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    I will always be controversial.


    I will always be controversial. Empty I will always be controversial.

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 21 2010, 06:58

    Thats what this board is all about, opinions and views from a diverse group of people,voicing their ideas of what is best for our great club.

    From sunejims down to earth threads, from ionman getting stuck into a fleshy subject, from baz,s unique little comments, max,s u tube contributions, legends hatred of all that slimes along the ground in a gooner shirt..........all great stuff, and dont ever stop it because i wont, and i must mention burger because , another view of a person that seems to know spurs players so well that he must bat for both sides.

    The point is people thats what makes it so much fun on here, views from all walks of life, thats what keeps me on here............

    I will always be controversial. Empty Re: I will always be controversial.

    Post by spurslegend Sat Aug 21 2010, 07:02

    your a legend lew

    I will always be controversial. Empty Re: I will always be controversial.

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 21 2010, 07:03


    I will always be controversial. Empty Re: I will always be controversial.

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 21 2010, 07:07

    spurslegend wrote:your a legend lew

    Couldnt begin to cast a slant on your shadow legs.

    I will always be controversial. Empty Re: I will always be controversial.

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 21 2010, 07:09

    Loughtonlegend wrote:LOL

    Adels great passing made you laugh lought ? were you watching an old qpr season review dvd ?

    I will always be controversial. Empty Re: I will always be controversial.

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 21 2010, 07:16

    nope im lookin at your a*se lickin. you always do it when your upset you make a post and it starts off the same. its tiresum well ill tell you sumthing sumone on this board is taken your reps cause its not me so whos betrayin you. which 1 of the people you keep suckin up to is stealing your points

    I will always be controversial. Empty Re: I will always be controversial.

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 21 2010, 07:25

    Loughtonlegend wrote:nope im lookin at your a*se lickin. you always do it when your upset you make a post and it starts off the same. its tiresum well ill tell you sumthing sumone on this board is taken your reps cause its not me so whos betrayin you. which 1 of the people you keep suckin up to is stealing your points

    The same fcuker who just gave you a rep point you idiot ! someone who sucks up to you , you useless cnut,,,,,,,,,and you know who it is....dont you ?

    I will always be controversial. Empty Re: I will always be controversial.

    Post by DJSR Sat Aug 21 2010, 07:28

    Lets calm down please lads, if the rep point system causes anymore problems, it will be removed. Now please chill out!

    I will always be controversial. Empty Re: I will always be controversial.

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 21 2010, 07:31

    DJSR wrote:Lets calm down please lads, if the rep point system causes anymore problems, it will be removed. Now please chill out!

    Yes lets get it sorted, this idiot gets a rep point for every illiterate comment he makes and i get a minus............sort it djsr

    I will always be controversial. Empty Re: I will always be controversial.

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 21 2010, 07:34

    its not me so i want baz to or somone to look into this. then i want lew to say sorry. i wil fight my corner because im being accused of sumthing i havent done. and why the name calling at least this time you havent mention adel lol

    I will always be controversial. Empty Re: I will always be controversial.

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 21 2010, 07:37

    Loughtonlegend wrote:its not me so i want baz to or somone to look into this. then i want lew to say sorry. i wil fight my corner because im being accused of sumthing i havent done. and why the name calling at least this time you havent mention adel lol

    Funny how you gain points for that twaddle you post about adel and i get minus for backing harry and other views on here........lets get it out lought...who,s doing it for you ?
    2nd Division
    2nd Division

    I will always be controversial. Empty Re: I will always be controversial.

    Post by sarflondonar Sat Aug 21 2010, 07:46

    Dj, why should the rep point system go just because of one person? I'm not sure how many posts we've had on this from Lew, but it's just Lew who has issues....

    I've had rep points deducted as i'm sure have many others, but you don't see anyone else complain.


    I will always be controversial. Empty Re: I will always be controversial.

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 21 2010, 07:50

    sarflondonar wrote:Dj, why should the rep point system go just because of one person? I'm not sure how many posts we've had on this from Lew, but it's just Lew who has issues....

    I've had rep points deducted as i'm sure have many others, but you don't see anyone else complain.

    Ok sarf ! dont have any argument with you, lets just say that people like jim have said he has no problems with gallas as a spurs player, i say it and i get deducted......explain ?

    I will always be controversial. Empty Re: I will always be controversial.

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 21 2010, 07:57

    Gentlemen of The Lane. Let's please take a deep breath and a step back. Now who is stealing rep points (does it matter) ? Whoever it is hasn't got the balls to stand up and admit to it ! So whoever it is dosen't have an opinion worth a flying f*** so IMO they don't count for jack-s***. Ok Lew, it upsets you (and I do understand) but if you allow it to upset you this keyboard wannabe keeps beating you. Rep points don't matter but the opinions & debate you post really do. Lought & Lew, at times you guys are a million miles apart and at other times your almost siamise twins. You guys should not be snipeing at eachother as both your opinions are always treated with intrest and respect from the posters on here. We don't always disagree and sometimes we sure as hell don't agree but whatever is posted always prompts debate. There is a snidey person on here who knows how to wind-up and create disharmony. Grow some Bollox pal and start telling people why you disagree, that's the idea of the forum. Differnt points of view. Tell you what, PM me and I will keep your identity a secret and will even try to offer a reason for it but at least own up to it ! ! ! Otherwise my friend give it a rest eh ? Some people like to grow things and watch them flower, don't spray your weedkiler around without an excuse or some back-up for it. End of rant . . . . . .

    Mr Vis . . ...

    I will always be controversial. Empty Re: I will always be controversial.

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 21 2010, 08:01

    you must be bored if you notice when your reps go up and down.
    you can have all my reps if you want lew you wont see me complain that i dont have any

    and well said vis

    I will always be controversial. Empty Re: I will always be controversial.

    Post by MarkA249 Sat Aug 21 2010, 08:09

    i was on six rep points for ages but gone up to nine in past couple of days so thanks who give me them last 3 aiming for ten next lol!

    I will always be controversial. Empty Re: I will always be controversial.

    Post by BazSpur Sat Aug 21 2010, 08:29

    I'm in a good mood so there you go Mark lol.

    I will always be controversial. Empty Re: I will always be controversial.

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 21 2010, 08:35

    Loughtonlegend wrote:you must be bored if you notice when your reps go up and down.
    you can have all my reps if you want lew you wont see me complain that i dont have any

    and well said vis

    Say that to whoever is giving you them for those adel posts then, that you dont want them.

    I will always be controversial. Empty Re: I will always be controversial.

    Post by BazSpur Sat Aug 21 2010, 09:06

    Yes well said Vis. Rep point for Sarf for wanting to keep the Rep point system. Someone is obviously trying to disrupt the board for whatever reason. Now if that's the way they want to go then fair enough but they aren't a true Yid in my eyes and I am sure in the eyes of most on here. We are all Spurs on here, well apart from the two pet goons of course lol. Arguments will always break out on forums its the nature of forums especially when the team does badly as they did Tuesday night. I am quite sure if we had won at a canter everything would have been roses on here Rep point deducting or not. The best way to deal with the Rep deducter is to ignore them. They probably think they are a legend in their own mind and get some warped pleasure from it. Oh well, its a strange World we live in. The Rep system will stay.

    I will always be controversial. Empty Re: I will always be controversial.

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 21 2010, 09:34

    how can i say to people that i dont want them when i havent got a clue whos given them 2 me. If you think about it for a minute why would i take them from you after we have not agreed on a post. if i had sumthing aganst you and i was childish to take them then i would do it so it didnt look like me.

    I will always be controversial. Empty Re: I will always be controversial.

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 21 2010, 09:52

    I lost one point last week , but what the feck, i dont care, i give loads out to posters that i think are worthy, weather its for top spurs stuff or just something funny, what the hey, its not the end of the world, us yids have more important things to worry about. COYS!!!!

    I will always be controversial. Empty Re: I will always be controversial.

    Post by BazSpur Sat Aug 21 2010, 10:07

    So its not just Lew then Max? That's funny because Sarf said he has had points docked too. Curiouser and curiouser said Alice lol.
    2nd Division
    2nd Division

    I will always be controversial. Empty Re: I will always be controversial.

    Post by sarflondonar Sat Aug 21 2010, 12:53

    BazSpur wrote:So its not just Lew then Max? That's funny because Sarf said he has had points docked too. Curiouser and curiouser said Alice lol.

    Think your missing the 'point' with me baz. I'm not for or against the points system, just not sure why anything needs to be changed. And the only reason I brought up that I had points deducted was to make a point (excuse the pun again lol), not to make the plot thicken. I'd rather the whole thing would go away because it's boring and not about spurs.

    All the talk of banning people for abusing the voting button, yet nothing for abusing other posters, or 3-5 'pointless' (sorry) rep points posts.

    I cant imagine how hard admin is and I appreciate you and djs hard work with the forum.
    But I think we're in danger of trying to keep one person happy and forgeting the rest of us.
    Champions League
    Champions League

    I will always be controversial. Empty Re: I will always be controversial.

    Post by ionman34 Sat Aug 21 2010, 16:02

    BazSpur wrote:So its not just Lew then Max? That's funny because Sarf said he has had points docked too. Curiouser and curiouser said Alice lol.

    Think your missing the 'point' with me baz. I'm not for or against the points system, just not sure why anything needs to be changed. And the only reason I brought up that I had points deducted was to make a point (excuse the pun again lol), not to make the plot thicken. I'd rather the whole thing would go away because it's boring and not about spurs.

    All the talk of banning people for abusing the voting button, yet nothing for abusing other posters, or 3-5 'pointless' (sorry) rep points posts.

    I cant imagine how hard admin is and I appreciate you and djs hard work with the forum.
    But I think we're in danger of trying to keep one person happy and forgeting the rest of us.

    Well said Sarf, and consider yourself 'repped' for it.

    Consider Lew, what is the point of a wind-up?

    To get a bite yeah? What's better than a bite? Repeated bites.

    You've bit ................ Now spit it out and get on with it.

    I will always be controversial. Empty Re: I will always be controversial.

    Post by totalytot Sat Aug 21 2010, 16:55

    Exactly Ion Have a point and you Sarf.

    Whoever is doing the deducting is obviously getting some sort of kick out of it and thinks it makes him important so lets now drop it and let it fade away.

    Mikey M

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