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    ION - Page 2 Empty Re: ION

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 25 2012, 02:22

    No len,not a qpr season she is buying me a banjo, always wanted one, up to now i always used the one at the studio.
    By the way ! you been going to craven cottage this season.........? just wondered !lol.
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    ION - Page 2 Empty Re: ION

    Post by ArnieArdiles Sun Nov 25 2012, 02:40

    Len & Lew allow me to enlighten you both a little study

    Click on the link below guys and flick through the pages ..

    These youngsters are top of their group in the under21 premeirship and have recently dished out an away 4-1 thrashing to the Barcelona youngsters in the NextGen tournament.

    ION - Page 2 Empty Re: ION

    Post by Boltjean Sun Nov 25 2012, 02:50

    Re my wife Lew, I hope she does get there in the end but there does not seem to be any improvement up to now, but she is trying very hard to cope, I will take your word for it that it will one day go into the background. No, not been to the Cottage, I am over him, he's not doing a bad job there though, wish he had kept Dempsey. I thought he looked good at Fulham, but he seems to be playing as though he does not want to be here.

    ION - Page 2 Empty Re: ION

    Post by Boltjean Sun Nov 25 2012, 03:01

    Great goal from Pritchard Arnie. The future looks bright with these lads coming through the ranks. The problem I see is will we give them a chance to come on or as with some of our youngsters over the years not give them a chance and move them on. Mind you that young Carroll looks very good.

    ION - Page 2 Empty Re: ION

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 25 2012, 03:56

    Boltjean wrote:Re my wife Lew, I hope she does get there in the end but there does not seem to be any improvement up to now, but she is trying very hard to cope, I will take your word for it that it will one day go into the background. No, not been to the Cottage, I am over him, he's not doing a bad job there though, wish he had kept Dempsey. I thought he looked good at Fulham, but he seems to be playing as though he does not want to be here.

    Hi Len,
    I hope i am not put down for talking tinnitus.
    Please tell your wife, to concentrate on the things in life that she loves, whatever it is !
    If she likes gardening,singing, dancing,cooking etc, then get her to do it.
    You must support her all the way len, she must have encouragement everyday, while the noise gets her down, she needs to hold onto everything that she loves in life.
    When these things take on more signifigance in her life, then the tinnitus goes into the background, it becomes less important for the mind to home in on the noise in her ears.
    She will need distractions while she isnt coping.
    You know what makes her tick, or makes her happy, you must provide this as part of your support.
    She will habituate and ignore the tinnitus, it takes a little time.
    I am 18 months or more with the noise, but here i am arguing over
    It will happen, trust me.
    Give her my love, and sharons.
    Champions League
    Champions League

    ION - Page 2 Empty Re: ION

    Post by ArnieArdiles Sun Nov 25 2012, 04:01

    Boltjean wrote:Great goal from Pritchard Arnie. The future looks bright with these lads coming through the ranks. The problem I see is will we give them a chance to come on or as with some of our youngsters over the years not give them a chance and move them on. Mind you that young Carroll looks very good.

    Pritchard is an exciting attack minded midfielder and I have high hopes for him . I've watched him in a few games now and he has impressed in all of them.
    Carroll we know is capable of giving us premeirship minutes as too Falque and Mason .
    Coolthirst and Coulibaly are both looking good as strikers.

    Len , I believe if a Spurs manager is given time and he himself is willing to bring on these youngsters into a good system of play allied with a few quality signings from abroad, we will see good things.

    I were hoping we would get Brenden Rodgers but AVB is a good choice too and not being on his back from day one is all that many Spurs are calling for . By all means lets debate whether AVB is making good substitutions , lets question his tactics and his handling of the goalkeeper situation etc. But it's this logging in, for the sole purpose to bash AVB, with 'I told you so posts' after every poor result, whilst not having any other input about Spurs that some find unease with.


    ION - Page 2 Empty Re: ION

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 25 2012, 10:19

    ArnieArdiles wrote:
    Boltjean wrote:Great goal from Pritchard Arnie. The future looks bright with these lads coming through the ranks. The problem I see is will we give them a chance to come on or as with some of our youngsters over the years not give them a chance and move them on. Mind you that young Carroll looks very good.

    Pritchard is an exciting attack minded midfielder and I have high hopes for him . I've watched him in a few games now and he has impressed in all of them.
    Carroll we know is capable of giving us premeirship minutes as too Falque and Mason .
    Coolthirst and Coulibaly are both looking good as strikers.

    Len , I believe if a Spurs manager is given time and he himself is willing to bring on these youngsters into a good system of play allied with a few quality signings from abroad, we will see good things.

    I were hoping we would get Brenden Rodgers but AVB is a good choice too and not being on his back from day one is all that many Spurs are calling for . By all means lets debate whether AVB is making good substitutions , lets question his tactics and his handling of the goalkeeper situation etc. But it's this logging in, for the sole purpose to bash AVB, with 'I told you so posts' after every poor result, whilst not having any other input about Spurs that some find unease with.

    Hi Arnie, i think what you say is absolutely spot on.
    I am just still a little disillusioned over things, i havent any enthusiasm to talk about other spurs matters really, and i think until i get that back then i will have a break from the forum.
    I dont come on to bash avb, even though it looks that way, i talk on here through disappointment of a radical change set in place by levy when it wasnt needed.
    But you blokes are a lot better than me at accepting things , and moving on, until i get enjoyment again of the team i support i will take a break from making comments.
    Oh by the way, i thought Lloris,s performance in goal the other night was brilliant, but for him we would have lost the game.......! and i applaud andre for taking the competition seriously, its worth winning, and hopefully more youngsters like carroll will surface and make their mark in the side.
    Champions League
    Champions League

    ION - Page 2 Empty Re: ION

    Post by shearspur Sun Nov 25 2012, 10:40

    lew just say what you feel , when you feel mate. i was the same as you and didnt want another change at the time, but it happened and yeah were dissapointed , but others on here see it as a new dawn. thats the thing on here, were all different with different views. its so good to be able to come on here and voice your opinions after a match or on a multitude of different topics at any time.even though we dont really know each other, it feels like home. lol and it is.

    ION - Page 2 Empty Re: ION

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 25 2012, 10:53

    Hi Shear, yes it is like a family on here and feels like home.
    I have had my say really now, , but i hate being misunderstood, and though it seems like i want to say after every bad result " i told you so " it isnt really like that with me.
    Its strange , it really is, i can have a brilliant day at home, with my work, with finances looking good, but if spurs lose, then it spoils it for me, so i get a little hurt when people think i want spurs to lose to justify my comments.
    Its about moving on really and feeling like others on here, that its a bright new dawn........i will get there eventually.

    ION - Page 2 Empty Re: ION

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 25 2012, 12:31

    shear right say what you feel. i was one of them that wanted jol out but i think back now and think i was wrong because jol was a new manager at the time and he loved it at spurs.

    i do think levy got to take a lot of the blame though for recent events.

    he should of given harry the money to get top class striker. and backed him last xmas when we was 3rd.

    maybe he did maybe all harry wanted was nelson and saha but i doubt it.

    ION - Page 2 Empty Re: ION

    Post by MarkA249 Sun Nov 25 2012, 14:55

    I dont like AVB dont rate him but doesnt mean i want him to fail every post i read and someone who doesnt like AVB is targeted saying they want Spurs to fail cause we wont get behind the manager codswallop i hope AVB kicks me in the goolies and finishes 4th or higher do i think so no. Im sick and tired of seeing injuries are to blame look at West Brom have they got better players than our so not "reserves " Mulumbu and Hudd Gallas and Olsson Naughton Anti Virus and Billy Jones.Levy is much to blame for not buying who AVB wanted your telling me he wanted Dempsey and Siggi we are already 9 points behind West Brom who r in 3rd and 7 behind Chelsea in 4th. Chelsea sack RDM and they r in a better position than us laughable really.

    ION - Page 2 Empty Re: ION

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 25 2012, 19:46

    MarkA249 wrote:I dont like AVB dont rate him but doesnt mean i want him to fail every post i read and someone who doesnt like AVB is targeted saying they want Spurs to fail cause we wont get behind the manager codswallop i hope AVB kicks me in the goolies and finishes 4th or higher do i think so no. Im sick and tired of seeing injuries are to blame look at West Brom have they got better players than our so not "reserves " Mulumbu and Hudd Gallas and Olsson Naughton Anti Virus and Billy Jones.Levy is much to blame for not buying who AVB wanted your telling me he wanted Dempsey and Siggi we are already 9 points behind West Brom who r in 3rd and 7 behind Chelsea in 4th. Chelsea sack RDM and they r in a better position than us laughable really.

    Hi Mark, the situation is worrying, we have really been made to start all over again, when all we needed to do was maintain or retain the progress we made over the past 3 years, logically speaking i think that is the best we could hope to achieve, a top 4 finish, cl participation, that brought in big money to help us buy a good standard of player, now levy has flushed that all away to start again.
    Last term was beset with an unusual set of circumstances, and because we got used to being up with the prems best, some people got disillusioned and wanted change, because of harrys mind being turned by england, and by chelsea nicking that last cl place off us.
    I said what we achieved in the last 3 years was the best we could hope for, the reason for that is that we just cant attract players like the big money clubs, we cant pay the sort of wages they demand.
    This to me is a backward step, but i still wish the best for spurs, as you and others on here do, even though we arent happy with what has happened.

    ION - Page 2 Empty Re: ION

    Post by djfitzo Sun Nov 25 2012, 19:49

    No Mark,but what they have had is continuity and basically the same starting eleven since day one, as have Everton. You can call it an excuse, but without your best players or a settled eleven you won't get the results. Lets see how the Baggies or Everton fair when say Fellaini or Shane Long have a spell out, for instance we have not lost a game that Dembele has started, so no, in my opinion, injuries have played a key part in our results, not to mention sending offs!


    ION - Page 2 Empty Re: ION

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 25 2012, 21:03

    Dave, i really cant see why so many on here are pinning their hopes on injured players returning.
    Dembele for a start might not play today.
    Ekotto, kaboul and parker have had bad injuries, so even when they are fit to play again, they have to build up match fitness, thats probably going to take a while.
    So we have to do the best with what we have.
    As mark says, west brom are well above us and have players that arent rated as good as ours.
    My point is that you have to get the players performing as a team, that is probably west broms strength, and its the managers job to do that.
    Lets hope for a win against west ham today, otherwise this is starting to look like its going tits up for avb.
    The excuses for him wont go on forever.

    ION - Page 2 Empty Re: ION

    Post by MarkA249 Sun Nov 25 2012, 21:26

    djfitzo wrote:No Mark,but what they have had is continuity and basically the same starting eleven since day one, as have Everton. You can call it an excuse, but without your best players or a settled eleven you won't get the results. Lets see how the Baggies or Everton fair when say Fellaini or Shane Long have a spell out, for instance we have not lost a game that Dembele has started, so no, in my opinion, injuries have played a key part in our results, not to mention sending offs!

    We should have continuity though Parker Kaboul Ekotto have been out all season or as good as and for West Brom key playes as ive said our players are better then theres. Injuries are bound to happen so u should have a good enough squad to cover. Im not dissing Everton top manager they have where they finish every season with shoestring budget is credit to Moyes

    ION - Page 2 Empty Re: ION

    Post by vis Sun Nov 25 2012, 22:38

    Lets look at Redknapp & Levy shall we? When linked with the Ing-Ger-Land job Redknapp said "it dosen't matter who's in charge the players don't care". When Hodgson gets it Redknapp says " the players need to know who's in charge". Seems to me Redknapp tried playing poker with Levy and lost his shirt. Yes he was sacked but did Levy have to sack him? Let's not forget Redknapp was offered a new & improved contract when his tax evasion case was finished. He refused it because the Ing-Ger-Land job was going to be his (opps got that a tad wrong). As far as I'm concerned Redknapp sh*t on OUR club and for whatever good (and there was lots of it) he did achieve for that reason Levy was right to out him. I bring this up in a thread titled ION as many seem to think that Levy changed managers for the sheer hell of it. I don't think he did. I think he had no choice. I don't, nor do any of us, have the full facts of what happened in the contract negotiations between Levy & Redknapp but I will mention the fact that QPR are wobbling & Hughes is being questioned and the next thing you know Redknapp is being offered a job in the Ukraine. Thats a mighty long round trip from Sandbanks! Maybe it's just me but that looks like 'arry the chancer through & through. Just a thought . . . .

    ION - Page 2 Empty Re: ION

    Post by Guest Mon Nov 26 2012, 00:18

    yep funny that offer comes up from the urkrane and then qpr rush to get harry.

    i bet its put harry on even more money
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    ION - Page 2 Empty Re: ION

    Post by shearspur Mon Nov 26 2012, 00:24

    cynical very cynical, it did cross my mind for a moment though lol

    ION - Page 2 Empty Re: ION

    Post by Boltjean Mon Nov 26 2012, 02:15

    Mark and Lew say that the injuries to our players should make no difference to our form as we have a strong squad to be able to cope with this. I honestly believe the problem is being in the Europa Cup. AVB is putting out a strong team in these games with the risk of picking up more injuries to players, then a few days later we play a League game, I just feel it is to much football. In a way I think it was a blessing we went out of the, is it still called the Carling Cup? to Norwich. We have the FA Cup starting in January, we can not expect to keep putting out strong teams in every competition as it will burn the players out and thus affect our League form, we are already seeing signs of this. Pardrew said that the Europa competition is affecting there form in the League, and I can now see why Wenger put out the youngsters in domestic cup games. In a way, although it brings in money, I would rather go out of the Europa cup and concentrate on improving our position in the league, and in January have a crack at the FA Cup. This way perhaps with the injured players back, and perhaps one or two players joining in the transfer window we can get back up in the top four and into the Champions League and perhaps get to the FA Cup final.

    ION - Page 2 Empty Re: ION

    Post by MarkA249 Mon Nov 26 2012, 03:51

    Boltjean wrote:Mark and Lew say that the injuries to our players should make no difference to our form as we have a strong squad to be able to cope with this. I honestly believe the problem is being in the Europa Cup. AVB is putting out a strong team in these games with the risk of picking up more injuries to players, then a few days later we play a League game, I just feel it is to much football. In a way I think it was a blessing we went out of the, is it still called the Carling Cup? to Norwich. We have the FA Cup starting in January, we can not expect to keep putting out strong teams in every competition as it will burn the players out and thus affect our League form, we are already seeing signs of this. Pardrew said that the Europa competition is affecting there form in the League, and I can now see why Wenger put out the youngsters in domestic cup games. In a way, although it brings in money, I would rather go out of the Europa cup and concentrate on improving our position in the league, and in January have a crack at the FA Cup. This way perhaps with the injured players back, and perhaps one or two players joining in the transfer window we can get back up in the top four and into the Champions League and perhaps get to the FA Cup final.

    agree totally Europa league should give youngsters games and expirience

    ION - Page 2 Empty Re: ION

    Post by vis Mon Nov 26 2012, 04:03

    Sorry guys I really don't agree with the too much football theory. These are young men who are professional athletes. Honed to precision with training regimes, diets, medical care & individual attention of the highest quality. 2 games a week is not too much to ask of such individuals . . . . .
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    ION - Page 2 Empty Re: ION

    Post by ArnieArdiles Mon Nov 26 2012, 06:32

    Win and you're not so tired , you're just wanting the next game to come round.

    Saying that , tactical substitutions in a fixture congested week sometimes have to be secondary and instead made for fitness reasons.

    ION - Page 2 Empty Re: ION

    Post by Boltjean Mon Nov 26 2012, 07:02

    I know what you are saying Vis, but there is still the risk of players who we really can not afford to loose through injuries picking injuries up with all these competitions. Just say Bale and Defoe pick up long term injuries, may not happen I know but if they did and we slide down the table then people will blame AVB for playing them in every game. I am not a lover of the Europa Competition, to many games, and it does not have the glamour of the Champions League where we get to see top class sides. Here I go again, sorry, but when we achieved the double we were just in the title race and the FA Cup, there is to much football, and I have to say I agree with Mark, we are not playing the youngsters enough, yes we play a couple now and then but Wenger put out a team of youngsters in the domestic cup games, this allowed him to concentrate on putting refreshed players out for a title challenge. This is why they have not been out of the top four for some years now. I know they do not win the Champions League but they are in it season after season.

    ION - Page 2 Empty Re: ION

    Post by Guest Mon Nov 26 2012, 07:54

    its a cup. it would be so good to win another one.
    we should go for it but just keep a few of the main players on the bench untill we need them.

    both manchester clubs put strong teams out last year.

    i see harry linked with beckham lol

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