yesterday evening and I'm thinking , yeah go on , Arnie , may as well have a butchers on the BNF see what the crazies have typed up ...

    Ha ha that was brill ...

    Gawd, I do hope you're correct about all of this and a mate of mine has got it all wrong as he sent me text last night informing me that, Roman's Yacht, having left the warmer climes of the Med , was recently seen anchored off the shores of The Sandbanks. ..... Na just kidding

    Never has a rep point been so richly deserved , an Ion masterpiece....

    fantastic trifik smashing

    But Ion ...You're a nutter mate and on this I kid you not lol

    stfu harry Empty Re: stfu harry

    Post by HotspurRoper Sat Jul 23 2011, 18:13

    Well that has kick strated my day, Mark of genius ion me ole mucka and well deserved of a rep!!

    stfu harry Empty Re: stfu harry

    Post by cstmrsking Sat Jul 23 2011, 18:40

    The Case for a Rep, is ionclad.
    There a wasted talent.
    Champions League
    Champions League

    stfu harry Empty Re: stfu harry

    Post by LOBO Sat Jul 23 2011, 20:45

    Redknapp i LOL'd so hard when someone told me he would be the next England manager

    stfu harry Empty Re: stfu harry

    Post by Boltjean Sat Jul 23 2011, 21:58

    Ion, that was brilliant and I have repped you. Are you related to Agatha Christie by any chance. I can not wait to see this turned into a TV drama. I just pray that your great story does not turn into a horror story. But in all honesty I am getting so fed up with this Modric cr-p, it is going on longer than Coronation Street and I can not stand soaps, well except the one's I wash with. Now should your story become a TV drama, who would we have playing the characters of Levy, Modric and Harry. Harry has to be played by David Jason, Modric by Ken Dodd, that's who Modric remind's me of, must be his teeth, and Levy by David Suchet. Excuse my spelling of any of these.

    stfu harry Empty Re: stfu harry

    Post by Guest Sat Jul 23 2011, 23:53

    Blues warned over Modric price

    July 22, 2011

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    By ESPNsoccernet staff

    Tottenham Hotspur boss Harry Redknapp has warned Chelsea that it is likely to take "an awful lot more" than £35 million to sign Luka Modric.stfu harry Lukamodric20110719_275x155GettyImagesLuka Modric remains determined to leave Tottenham

    Chelsea send Courtois on loan
    Villas-Boas happy with strikeforce
    QPR can't afford Crouch
    Redknapp keen on AdebayorModric
    has expressed his determination to secure a move to Stamford Bridge and
    Redknapp, who reiterated this week that he "understands" the player's
    desire to leave, has claimed many of the world's top clubs are
    interested.On Thursday, he said: "Everyone wants Luka. Just ask Alex Ferguson what he thinks of him, ask Roberto Mancini at Manchester City - they all want him. He could play for Barcelona."However,
    Chelsea - who have already seen offers of £22 million and £27 million
    rejected - have been told that they will need to dramatically up their
    bid.Asked whether £35 million would be enough at a press
    conference on Friday, Redknapp said: "If we were looking at selling, it
    wouldn't be my valuation. "I think he is worth an awful lot more
    money than that, but we are not looking to sell Luka. We need to keep
    our best players, so he is a player we want to keep if possible."It's
    in the hands of the chairman of the football club - it's not my
    decision. I work with him as the coach, but the chairman says he is not
    for sale so we will have to wait and see. He is quite determined, if we
    can, to hang onto him."It's a difficult situation. It's a difficult one for Luka and it's a difficult one for Tottenham."

    stfu harry Empty Re: stfu harry

    Post by Guest Sat Jul 23 2011, 23:53

    its intresting how levy says we aint selling and every day harry says its not enough

    stfu harry Empty Re: stfu harry

    Post by BazSpur Sun Jul 24 2011, 00:09

    Loughtonlegend wrote:its intresting how levy says we aint selling and every day harry says its not enough

    All part of the plan Lought. All part of the plan son.

    stfu harry Empty Re: stfu harry

    Post by BazSpur Sun Jul 24 2011, 00:11

    ion, whether you are right or wrong that was brilliant. Big fat Rep coming your way.

    Last edited by BazSpur on Sun Jul 24 2011, 02:05; edited 1 time in total
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    stfu harry Empty Re: stfu harry

    Post by ionman34 Sun Jul 24 2011, 01:55

    Thank you gents, I had heaps of fun writing that. Glad you all enjoyed it as much as I did.

    stfu harry Empty Re: stfu harry

    Post by Guest Sun Jul 24 2011, 05:22

    Ion my friend that was a work of pure genius. A rep seems such a paltry offer for such an amusingly constructed piece of work but it's all I can give - unless you nip on a flight outta Oz and join me in my local and allow me to ply you with ale all evening . . . .

    stfu harry Empty Re: stfu harry

    Post by Guest Sun Jul 24 2011, 05:25

    PUKKA POST ION........REP.

    stfu harry Empty Re: stfu harry

    Post by totalytot Sun Jul 24 2011, 09:14

    Loved it Ion as I do love happy endings a rep from me also.

    Mikey M

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