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    Post by Guest Thu Oct 27 2011, 22:05

    How to you add a picture to your blank figure outline on here.?
    Just thought i would put something on to change the blank figure but cant find anything to add a pic to?
    Champions League
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    Question. Empty Re: Question.

    Post by anicoll5 Thu Oct 27 2011, 22:45

    Go on to your profile, open avatar and add a picture from your computer Lew

    Question. Empty Re: Question.

    Post by Guest Thu Oct 27 2011, 22:54

    Thanks nic, i had been looking through profile and avatar but couldnt get anything working, i will give it another go.......thanks. Very Happy

    Question. Empty Re: Question.

    Post by Guest Thu Oct 27 2011, 23:10

    There we go nic, did it .
    Pic of me and my first dog old soldier about a hundred years ago.

    Question. Empty Re: Question.

    Post by MarkA249 Thu Oct 27 2011, 23:26

    Lovely dog lew

    Question. Empty Re: Question.

    Post by Guest Fri Oct 28 2011, 01:16

    MarkA249 wrote:Lovely dog lew

    Lost him in april 2003 mark, but he had a great life, his owner had a stroke and died and i got him when he was about 4 years old, she called him benjamin, but i called him soldier as he wouldnt put up with aggression from bigger dogs, they got a bit of a shock when they tried to tackle him, he just wanted to be left alone to do his own thing, wasnt interested in other dogs at all, just exploring the walks where i used to take him.
    One christmas when we had all the family round his bowl was full to the brim with leftovers, and he had such a great appetite, but this beat him and he left one roast potato, and flopped down in the lounge, i could see his little mind working and that one potato gave him no peace, 10 minutes later he nipped out to the kitchen where his bowl was and finished it.
    Happy for this thread to go in non spurs baz/ vis . Very Happy

    Question. Empty Re: Question.

    Post by MarkA249 Fri Oct 28 2011, 01:26

    it shouldnt do its to do with spurs soldier was a spurs fan all our pets r spurs fans new and old so it should stay here Very Happy

    Question. Empty Re: Question.

    Post by Guest Fri Oct 28 2011, 01:45

    He was a spurs fan alright mark, he used to bark when ginola went on one of his mazy runs,lol !


    Question. Empty Re: Question.

    Post by cstmrsking Fri Oct 28 2011, 08:05

    Has anybody got a Cockral as a pet on here?

    My 2 cats are Spurs fans. lol

    Question. Empty Re: Question.

    Post by Guest Fri Oct 28 2011, 08:10

    nice pics lew
    Champions League
    Champions League

    Question. Empty Re: Question.

    Post by ionman34 Fri Oct 28 2011, 09:31

    I've got two Gremlins who are Spurs fans.

    Sometimes I admit to them being my Kids....................

    Question. Empty Re: Question.

    Post by BazSpur Fri Oct 28 2011, 10:17

    When I was still living at home with Mum and Dad RIP both of them, we used to keep chickens. We had a big whiite Cockerel we called Chivers. He was a big f*cker and would fight anything lol.

    Question. Empty Re: Question.

    Post by MarkA249 Fri Oct 28 2011, 17:30

    a big whiite Cockerel we called Chivers. He was a big f*cker

    Baz we dont want to know about your private parts and whats your pet name for him and how big u r needs to be on another forum ask lought he will know which one lol!

    Question. Empty Re: Question.

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 29 2011, 00:26

    cstmrsking wrote:Has anybody got a Cockral as a pet on here?

    My 2 cats are Spurs fans. lol

    Had five cockerals kingy, but didnt want them really cos of the noise.
    Long story really, when we first bought chickens a bloke was advertising in the local paper, point of lay hens, lol, we went along and had a look at these hens and i said have you sexed them ? the bloke said no, but the neck feathers indicate they are hens ! errrrrr yeah, anyway the wife said for £20 lets take a chance, to which i replied the f-cker knows really ! but my wife having great faith in human nature overuled me,and out of six chickens only one was a hen.
    The racket was terrible 3 months on as they grew into martin chivers, mike england,alan gilzean,david ginola and one had a limp so he was anderton, 4 went down to a kent rescue centre, i kept hoddle for a while but then he was so aggressive to the hens i later bought so i gave him to a local farmer who breeds from him to this day.
    Only gertie was a hen, and she does lay every other day.
    So my advice is, unless you like the racket and they do it all day not just in the mornings as people think, dont have a cockeral as a pet.

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