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    Good Season?


    Good Season? Empty Good Season?

    Post by BazSpur Mon May 20 2013, 06:26

    How do you all feel the season went? As expected or a disappointment? I think we did very well. A new manager and plagued by injuries plus we had new players to blood in. When you think our first 3 games were a disaster and we were touted as being relegation candidates by the scum (As if that were ever going to happen) wishful thinking methinks. AVB is without doubt a fine manager, ok he made a few mistakes but all in all I think he had a very good first season with us and but for a couple of silly games that we lost i.e Liverpool and Fulham, oh and you can add Everton away to that when we conceded two late goals we would be sitting 3rd or 4th. One thing Daniel if you should be reading this. You have to get the cheque book out son. You made the statement a while ago that building the new stadium would not stop you spending on players. Time to put that into practice. We desperately need two decent strikers. Sorry Ade and Defoe but your time is up in my opinion. Benteke would do nicely for starters but it looks like the Damiaou (spelling) Dream is over. We should have gone for Sturridge while we had the chance. We talked about getting him but that's all. I think we missed a big opportunity there. The goals he has scored for Liverpool could well have got us 3rd or 4th. What do we think about Bale, will he stay or go? Anyway, look forward to your comments.
    Champions League
    Champions League

    Good Season? Empty Re: Good Season?

    Post by shearspur Mon May 20 2013, 09:02

    evening baz, me im dissapointed to be honest. we had a slow start then really got into our stride. a stride which we should not have been moved from . im not dissapointed in avb , far from it he is a breath of fresh air at the lane but i just hope the board can back his ambition and the fans. what we have achieved is fantastic considering the financial restraints compared to the chavs man city and utd, but to constantly get pipped by the goons is hard to take mate as they are financially on the same footing but only till now because i think they will push on as stadium is paid for now whereas we are just starting.... bale ? if he goes i wont blame him and genuinely would wish him well, as long as its not utd.
    1st Division
    1st Division

    Good Season? Empty Re: Good Season?

    Post by LOVELOVEROCKET Mon May 20 2013, 23:08

    we debate our seasons every season = same results just missed out yet agaain . time levy took the club to the next step put up or shut up !!!

    Good Season? Empty Re: Good Season?

    Post by seebee1944 Mon May 20 2013, 23:12

    At the beginning of the season I think most of us agreed that it would be transitional, as a chunk of the team was ripped out with King retiring Modric and VDV going and a new manager, who had a traumatic time at Chelsea. From that point of view a good season but as Shear says the disappointment of losing out to Arsenal AGAIN has cheesed me off.
    Also to 2 years ago we would have finished second with 72 points and it always seems everything goes against us.
    Same again yesterday 2 of the most blatant penalties anywhere this season, both denied and had we scored them it would have put more pressure on Arsenal as they were still 0 0. But once again we lost out.
    m However overall a good season and I'm already looking forward to it
    One other thing, an omen for next season, the last time Cardiff were promoted to the top division Spurs did the double.

    Good Season? Empty Re: Good Season?

    Post by Boltjean Tue May 21 2013, 01:01

    Great post Baz, a rep from me. I agree with all the post on this topic, and Shear, I have boarded my windows up. I have to admit I felt sick yesterday, and that picture in the Sun this morning of the goon players in the dressing room celebrating, anyone would have thought they had won the Premiership. Sixteen bloody years on the trot through to the Champions League. Would not buy a red car, wear red clothing, sit in the sun to long incase I get a red face. When I get angry I do not see red, I see blue. Anyway we are our own worse enemy, stupid points dropped, threw away a 13 point lead last season and 7 point lead this season over the goons. I take on board and agree with all the points Baz made, but can't help thinking that when we are so many points ahead of the goons in the table that it would be such an incentive for the players to build on being in such a good position. I am not sure that being without certain players through injuries is a good excuse for loosing games. Going back to the 60s, 70s, 80s and perhaps 90s, should a player vital to the team get injured, there were always players their that would come in to the team and do a first class job. I think it is sad that we only had one player who we could rely on to find the back of the net. As you said Baz, I think it is time to let Ade and Defoe go. I though at the time when fulham signed Berbatov why we did not buy him for the short term, I think had we done so we would have finished above the goons. What a partnership he would have had with Bale.
    4th Division
    4th Division

    Good Season? Empty Re: Good Season?

    Post by nhg72 Tue May 21 2013, 07:00

    i have said many times that we have done good with avb at the helm .we have been unfortunate with injuries and the lack of fire power but avb has proven that he is quality and has dealt with the sitution in a mature way above his 35 years .the signings we have made have been well needed in key areas verthongen is class in my eyes and i hope he stays for many years hugo is also superb and has proven himself tenfold .
    i was listening to talk sport tonight and all adrien durham done was slate avb i was taken back a bit saying that avb was no better than harry .you cant give a man one season to make a major impact with the funds and injuries that we have had durham clearly said that with 50 mil to use on players spurs should have done better but 30 mil came from modders sale .all these people who slate avb should get off his back .i truly beleive we have a great manager with avb and he has proved that making changes when we have had our backs against the wall have worked .the true loyal fans who love the mighty spurs should stand tall and back the manager we have , i love his passion he shows we have not seen anyone for as long as i can remember show his feeling the way he does give then man a break get the striker we need and i know we will be the ones that people stand up and take notice of coys neil .

    Good Season? Empty Re: Good Season?

    Post by BazSpur Tue May 21 2013, 08:48

    Durham is a 2 bob cnut. End of.

    Good Season? Empty Re: Good Season?

    Post by Guest Tue May 21 2013, 09:53

    right. my view f. i think avb done a brillant job with a lesser team then harry had last season. but i felt we come up short in the last few months due to our sqaud not being good enough. i felt more upset last season at losing 3rd spot because arsenal then was worse then they are now.......... in our last few games we have lost at home to fulham. drew with chelsea. and stuggled to beat sunderland and southampton at home. but i do belive in avb and cant wait for next season when hes had a chance to get in players he wants and hopefully get rid of gallas defoe and maybe a few others........

    we keep saying how the scum defence is crap but are they really. clean sheets away to 10 men sunderland then they didnt concede aganst qpr swansea newcastle away. they have a better sqaud then us.

    i dont think we scored more then 2 goals in a league game this season.

    our away form is really good though.

    cant wait for next season

    Good Season? Empty Re: Good Season?

    Post by BazSpur Tue May 21 2013, 17:15

    i dont think we scored more then 2 goals in a league game this season.

    Reading away 1-3
    Man U away 2-3
    West ham home 3-1
    Aston Villa away 0-4
    Reading home 3-1
    West ham away 2-3
    Man City home 3-1
    Champions League
    Champions League

    Good Season? Empty Re: Good Season?

    Post by shearspur Tue May 21 2013, 19:37

    ooops lol

    Good Season? Empty Re: Good Season?

    Post by BazSpur Tue May 21 2013, 21:17

    Good Season? 103888< Lought.

    Good Season? Empty Re: Good Season?

    Post by Guest Wed May 22 2013, 00:06

    meant to say home game but yea we did.
    we not scored 4 goals though lol

    we done really well away but need to sort out our home form

    Good Season? Empty Re: Good Season?

    Post by djfitzo Wed May 22 2013, 00:20

    Loughtonguy wrote:meant to say home game but yea we did.
    we not scored 4 goals though lol

    we done really well away but need to sort out our home form

    Sometimes its easier away Lought where only the hard core Spurs fans go, so you don't get the fickle booing tossers that put pressure on us at home when we aint scored after 20 seconds.


    Good Season? Empty Re: Good Season?

    Post by djfitzo Wed May 22 2013, 00:25

    This sums it up nicely


    Good Season? Empty Re: Good Season?

    Post by BazSpur Wed May 22 2013, 00:33

    Good article dave. Repped.

    Good Season? Empty Re: Good Season?

    Post by Boltjean Wed May 22 2013, 01:54

    I am behind AVB 100%, and feel quite excited about next season. I do think with AVB at the helm we will attract very good players to the club as he has so much ambition to do well. One player he must hang onto as we all know is Bale, but, it has been reported he is seeking £200,000 a week, whether this is true or not I do not know, but it seems to be a demand on us missing out on the Champions League. I am not sure we should pay this kind of money and wonder if we should cash in on him and use the money to bring in three or four very good players. I do not want him to leave, but no player is worth that kind of money. One thing AVB will have to sort out is our results against teams we should put under the cosh. All these sides were in a battle to avoid relegation. Norwich h, 1-1, Wigan h 0-1, Stoke h 0-0, QPR a 0-0, Norwich a 1-1, Fulham h 0-1, Wigan a 2-2, Newcastle a 1-2. We scored 5 goals, and picked up 5 points from a possible 24 points in these games dropping 19, very bad imo. The goons played the bottom 10 clubs involved in the scrap, Villa, Southampton etc, P20, won 14, drew 5, lost 1, scored 42 goals against 15 points 47. Lought, we scored 4 goals against Villa, they scored 7 against Newcastle, 5 against Reading, 6 against Southampton, 4 against Reading and Wigan. I feel this has been our problem for years, and it needs to be addressed.

    Good Season? Empty Re: Good Season?

    Post by BazSpur Wed May 22 2013, 04:37

    Great post Len. Repped.

    Good Season? Empty Re: Good Season?

    Post by Boltjean Wed May 22 2013, 05:07

    Thank you Baz.

    Good Season? Empty Re: Good Season?

    Post by Guest Wed May 22 2013, 07:07

    great post. and your right our games aganst the bottom half is not good enough.

    yet the scum win them games but they only won 1 game aganst the top 6 this season and that was aganst 10men spurs.

    Good Season? Empty Re: Good Season?

    Post by vis Wed May 22 2013, 08:14

    A good season for me. Yes it hurt to be pipped by a single point but I'm sure I'll get over it!
    I seem to recall most of us saying a season of transistion & give AVB time and judge him at seasons end, and I believe that is what we have witnessed and I, for one, have judged AVB to be a most capable manager to have my club in his care. There are lesson's for him to learn after this season and I'm sure he will.
    AVB has had a weaker squad then last season and suffered loss of key personel through injury and although we have finished a place lower we have gained more points.
    Plenty of high points (Utd 2-3 anyone {as just one example}?)and plenty of lows (5-2 & Leeds -ouch).
    This close season is imperitive. Will Levy now trust AVB to sign the players he wants to continue progress or will Daring Daniel still shop around for a bargain & leave it to the manager to sort what he is given?
    I do not think we will often see the swash & buckle of recent Spurs teams next season. I think we will see a more "subtle" style as AVB instills his ethos on the squad.
    The one outstanding, truely, amazing, enjoyable thing this season has been the obvious unity amongst the squad & management team and the pleasure all of them seem to have at being a part of the current set-up. The players have mostly looked positive (the odd AWOL sulk aside lol) and the management look to be enjoying working with the players. That can only be to the benefit of our beautiful club . . . .

    Good Season? Empty Re: Good Season?

    Post by djfitzo Wed May 22 2013, 09:08

    It's been a pleasure watching the management kicking every ball and living every single minute of each game, I just hope Fruend doesn't get lured away as I've loved watching him on the touch line, you can trust tell he still Ioves our club.


    Good Season? Empty Re: Good Season?

    Post by Guest Wed May 22 2013, 09:48

    good season seeing as some of the dross avb had to use.

    cant wait for next next with a few new players plus kaboul and sandro back
    Champions League
    Champions League

    Good Season? Empty Re: Good Season?

    Post by ionman34 Wed May 22 2013, 23:19

    Loughtonguy wrote:meant to say home game but yea we did.
    we not scored 4 goals though lol

    we done really well away but need to sort out our home form

    Didn't we beat Villa 4-0?

    Just saying.

    Good Season? Empty Re: Good Season?

    Post by Guest Thu May 23 2013, 05:04

    away from home yes.
    but we scored less goals at home this season because our players are so greedy.
    shoot on site

    Good Season? Empty Re: Good Season?

    Post by totalytot Fri May 24 2013, 07:02

    Personally I have been very disapointed with this season.
    No top 4 is one thing but we wouldn't have gone far in CL at the moment so I'm not to unhappy about that.

    But it's no silverware again and I thought we would have at least got a cup and maybe the Europa cup.Losing early on to Leeds in the FA cup was really dissapointing but the most dissapointing was the football we played sometimes it was very poor with no flair or imagination.

    We seemed at times to have gone back to the way it was a few seasons ago. Bale gave us some great moments and it was him and only him that gave any real class. Without him it would have been a very ordinary season in deed.

    I look forward to next season as I do every year and have done for so many years that I've lost count.

    I do wonder how we will line up in August. Will Bale still be with us. Will we have those 2 or 3 or even 4 new top players we so desparetly need or will Levy not want to spend big and go that extra mile to put us on the next level. will we waste money on middle of the road and inexpensive players that can do a job but don't have that little extra that we need.

    Will any business be done in June or July or 11pm on the 31st.

    I know a lot of people have been upbeat about the season just gone but I wonder why as we were worse than last year everybody can see that.

    We talk about injuries, but who Kaboul? We had plenty of good cover in that department to make no real difference and last season he didn't play every week anyway. Sandro was a miss but we did have him for half the season.

    The squad needs some big additions because the competition is getting stronger and they are spending big if what we read is true.

    Mikey M

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