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    Implosion !

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    Implosion ! - Page 2 Empty Re: Implosion !

    Post by ionman34 Sat Oct 23 2010, 12:56

    Have another look at the game Lew. Inter got behind Hutton once and that was the fullback after their winger had moved infield from the flank, carrying the ball. He was tracked by Hutton but their fullback then pushed into the space and wasn't tracked by anyone. A simple ball into Eto'os feet, he lays it out to the fullback and he bangs it in.

    How is Hutton at fault there if he is tracking the winger?

    Keep some perspective here Lew, you have taken a shot at others for criticising Crouch but you seem to have singled out Hutton and Bassong for some particularly harsh criticism.

    It's not even criticism is it mate, 'They're crap' doesn't really lend itself to a reasoned, thought out, constructive argument.

    Even Gallas himself said it, the team lost its heads, not just the defence. OK they didn't cover themselves in glory but they were horrendously exposed by the midfield where Jenas, and in particular Thudd, have to shoulder much of the blame there.

    \|As for the removal of Modric, what are you getting at here? They scored 2 whilst he was on the pitch and 2 when he was off it. How did his removal change anything?

    The tweaking happened at half time and stopped them from scoring any more goals. They didn't take their foot off the pedal all through the second half because they continued attacking. The changes solidified us more though.

    A bad all round TEAM performance in the first half. That includes Lennon and Bale as they both have defensive duties they failed in. The second half was a much better TEAM performance too. Let's not get caught up in this 'without Bale we'd be screwed' panic attack, he scored one great individual goal but the other 2 came from team counter attacking movement.

    Let's not forget that we also got within 1 goal because the entire TEAM prevented any more goals being scored.

    The European Champions exposed our weaknesses for the World to see, and yet we also showed the World that, despite that kind of setback, we can come back, with only ten men, and tear them apart. Arguably the best defence in the World, torn apart 3 times. In our first CL season. In probably the hardest group in the competition.

    Have a think about it.

    Implosion ! - Page 2 Empty Re: Implosion !

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 23 2010, 13:19

    Firstly ion i didnt say " they,re crap " so lets get that out the way for a start, an obvious referal to my thoughts on bassong and hutton, i used the word crap to describe huttons defending.

    Right ion! instead of me watching the game again (a little painful to say the least ) see some of huttons games he has started for spurs since his arrival from rangers, and particularly when we hutton chase back because he,s too far up the pitch, take a look if you have the time, its the same every time, he,s drawn out of position far too easily and that is what stops him being a class act at right back.

    When hutton plays you know opposing teams are going attack down his side , ekotto has an easy time when hutton is in the team.

    The point is that the right back slot doesnt belong to anyone we have at spurs at the moment and obviously needs sorting, corluka is out of favour, is hutton only there because kaboul is injured? hmmmm! we shall see because younes apparently is near fit again.

    Yeah ! i will have a go at the defence ion because they were more at fault than crouch who a few on here reckon should leave in the jan window, their job is to defend, i wont take that (were left exposed by the midfield) stuff, they were dreadful, they were static, overawed whatever.........

    Its all about opinions mr ion ! thats mine, others blame crouch, i saw the game and watched crouch do his best against the champions , yeah it fell well short of what was required but he never stopped trying imho !
    Champions League
    Champions League

    Implosion ! - Page 2 Empty Re: Implosion !

    Post by ionman34 Sat Oct 23 2010, 17:39


    Firstly ion i didnt say " they,re crap " so lets get that out the way for a start, an obvious referal to my thoughts on bassong and hutton, i used the word crap to describe huttons defending.

    Well maybe you can clue me in on the difference then Lew. Hutton and Bassong are defenders, you describe their defending as crap. Where I'm from, there isn't any difference between the two, apart from semantics.

    By all means educate me mate.

    Right ion! instead of me watching the game again (a little painful to say the least ) see some of huttons games he has started for spurs since his arrival from rangers, and particularly when we hutton chase back because he,s too far up the pitch, take a look if you have the time, its the same every time, he,s drawn out of position far too easily and that is what stops him being a class act at right back.

    I won't argue with you there Lew, yes he does get caught out of position at times. However, very few goals come down our right hand side. That is beside the point though, we were discussing the goals scored by Inter, not every attack that Hutton has had to deal with since he came to Spurs. Stop moving the goalposts mate. Hutton was as poor as everyone else in that game and doesn't deserve to be singled out by you or anyone else, in much the same way Crouch doesn't deserve it either.

    You can't make rules for one then totally ignore them for others, it invalidates your argument.

    When hutton plays you know opposing teams are going attack down his side , ekotto has an easy time when hutton is in the team.

    Now you are missing the bigger picture. Attacking Hutton is the easier option because he gets far less backup from Lennon than Benny does from Bale. However, as I said earlier, we have little come from the right hand side in the way of goals against. Look at our current defensive record and we have little in the way of goals comng from anywhere full stop. The CL has been the exception that proves the rule. It was only last week that ALL of us were stating how great our defensive record is and that it was up front where we are weak. One game doesn't change that, it only serves to show that the team,as a whole, has lessons to learn about defending Internationally. Even then it's onlt Inter who have managed to put more than 1 past us in the group stage.

    Consider this too, Inter have arguably the best defence in Europe, possibly the World, and we put 3 past them on their own patch. Don't give me that tosh about them taking their foot off the gas, that only means that they may not have been attacking in earnest. They weren't exactly standing idly by when we tore them apart for our 3.

    So the best defence in the World lets 3 in against 10 men in their first CL challenge ever. We let in 4.

    Gaining any perspective here yet?

    The point is that the right back slot doesnt belong to anyone we have at spurs at the moment and obviously needs sorting, corluka is out of favour, is hutton only there because kaboul is injured? hmmmm! we shall see because younes apparently is near fit again.

    Let's not go down this path again LOL. You know how highly I rate Kaboul in that position, I made enough of a point about it last season. Of the two, I'd prefer Kaboul as I do think he offers more, though there are a lot of similarities to the game of both, Kaboul can get caught out too.

    Again this is an ireelevant point though. Hutton is performing admirably at the moment, Inter's 1st goal was NOT as a result of his defending but of midfielders (Jenas I believe) not tracking the run of the fullback. Looked at that way, Hutton was responsible for none of the goals. Benny, however, was caught out by a diagonal ball as he was marginally out of position against their right winger, the last 2 were down to a combination of the midfield and CH's being caught all at sea.

    Yeah ! i will have a go at the defence ion because they were more at fault than crouch who a few on here reckon should leave in the jan window, their job is to defend, i wont take that (were left exposed by the midfield) stuff, they were dreadful, they were static, overawed whatever.........

    And yet, when you have the likes of Snieder, Stankovic and Zanetti marauding forward, untracked by our midfield, how can the defence be held accountable then, particularly when they are already occupied with other players?

    Seriously Lew, explain that to me.

    You appear to have glossed over this fact, leaving the midfield scott free whilst settling all of the blame at the feet of the defence.

    I cannot see any logic there whatsoever, please explain your reasoning to me.

    Its all about opinions mr ion ! thats mine, others blame crouch, i saw the game and watched crouch do his best against the champions , yeah it fell well short of what was required but he never stopped trying imho !

    You are correct wrt Crouch. He missed one sitter really, hardly cause to load all of our frustrated ire down on him. He does appear to be everyones (well nearly everyones) favourite target when things go wrong though. But, as you say, it's all about opinions and mine is that you are carrying out the same, just picking out different players.

    My opinion, on the game, is that the whole TEAM blew it big time in the 1st half. ALL were poor and ALL lost the plot whether they were up front, in midfield or defending. In the second half ALL of them upped their game and ALL of them did us proud. Not just Bale.

    If you single out one for criticism then you must single them ALL out for it, the same goes for the praise.

    That point/opinion, is one that I have been trying to get across for as long as I've been on these boards.

    Implosion ! - Page 2 Empty Re: Implosion !

    Post by djfitzo Sat Oct 23 2010, 18:21

    Ive been looking at our defensive record in the league, apart from Citeh and Chelski, it is the best of the rest, the includes Arsenal and Manure. Thats without a regular back 4 for most games, we are 3rd in the league without arguably our best centre forward and no doubt we would have bought another striker had we been able to offload Keane, we are second in our group with a better goal diff then the two below us and in our first attempt at champions league its very likely that we will qualify and then have our very best squad available for the knockout stages.Yes the first half was poor, but unlike previous Spurs teams, we are learning with each and every game. We play Everton with our two most creative players in Modric and Van Der Vaart fully rested and Kaboul back and Gomes eligible to play, I am a very happy Spurs fan at the mom.

    Champions League
    Champions League

    Implosion ! - Page 2 Empty Re: Implosion !

    Post by ionman34 Sat Oct 23 2010, 19:52

    Nice post Dave, and it should really bring into focus that opinion is based on perspective and that, for all of us, this perspective is highly influenced by emotion.

    Take the emotion out of it and you then see that things really aren't as bad as perceived. Often, the same holds true for players.

    Quite often we see some posters on here reporting the latest whitterings from the likes of Hanson and Lawrenson. Never a good thing to say about the Spurs regardless of what is laid out before their eyes.

    And why? Because, for some unknown reason, they detest Tottenham. This colours their judgement and renders any 'analysis' from them as asinine with no real objective substance, just the emotion based yammerings of two embittered old men.

    I don't know if you've noticed, but I almost never post immediately after a match ............. Almost! lol!

    The reason being is that, most of the time, objective analysis is impossible when you've been running the gamut of emotions. I'll often watch the game through again as I know what to expect and can take more note of the nuances within the game itself. Take the emotion out effectively.

    When you do that, you then tend to see the real facts and can then form a sound judgement.

    Apologies if this sounds really pompous, but I really do feel that too much emotion is involved in some opinions.

    Implosion ! - Page 2 Empty Re: Implosion !

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 23 2010, 20:57

    lewspurs wrote:

    Firstly ion i didnt say " they,re crap " so lets get that out the way for a start, an obvious referal to my thoughts on bassong and hutton, i used the word crap to describe huttons defending.

    Well maybe you can clue me in on the difference then Lew. Hutton and Bassong are defenders, you describe their defending as crap. Where I'm from, there isn't any difference between the two, apart from semantics.

    By all means educate me mate.

    Right ion! instead of me watching the game again (a little painful to say the least ) see some of huttons games he has started for spurs since his arrival from rangers, and particularly when we hutton chase back because he,s too far up the pitch, take a look if you have the time, its the same every time, he,s drawn out of position far too easily and that is what stops him being a class act at right back.

    I won't argue with you there Lew, yes he does get caught out of position at times. However, very few goals come down our right hand side. That is beside the point though, we were discussing the goals scored by Inter, not every attack that Hutton has had to deal with since he came to Spurs. Stop moving the goalposts mate. Hutton was as poor as everyone else in that game and doesn't deserve to be singled out by you or anyone else, in much the same way Crouch doesn't deserve it either.

    You can't make rules for one then totally ignore them for others, it invalidates your argument.

    When hutton plays you know opposing teams are going attack down his side , ekotto has an easy time when hutton is in the team.

    Now you are missing the bigger picture. Attacking Hutton is the easier option because he gets far less backup from Lennon than Benny does from Bale. However, as I said earlier, we have little come from the right hand side in the way of goals against. Look at our current defensive record and we have little in the way of goals comng from anywhere full stop. The CL has been the exception that proves the rule. It was only last week that ALL of us were stating how great our defensive record is and that it was up front where we are weak. One game doesn't change that, it only serves to show that the team,as a whole, has lessons to learn about defending Internationally. Even then it's onlt Inter who have managed to put more than 1 past us in the group stage.

    Consider this too, Inter have arguably the best defence in Europe, possibly the World, and we put 3 past them on their own patch. Don't give me that tosh about them taking their foot off the gas, that only means that they may not have been attacking in earnest. They weren't exactly standing idly by when we tore them apart for our 3.

    So the best defence in the World lets 3 in against 10 men in their first CL challenge ever. We let in 4.

    Gaining any perspective here yet?

    The point is that the right back slot doesnt belong to anyone we have at spurs at the moment and obviously needs sorting, corluka is out of favour, is hutton only there because kaboul is injured? hmmmm! we shall see because younes apparently is near fit again.

    Let's not go down this path again LOL. You know how highly I rate Kaboul in that position, I made enough of a point about it last season. Of the two, I'd prefer Kaboul as I do think he offers more, though there are a lot of similarities to the game of both, Kaboul can get caught out too.

    Again this is an ireelevant point though. Hutton is performing admirably at the moment, Inter's 1st goal was NOT as a result of his defending but of midfielders (Jenas I believe) not tracking the run of the fullback. Looked at that way, Hutton was responsible for none of the goals. Benny, however, was caught out by a diagonal ball as he was marginally out of position against their right winger, the last 2 were down to a combination of the midfield and CH's being caught all at sea.

    Yeah ! i will have a go at the defence ion because they were more at fault than crouch who a few on here reckon should leave in the jan window, their job is to defend, i wont take that (were left exposed by the midfield) stuff, they were dreadful, they were static, overawed whatever.........

    And yet, when you have the likes of Snieder, Stankovic and Zanetti marauding forward, untracked by our midfield, how can the defence be held accountable then, particularly when they are already occupied with other players?

    Seriously Lew, explain that to me.

    You appear to have glossed over this fact, leaving the midfield scott free whilst settling all of the blame at the feet of the defence.

    I cannot see any logic there whatsoever, please explain your reasoning to me.

    Its all about opinions mr ion ! thats mine, others blame crouch, i saw the game and watched crouch do his best against the champions , yeah it fell well short of what was required but he never stopped trying imho !

    You are correct wrt Crouch. He missed one sitter really, hardly cause to load all of our frustrated ire down on him. He does appear to be everyones (well nearly everyones) favourite target when things go wrong though. But, as you say, it's all about opinions and mine is that you are carrying out the same, just picking out different players.

    My opinion, on the game, is that the whole TEAM blew it big time in the 1st half. ALL were poor and ALL lost the plot whether they were up front, in midfield or defending. In the second half ALL of them upped their game and ALL of them did us proud. Not just Bale.

    If you single out one for criticism then you must single them ALL out for it, the same goes for the praise.

    That point/opinion, is one that I have been trying to get across for as long as I've been on these boards.

    Sorry ion but for some reason i cant do colours on here to split up the more important points of this debate as you have done, mine would just come out the same colour blue as yours, so my response wouldnt make the same impact, so i will do a little summing up in the colour black underneath your post as it will allow me to do that very thing in a different colour to yours (black)

    Firstly i believe the defence , particularly cbs should be the last line to protect the goalie, the midfield protects the defence by its breaking up of play, or by its creating chances for the forwards, the left and right backs if not supporting forward play should retain their positions and that is where hutton falls short in my opinion, he is always being dragged out of position and he is usually the one chasing the opposing forward who has just banged home, i have seen it time and time again when hutton plays for us, i dont have to convince anyone of this fact, sit and watch old games ion, i watch a few live games with a man utd fan, and a chelsea mate, and they laugh at hutton and what we paid for him, and they point out the same problem as i do with him, he is great going forward but seems to hang around further up the pitch probably for the chance to bomb forward again, thats his game and its down to harry and the coaching team to instill in him a more defensive outlook, he can be a great right back, his forward runs cause problems on the oppositions left side, but he needs to stay alert and stay back when we are under pressure.

    Have to agree totally, i am slamming hutton, and bassong and gallas for what they did in the first half, as you say its a team game so you have to blame the entire team really, it was a diabolical first half and we could have been slaughtered 8-0 if they hadnt pulled themselves together, as it was we came out of the game with hell of a lot of pride and belief if we can stick three past the cl champs then we need be not be overawed by anyone out there in europe or the prem.

    Hold up my hands that i am guilty of that self same thing others on here are displaying, picking out someone to blame for the debacle, but its something i have noticed in huttons game for ages now, perhaps wrongly or rightly who knows ? you can only go by what you see and i challenge others on here to watch huttons game closely if only to underline my point.

    As for kaboul ! you were right and i was wrong, i get a more confident feeling when i see the team with him at right back, i still think younes is more an old fashioned utility player and could fill in anywhere if needed, even centre forward ! in fact i would like to see him play in that very position if injuries persist to such a need.

    Will finish by saying walker is the future at right back, i said about bale and the left back slot ages ago although he is better on the wing he still likes attacking from deep within his own half, and with a like player on the right we can do so much damage, walker is allegedly the fastest player at spurs and that includes players with the lightning pace of lennon and bale, with van der vaart with us its a great time to be a spurs fan, it speaks volumes that qpr are doing so well with walker on loan there, some put it down to taarabt but walker is making a massive difference .

    Not disagreeing with your points ion ! its about opinions, we see things a little different but who cares ? in the end we are cheering the same cause. Very Happy


    Implosion ! - Page 2 Empty Re: Implosion !

    Post by BazSpur Sat Oct 23 2010, 21:16

    Nice post Lew. REPPED.

    Implosion ! - Page 2 Empty Re: Implosion !

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 23 2010, 22:25

    Thank you mr baz ! Very Happy
    Champions League
    Champions League

    Implosion ! - Page 2 Empty Re: Implosion !

    Post by ionman34 Sat Oct 23 2010, 22:40

    Great response Lew. I have to admit I thought it would get a little heated but you've responded really well with some well thought out, rational replies.

    I agreed with you, regarding Hutton and his positioning, but I still think he does a good job there, mostly because his response time is excellent and he recovers well. No, he's not the best reader of the game but, until Kaboul recovers and takes the spot from him, he's doing a pretty good job IMO.

    As I said before, I know virtually nothing about Walker so I'll take your word as far as his qualities are concerned. If he really is as good as you state then by Christ will we have a force to be reckoned with over the next few years.

    All in all, I feel that each game we play, as much as it puts us fans through the wringer, adds just that little bit more experience and nous to our players. As you said on another post, and as I've been saying for months now, we are very, very close to having a real title challenging team that could really go on to put us on the map as one of the biggest names in Europe, and keep us there for a while.

    Implosion ! - Page 2 Empty Re: Implosion !

    Post by Guest Sun Oct 24 2010, 03:29

    i dont think anybody thinks hutton great at right back but lets be honest corluka has been out of form for ages now. hutton gets forward well wich pushes the other team back more. I thought he had a good game today.

    i do think kaboul also good at right back and he had a great game today in defence.

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