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    ION Empty ION

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 22 2012, 06:40

    Where are you. i want to hear your thoughts on avb

    ION Empty Re: ION

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 22 2012, 19:57

    Not ion but me lought !lol.
    Made me laugh when i saw this as i thought you were calling in the cavalry...!
    Yes the forum is a little split on avb, and it would be interesting to know ions opinion.

    ION Empty Re: ION

    Post by totalytot Thu Nov 22 2012, 23:30

    You know ION Lought he doesn't like Forums that critices the club even if it's constructive criticism.
    However I do miss the eloquent way he puts us down for not backing AVB or Levy even if I don't agree.

    Mikey M

    ION Empty Re: ION

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 22 2012, 23:52

    totalytot wrote:
    You know ION Lought he doesn't like Forums that critices the club even if it's constructive criticism.
    However I do miss the eloquent way he puts us down for not backing AVB or Levy even if I don't agree.

    Mikey M

    I know we dont get on mikey, but glad you see what i see is happening, and are not just pinning your hopes on....well ! hope..injured players coming back etc etc.
    Sounds like an age when they will be back anyway.
    Sorry i am not as eloquent as ion, maybe i am too blunt for some people, but thats just me......."as they say "

    As for ion not liking the club being criticised, i guess he does come across like that at times, but why should the club be above criticism ?
    Funny enough it isnt the club i am criticising, but levy who makes all these decisions for us.
    You may have read a thread i put up some time ago saying " why fix it when it wasnt broken " ? it wasnt broken arnie, it was a set of circumstances that could only happen to spurs midway through the league programme last term.
    You can forgive an old man (harry) wanting what he thinks is the ultimate job, you can forgive him for speaking out about fans that try to tell him his job.
    But levy couldnt forgive him for wanting a more secure and better financial contract, in what probably would have been harrys last job in football.
    Now we are all paying the price of levys hard headedness, with a downturn in progress, or maintained progress.
    If ion wouldnt like criticism of levy then, i am sorry, levy isnt tottenham hotspur, the club will be here long after he has popped his clogs, he makes decisions on behalf of people like you and me, and other posters on here, and to sack harry for whatever misguided mission he was on in the summer, was totally wrong....imo.
    We have avb now, so we have to hope he makes it.....but dont hold your breathe.

    ION Empty Re: ION

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 23 2012, 00:37

    lew you only come on here when we lose.
    you should post when we win Very Happy

    ION Empty Re: ION

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 23 2012, 00:43

    Loughtonlegend wrote:lew you only come on here when we lose.
    you should post when we win Very Happy

    Thats good advice lought, ok i will do that.
    See you in 6 weeks then............... lmao

    ION Empty Re: ION

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 23 2012, 01:07

    lol or maybe see you about 7 50 tonight lol

    ION Empty Re: ION

    Post by seebee1944 Fri Nov 23 2012, 01:48

    So Lew as I read it Levy is wrong for the club and AVB is wrong for the club. Any positives ? No wonder Ion doesn't come on here.
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    ION Empty Re: ION

    Post by ArnieArdiles Fri Nov 23 2012, 03:10

    seebee1944 wrote:

    So Lew as I read it Levy is wrong for the club and AVB is wrong for the club. Any positives ? No wonder Ion doesn't come on here.

    The game is about opinions, seebee . If someone thinks a manager is no good for our club, I'd have thought on a forum he has every right to air his concerns or should he just sit there quietly?

    Perhaps I'm wrong and you're right but I don't think that's the reason for Ion not being here. People come and go on forums all the time. But I do like Ion's posts so hopefully he will be about again soon enough.



    ION Empty Re: ION

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 23 2012, 03:36

    seebee1944 wrote:

    So Lew as I read it Levy is wrong for the club and AVB is wrong for the club. Any positives ? No wonder Ion doesn't come on here.

    We dont know why ion doesnt come on here seebee, you will have to ask him.
    I havent been on here much for ages, through illness last year, and then really through disappointment of what happened in the summer.
    So if you are saying he doesnt come on because of people like me, well maybe ion can answer for himself.
    I cant tell you mate how i felt when i heard the news that harry had been sacked, i just thought, " here we go again " starting all over again.
    I have accepted it now, even though you wont believe it, i really have, i know this is going to be an awful season, i just hope for the best.
    Positives, yeah i reckon we will win against the spams, and that we will consolidate a year of change.
    Other positives is that levy will be forced to back his golden boy with some dosh, if only to justify himself.
    I have nothing against avb, didnt like the way he shoved another spurs man about the other day,thats all ! does anyone know what that was about?
    I hope the season gets started, and that avb is a success.

    ION Empty Re: ION

    Post by seebee1944 Fri Nov 23 2012, 23:56

    No Lew I wasn't suggesting Ion doesn't come on because of people like you and I apologise if it came across that way. As you say we all know he is more than capable of answering for himself.

    No I was more interested in if you could see any positives at all and you have answered that. What we have to bear in mind is that Levy does do a really good job financially for instance his match day income is about half of that of Arsenal but we have spent a lot more money on transfers. Plus they have added income from Champions League yet we are still competitive. As for the football side I reserve judgement.

    ION Empty Re: ION

    Post by Boltjean Sat Nov 24 2012, 06:48

    Perhaps Seebee is right Lew as to why Ion does not post these days. Perhaps he feels as sick as I do about all these negative post aimed at AVB. When I read your post Lew, they appear to contain so much hatred towards AVB. They also contain so much negativity. AVB has been in charge what, 5 months since taking up the post? and it seems to me you want him to fail, and all this about if it's not broken why fix it. You think Harry did well?, imo he was not bad. I do not call throwing a 13 point lead over Arsenal away doing well, but if it had been AVB in charge at the time I bet you would have been spitting blood. And wasn't Harry in charge when we were thrashed by Chelsea 5-1 in the 2012 Cup Semi Final? and the 2010 Cup Semi Final when we lost to Portsmouth 2-0. We are supposed to be Spurs supporters, getting behind the team and the manager, that is what we should be doing, not wanting shot of a manager after a few months. I still cant see why you do not like the manager in all honesty. We have had some bad results, but every manager we have had, and that includes Bill Nicholson started of badly. For Gods sake give the man a break and hope that in time he brings the glory days back to Spurs, he at least deserves a chance. At least AVB does not have a bank account in his dogs name.

    ION Empty Re: ION

    Post by Guest Sat Nov 24 2012, 21:09

    Boltjean wrote:Perhaps Seebee is right Lew as to why Ion does not post these days. Perhaps he feels as sick as I do about all these negative post aimed at AVB. When I read your post Lew, they appear to contain so much hatred towards AVB. They also contain so much negativity. AVB has been in charge what, 5 months since taking up the post? and it seems to me you want him to fail, and all this about if it's not broken why fix it. You think Harry did well?, imo he was not bad. I do not call throwing a 13 point lead over Arsenal away doing well, but if it had been AVB in charge at the time I bet you would have been spitting blood. And wasn't Harry in charge when we were thrashed by Chelsea 5-1 in the 2012 Cup Semi Final? and the 2010 Cup Semi Final when we lost to Portsmouth 2-0. We are supposed to be Spurs supporters, getting behind the team and the manager, that is what we should be doing, not wanting shot of a manager after a few months. I still cant see why you do not like the manager in all honesty. We have had some bad results, but every manager we have had, and that includes Bill Nicholson started of badly. For Gods sake give the man a break and hope that in time he brings the glory days back to Spurs, he at least deserves a chance. At least AVB does not have a bank account in his dogs name.

    Hello Len, well i have taken the trouble to read your opinions, on my opinions, so i hope you take the trouble to reply because normally you say your bit and then go quiet.
    For a start, why would i want avb to fail ? when we took early leads against man city and arsenal i punched the air, is that the action of a person that wants the manager to fail, when bale scored in italy thursday night i called the linesman a fcking w*nker for ruling it offside, is that the action of a person who wants the manager to fail ? because if it is then its very odd behaviour indeed.
    If you read my posts correctly you will read that my problem is with levy, he appoints a bloke who gets 4th 5th 4th, and then sacks him because he wants security in what would most likely have been his last job in football, if you have a manager who produces something consistently, then it isnt a fluke, you know he is doing something right, something that no manager at spurs since the prem started has achieved.
    You used to go on and on about jol and wasnt very complimentary about ramos, seems like memories are short len but i remember those comments well, ok so ramos is history, but i didnt read any positives about his appointment, it was just the sacking of jol you went on about.
    So len ! dont preach to me about getting behind a manager i didnt want, i wanted it left as it was, as you did with the jol situation.
    That was your opinion and i respected it, so respect my opinion too.
    Dont try to make me look like i want spurs to fail, doesnt matter who is in charge, i want spurs to win every game they play.
    I have been a supporter since the 1960s, as a kid, and havent changed the fact that i want them to win.
    I was not happy with what levy decided for spurs in the summer, and think he was wrong, as you did with jol.
    Champions League
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    ION Empty Re: ION

    Post by ionman34 Sat Nov 24 2012, 22:12

    Don't know what I've done to merit the digs on here, this 'Ion doesn't like to hear criticism of the club' is, quite frankly, nauseating.

    I have never taken any other tack than to advocate giving any incumbent the time he deserves to make his ideas work. Most of you don't see that though, you have your own views and your own agenda's which, if mine don't tally with them, you cling to like a drowning man to driftwood.

    You want to know why I haven't been on here for a while? I'm currently building a coal mine in the Northern Territories where the internet access is sporadic at best. Nothing more, nothing less, yet many of you have jumped to conclusions and effectively convinced yourselves that your explanation is the correct one.

    Not too dissimilar to the conclusions you jump to with regards to the manager, players and chairman of the club I love.

    The big difference here is that I don't jump to conclusions. I like to offer an argument when I have enough knowledge to back up my argument. It seems that I have spent years on here offering the same one over and over I'm tired of it to be honest. Few of you really listen, take the time to actually ruminate on what I say. All you see is a contrary opinion and shut out the substance.

    So why should I bother really?

    This club has always brought me joy, through good times and bad, it was always fun. But there's precious little of that now because this sense of entitlement many of you now have is massively out of hand. You don't enjoy the club any more and that, more than anything, sucks the enjoyment out of it for me.

    Anyway, as you took the time to ask my opinion lought, I'll give it.

    I have faith that, given time, AVB will come good. He's made errors, there's no doubt about that, but I expected them. The Lloris question has been used as a stick to beat him over the head but I feel he has acted rationally and sensibly, giving the man time to settle in and find his feet. He's been pretty hamstrung by injuries and utilised players he felt would keep us ticking over. Many have let him down really but what can he do? With Adebayor injured for so long he was forced to rely on Defoe with Dempsey. Whilst Defoe has performed well, and made a real effort to improve his overall team game, you don't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear overnight, and who saw Dempsey being such an abject failure? No one, based on the comments pre season.
    Losing Dembele was a massive blow too whilst Thus has been little more that a passenger.

    I reserve judgement until he has at least 60% of his first choice 11 available to him, something he has not had this season, a fact VERY conveniently ignored by the knee jerk brigade.

    Where I do have concerns is with his tendency to want to sit on a lead. It didn't work for Jol and it doesn't work for him either. But that may be a symptom of his lack of midfield options. Again, time only will tell.

    As for Levy, well he spent money this Summer, but hindsight has shown that he f*cked up royally. That's the wonder of hindsight though, it makes us halfwits sudden experts. He took a gamble and it has backfired at this point in time. Having said that, Cheatski spent twice as much and have lost 4 on the bounce using players we wanted and playing in a style that we aspire to.

    You know the funny thing here, as soon as I saw the RDM was sacked and that RA wanted Pep, I was waiting for this kind of reaction. Suddenly the knee jerkers want AVB out so we can beat them to the punch. He's the Messiah after all.

    The irony here is that nothing I write here will make a spit of difference. Those that support AVB will see it as an endorsement, whilst those who don't will just see it as yet another post from me defending the club blindly.

    But then I really don't care any more.
    Champions League
    Champions League

    ION Empty Re: ION

    Post by ionman34 Sat Nov 24 2012, 22:16

    Boltjean wrote:Perhaps Seebee is right Lew as to why Ion does not post these days. Perhaps he feels as sick as I do about all these negative post aimed at AVB. When I read your post Lew, they appear to contain so much hatred towards AVB. They also contain so much negativity. AVB has been in charge what, 5 months since taking up the post? and it seems to me you want him to fail, and all this about if it's not broken why fix it. You think Harry did well?, imo he was not bad. I do not call throwing a 13 point lead over Arsenal away doing well, but if it had been AVB in charge at the time I bet you would have been spitting blood. And wasn't Harry in charge when we were thrashed by Chelsea 5-1 in the 2012 Cup Semi Final? and the 2010 Cup Semi Final when we lost to Portsmouth 2-0. We are supposed to be Spurs supporters, getting behind the team and the manager, that is what we should be doing, not wanting shot of a manager after a few months. I still cant see why you do not like the manager in all honesty. We have had some bad results, but every manager we have had, and that includes Bill Nicholson started of badly. For Gods sake give the man a break and hope that in time he brings the glory days back to Spurs, he at least deserves a chance. At least AVB does not have a bank account in his dogs name.

    Nice post Len. A shame really that it will fall on deaf ears.

    ION Empty Re: ION

    Post by Guest Sat Nov 24 2012, 23:46


    ........ the conclusions you jump to with regards to the manager, players and chairman of the club I love.

    The big difference here is that I don't jump to conclusions. I like to offer an argument when I have enough knowledge to back up my argument. It seems that I have spent years on here offering the same one over and over I'm tired of it to be honest. Few of you really listen, take the time to actually ruminate on what I say. All you see is a contrary opinion and shut out the substance.

    So why should I bother really?

    This club has always brought me joy, through good times and bad, it was always fun. But there's precious little of that now because this sense of entitlement many of you now have is massively out of hand. You don't enjoy the club any more and that, more than anything, sucks the enjoyment out of it for me.

    But then I really don't care any more.[/quote]

    Hi Ion,
    Its good to see you posting again, and also good to see you still have a great opinion of what is going on, i always have read your posts and taken them on board, but then we are all different, thats what makes us human, if we were all of the same opinion, wouldnt life be boring ?
    You should care, because surely what others have to say, has to be taken on board too, if you expect that of others, then maybe you should show the same respect for them, what they think of the situation.
    I see you applauded len for his post , and yes we have to give avb time........but !
    .........the point i am trying to make is that this wasnt needed.
    We had a man in charge who gave the club some status,got us cl for the first time, a comp usually hogged by man utd, the scrotums, the west london scrotums, and a club from a part of the uk made famous by the beatles that believed they had a god given right to the riches of football.
    If i cant question a decision made by a man, who brought in ramos, didnt have the guts to tell jol to his face that he was sacked, looked on with confusion while a contracted player (berbatov) forced through a transfer, then there is something wrong with the world.
    You say the club brings you joy, so surely the period of redknapp contributed to that ?
    We had reached the pinnacle of what can be expected of a club like tottenham, that could have been maintained, now it has been taken apart by a man who acts like he does , as i have mentioned above.
    The chairman is meant to make the best decisions he can for the club he is chairman this backward step of giving a man a chance (avb) logical, when it involves going backwards ? what the hell did levy think he was doing ? playing god with the club i have supported
    since a kid, and probably before he was born.
    It was a bad decision ion, and he made that for you and me and all spurs supporters.
    I have nothing against avb, and of course we have to back him because we have no choice, choices are made for us.
    I wish you well from a blustery and rainy essex, guess the weather is better out in aussie ?

    ION Empty Re: ION

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 25 2012, 00:06

    pep lol the guy who walked away from barcelona when things got tough and he got a challange from real madrid.

    not sure i would want him at spurs

    ION Empty Re: ION

    Post by Boltjean Sun Nov 25 2012, 00:27

    Thank you Ion for your applause. Never been appluaded before. Mind you thats a lie, I worked on the buses as a driver, and when I got to London Bridge station, the people for my bus had been waiting an hour, I was late due to a bomb scare. When I pulled up to the stop, they applauded. Anyway Lew, your comment about Jol, I got over the fact he left and that is history. Harry is history and we have to move forward. And when you say how much you care about Spurs, I believe you, but you have a funny way of showing it. A few points you made from the AVB post. "I want AVB gone, nothing will change under his management, failure at Chelsea failed at Spurs". In reply to DJ, " Its damage limitation, get rid of this idiot before he f-cks up the whole season". AVB will go on blundering through the season until Levy out's him". DJ said give AVB a chance. Your reply? I thought we were giving him a chance. You call four months a chance Lew?. In reply to Arnie, Ill do a quote Arnie, " f-ck off Levy and take that Portugese idiot with you, Lol. Said as a joke Lew?, maybe, but when I read your previous comments it does not sound like it. " Sack the bloke and put Freund in temporary charge". Now all these statements were made by you Lew, and I do not care what people may think of me on this board, I have never called for the sacking of a manager after a few months, never, because if we supporters had when Bill Nicholson took over in the 1958-59 season and the chairman had taken any bl--dy notice, I would never have witnessed our team achieve the double. This is what happend for the rest of that season. Played 31, Won 10, Drew 7, Lost 14. 27 points out of a possible 62, we dropped 35 points, would you have called for him to be sacked Lew?. What did amuse me was when you said, " We all want the bloke to succeed". God I wished you had said that and left it at that then I would not be getting writers cramp.

    ION Empty Re: ION

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 25 2012, 00:37

    Remind me of this post len, when levy has gotten fed up and sacked the bloke, and then tell me " give him a chance "
    Of course, all this might occur when the board returns to boasites vs whatever , as it was with the jolers etc etc.
    Len, you never once said anything positive about harry , or ramos, you were right about ramos but your view was guided by the sacking of jol, and you know it !
    When this bloke is sacked, you boasites will say nothing, just crawl into a shell of silence.
    As i said dont preach to me what you have already been guilty of.
    My argument is about levy, not avb, he is a lamb to the slaughter, and will walk eventually with a few million.
    Thats my prediction, i have seen it all before.

    ION Empty Re: ION

    Post by Boltjean Sun Nov 25 2012, 01:15

    Firstly Lew, I have always praised a manager when he deserves praise, and I did with Harry when he deserved it. You, just like I did with Jol keep going on about Harry. When I went on about Jol, you said to me that I had to get over it, and you was right. Can you not do the same with Harry?. In all honesty Lew, I am sick to death with hearing about Harry, like Jol he has gone, history. All I want is this club to do well under AVB, but if it end's up going pear shaped I think you might be right and Levy will get shot of him, but I am prepared to give him the rest of this season pluss perhaps a third of the 2013-14 season. I will now leave it at that as the last thing I want is to fall out with you or any other member on the board. I would just like to say one thing, when you say I do not get back to posters after I post a message, the reasons for that is because sometimes there is a clash of oppinions, and this is to be expected, we all have a right to an oppinion, but I don't like things getting out of hand so I back off. I read some post and do not want to get involved unless I feel I have something valid to say, whether people think it is rubbish is up to them. We have to accept someones oppinion though we might disagree, yours might be right but by God I hope mine is for the sake of seeing the glory days return to Spurs.

    ION Empty Re: ION

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 25 2012, 01:26

    Boltjean wrote:Firstly Lew, I have always praised a manager when he deserves praise, and I did with Harry when he deserved it. You, just like I did with Jol keep going on about Harry. When I went on about Jol, you said to me that I had to get over it, and you was right. Can you not do the same with Harry?. In all honesty Lew, I am sick to death with hearing about Harry, like Jol he has gone, history. All I want is this club to do well under AVB, but if it end's up going pear shaped I think you might be right and Levy will get shot of him, but I am prepared to give him the rest of this season pluss perhaps a third of the 2013-14 season. I will now leave it at that as the last thing I want is to fall out with you or any other member on the board. I would just like to say one thing, when you say I do not get back to posters after I post a message, the reasons for that is because sometimes there is a clash of oppinions, and this is to be expected, we all have a right to an oppinion, but I don't like things getting out of hand so I back off. I read some post and do not want to get involved unless I feel I have something valid to say, whether people think it is rubbish is up to them. We have to accept someones oppinion though we might disagree, yours might be right but by God I hope mine is for the sake of seeing the glory days return to Spurs.

    Well perhaps you get the point len, how you went on about jol, when we had all moved on.
    Now i am going on about harry ! lol, its about levy, doing this to the club when we had made so much progress.
    Why do you think your contribution is rubbish, maybe to get confirmation that it isnt ? i dont know len and i have no wish to upset you, i dont think you talk rubbish, i think you go along with the flow mainly, while i dont if it isnt my opinion, i dont want to make friends, just air my opinion.
    Honestly mate, i dont want this to be a wasted season, i wish avb well and hope he is a success at spurs.
    Len, i am glad you dont take the easy way out and just go silent on a challenging post.
    Well done to you.
    Best wishes to your wife too.
    Lew and Sharon.

    ION Empty Re: ION

    Post by Boltjean Sun Nov 25 2012, 01:55

    Lew, I do talk rubbish at times, my wife is always saying I do not know what I am talking about. However, when I say people might think my post are rubbish, it is'nt to get confirmation from people that it is'nt, but because I know sometimes they are. I do not have the knowledge of the game today that other posters have and keep going on about the glory days and Bill Nicholson, I am living in the past. I do wish sometimes I was up to date with todays game, it amazes me when I read certain posters say what players they would like at the club, or managers as I have never heard of some of them, but although I watch what games I can I have lost touch but try to stay connected through the board. Anyway Lew, thank you for your best wishes, I know what you are going through with your health as my wife is realy struggling but is still seeing people at the hospital. I pray for a miracle, that they find a cure for tinnitus and AVB brings silver wear to Tottenham. Have I got my priorities right there Lol. Best Wishes to you and Sharon Lew. PS, is she buying you a QPR season ticket for Christmas.

    ION Empty Re: ION

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 25 2012, 01:55

    harry did not want to be here. he wanted the england job.
    he would of left us for any other job he fancied.

    didnt he say last xmas he got a good offer to manager somewhere i never heard of but the money was good and he thought about it.

    and dont give me that rubbish about england.
    who do you think he would choose if offferd england or man u job.

    ION Empty Re: ION

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 25 2012, 02:10

    Loughtonlegend wrote:harry did not want to be here. he wanted the england job.
    he would of left us for any other job he fancied.

    didnt he say last xmas he got a good offer to manager somewhere i never heard of but the money was good and he thought about it.

    and dont give me that rubbish about england.
    who do you think he would choose if offferd england or man u job.

    LOL, your thread lought so have your say, you have to be involved in your own thread !

    Hyperthetical question lought, england or man utd.?

    Would you want to travel everyday to old trafford ? from the south of england, you might even bump into a moron like liam gallagher, who supports the blue

    England was more much more attractive to going to every now and again.
    Manchester.........if it was ever going to be offered, ? do you think its relevant really ? may as well use an equation of going to mars for what its worth.

    Lought, hope it works out for you mate, hope avb proves me wrong.


    ION Empty Re: ION

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 25 2012, 02:20

    Boltjean wrote:Lew, I do talk rubbish at times, my wife is always saying I do not know what I am talking about. However, when I say people might think my post are rubbish, it is'nt to get confirmation from people that it is'nt, but because I know sometimes they are. I do not have the knowledge of the game today that other posters have and keep going on about the glory days and Bill Nicholson, I am living in the past. I do wish sometimes I was up to date with todays game, it amazes me when I read certain posters say what players they would like at the club, or managers as I have never heard of some of them, but although I watch what games I can I have lost touch but try to stay connected through the board. Anyway Lew, thank you for your best wishes, I know what you are going through with your health as my wife is realy struggling but is still seeing people at the hospital. I pray for a miracle, that they find a cure for tinnitus and AVB brings silver wear to Tottenham. Have I got my priorities right there Lol. Best Wishes to you and Sharon Lew. PS, is she buying you a QPR season ticket for Christmas.
    Thats ok len, i havent heard of some of the players either, i had heard of falque, and he needs a chance.
    Yes you have your priorities right, although the tinnitus doesnt bother me now, and i had hoped your wife had habituated, that being that the mind just ignores it after a while, it takes a time for some people, but we all get there in the end, please tell her that, to stay focused on life,not the noise in her ears, then it will go into the background, please trust me on this.
    When i was ill last year, my spurs meant nothing to me, now the club is as important as my next breathe, but i guess many wont believe that on here.
    God bless.

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      Current date/time is Mon Jul 08 2024, 12:33