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    Whats Going On - Page 2 Empty Re: Whats Going On

    Post by Guest Tue Apr 19 2011, 23:39

    like i said before if people are going to mention adel then ill reply and stick up for the lad.

    anyway its childish of people to stop posting because they dont agree with me.

    its not me they are hurtin by not posting its you vis and the wonderfull job you guys have done in setting up the forum for us.

    but it looks now like that if you dont agree with the favorites on here then they want to get rid of you.

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    Whats Going On - Page 2 Empty Re: Whats Going On

    Post by ArnieArdiles Wed Apr 20 2011, 00:19

    I have a theory !

    Actualy, its not really a theory, its more down to my experience on the forum and I can only speak for myself why Ive cut down on posting here ...

    I confess I do write on a couple of other Spurs forums, busier than this one, but this one when its busy, I prefer the most... I suppose its because of the history we've shared together , been a few years now going back to those AOL days and the fact that the owner Baz is an okay chap too...

    I suppose its like when Crouch nodded in that beauty at Easlands to give us CL footy or when Bale ran the legs off Macion, I knew at those very same moments as well as my jumping around like a lunatic with my brother , cousin and a couple of my Spurs mates... I knew that you guys on here, in your homes and if you were online on the BNF forum, were feeling similar emotions to ours ... When my guests had departed or when I had got home after watching our beloved Spurs games elsewhere, win lose or draw, I wanted to also share those moments with you guys ...The internet has given us an outlet where we can share an intrest we have, in some cases with people from the other side of the world like Ion .. The internet has been with us a few years now but I still find it all pretty amazing ....

    This may come across as condescending BS I dont know but I honestly do mean well . I was in the music industry for 25 years , I owned a dance music specialist shop in East London and one thing I learnt is that you have to have a clear mind in what you want to achieve and be willing to try things, be introducing new ideas, sometimes alter them or even abandened as they've not been proven to be succesfull . There are also times when you look at your competitors and if need be, not be ashamed in taking up a sucessfull idea from them either ... The last five years, I make my meagre earnings working from home so when possible, I can logg on to this forum but there have been times to be honest, when Ive found myself a little disheartend with the lack of response here, more so when there are posters signed in and yet no participation .. I dont think the Portal concept helps and a good thread can also soon dissapear underneath a number of cut n paste jobs from Spurs News Now ... I think perhaps one or two get bored with certain posters input and Im sure thats the case with how some posters view my postings too...Me I try and read them all , Im a glutton for punishment eh ? lol

    But this lack in participation thing by the most regular posters too, is a strange one on here but recent episode bought it home to me .....

    One thing Ive noticed popular on other football forums has been a matchday thread, where forum members are commenting on the games as they happen, its like watching the games together with your forum buddies ... Of course on this forum it wouldnt make the portal section and would be in the other football section so that perhaps its possible popularity would be hindered.. Personally , I would make a sticky out of it in the Spurs section ...

    I tried to introduce something like a matchday thread here , where all the games that in some way directly affect Spurs, could be talked about as they happened. However, apart from Vis and I think Max , no one seemed intrested , in fact certain regulars with top ten postings did not show at all despite being logged in at the time and one in paticular who posts on a daily basis on all things , his one post in the thread was merely to complain as to why it were in the Portal section as it had nothing to do with Spurs??! ! ...

    It was not meant to be an Arnie Ardiles thread , it was meant to be for all to enjoy but I got the impression , especialy later where there were quite a few on here signed in and I think it were Chelsea playing... I tried to get it going but no comments were being made on the televised game , I felt a right plonker to be honest... So I'm left wondering, why is a matchday thread proving so popular on other Spurs and footy forums but not on here , not so much of a sniff, even when there are regular posters and top ten ones too, signed in? Perhaps I should've gone to Baz with the idea and he introduced it as it may have been viewed better coming from him ..

    Its like on Sunday ,, the missus is out and Im at home alone watching, the Goon v Liverpool game and I got the Spurs Glory Glory Forum matchday thread up on my monitor .... My fellow Yids ( can I still say Yids ? ) on the site were cussing, hurling abuse at the football gods when the Goons got their deep into stoppage time penalty, only for a couple of minutes later, the football gods had a change of heart and gave the scousers a penalty of their own! Then throw into the mix for added flavour the Daglish/Venger spat!
    Oh what joy in our subsequent posts!

    We're all Spurs fans , its about sharing the moments , participating in the highs and the lows too, exchanging opinions and at times opposing other poster's viewpoints with respect, in the knowledge there will be no fallout .

    Me, Ive got no problems with any poster here and if a poster wants to bang on about a paticular ex player, well that's fine as no ones forcing me to reply . However, at times I get a little deflated on here with the lack of participation having taken the time out to post, more so when I see the names up there logged in too .....

    Whats Going On - Page 2 Empty Re: Whats Going On

    Post by BazSpur Wed Apr 20 2011, 01:02

    Great post Arnie and repped. I remember the matchday thread you put up and although I didn't participate at the time (not sure why) I thought it was a great idea. Lets try it again. Maybe if you set it out as you want it then I can make it a sticky. Then perhaps on match day maybe one of us or someone else could put up a reminder in Spurs chat forum that the matchday comment thread will be up and running. The title can be changed each time. Or how about making a new category and forum especially for match day comments. Great idea Arnie as I am always looking for somwhere to comment with other Spurs fans during our games. As for Loughts posts yep I agree mate the best way is if you don't want to participate then don't. As for why the forum isn't popular? I think there are many reasons for that. Not least of course this is a new board compared to some and it was basically started by friends who posted on AOL. There is a lot of competiion out there and we are trying to get a foothold on an internet chocka block with Spurs and football forums. It's hard work.

    Whats Going On - Page 2 Empty Re: Whats Going On

    Post by Guest Wed Apr 20 2011, 01:27

    I'm right up for a thread to discuss games as they are being played Arnie. Was it the Blackpool/Chelski game we followed ? Won't always sign in for it but as football fans in general, Spurs fans in particular it is always nice to be able to debate up-to-date matches (especially those involving our rivals). For what it's worth my opinion is another stand alone section if possible (maybe replace a section that isn't used ?, call it something like General Match Threads, then the thread can start, follow the game and aftermath (LOL) then move onto another by the simple start of a fresh thread (try saying that after 8 Stellas ! ! !) . . . . . .

    Whats Going On - Page 2 Empty Re: Whats Going On

    Post by Guest Wed Apr 20 2011, 01:30

    i hav rep you aswel arnie. i do find when people post positives stuff up that people never reply which i find strange.

    as for the matchday threads i only watch the spurs prem games online if they aint on sky. otherwise il go to the pub.

    but i do sumtimes watch games on streams and i bumped into lobo and djsr on the chats they have next to the game.

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    Whats Going On - Page 2 Empty Re: Whats Going On

    Post by ArnieArdiles Wed Apr 20 2011, 01:33

    Cheers Baz thats another thing ...Those rep points might come across to some as back slapping and elitist , although I participate and give them out, I never liked them myself..

    The match day thread from what Ive seen on other forums, is a continued season long continued thread ...So for e.g. it could be called, The Match Day Thread 2010/11... It basicly covers all games that might concern Spurs i.e. all the premeirship games and cup competitions ..Its there for all to comment on the other games if they wish ...

    Like at the weekend, lets all laugh at the West Spams...Keano scores a two minute goal for them again but later on they lose to an injury time Villa goal ...Its like I said, watching the events unfold as they happen with your forum buddies.. We'd be a bit like TV pundits...I know who Merson would be on here and I got a fair idea on who's Garth Crooks too
    What a Face lol!
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    Whats Going On - Page 2 Empty Re: Whats Going On

    Post by ArnieArdiles Wed Apr 20 2011, 01:40

    VisionarySound wrote:I'm right up for a thread to discuss games as they are being played Arnie. Was it the Blackpool/Chelski game we followed ? Won't always sign in for it but as football fans in general, Spurs fans in particular it is always nice to be able to debate up-to-date matches (especially those involving our rivals). For what it's worth my opinion is another stand alone section if possible (maybe replace a section that isn't used ?, call it something like General Match Threads, then the thread can start, follow the game and aftermath (LOL) then move onto another by the simple start of a fresh thread (try saying that after 8 Stellas ! ! !) . . . . . .

    I leave it up to you mods Vis , just as I said Ive seen it on numerous football forums and generally its a season ongoing thread ...

    I think watching and commenting on games other than Spurs, ones that concern our fate , can also help in the togetherness of a forum community's just a thought
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    Whats Going On - Page 2 Empty Re: Whats Going On

    Post by ArnieArdiles Wed Apr 20 2011, 01:46

    Loughtonlegend wrote:i hav rep you aswel arnie. i do find when people post positives stuff up that people never reply which i find strange.

    as for the matchday threads i only watch the spurs prem games online if they aint on sky. otherwise il go to the pub.

    but i do sumtimes watch games on streams and i bumped into lobo and djsr on the chats they have next to the game.

    Ive seen them to Lought but nowadays the sopcast streams seems to be hitting some good streams so I no longer seem them sidealong chats ...

    If theres a game on that in anyway affects Spurs and if its not on Sky, I genrally seek out a sopcast link ...

    Whats Going On - Page 2 Empty Re: Whats Going On

    Post by BazSpur Wed Apr 20 2011, 01:49

    I'll put a new category and forum up then and you can tell me what you think fella's. I can make any changes or additions if you want.

    Whats Going On - Page 2 Empty Re: Whats Going On

    Post by BazSpur Wed Apr 20 2011, 01:50

    The other thing is of course, there is always the Chatbox for live chat.
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    Whats Going On - Page 2 Empty Re: Whats Going On

    Post by ArnieArdiles Wed Apr 20 2011, 02:25

    BazSpur wrote:I'll put a new category and forum up then and you can tell me what you think fella's. I can make any changes or additions if you want.

    Well its not for me to say but there is already 18 sections Baz ...Surely a matchday thread if you do want to introduce one can be stickied in the Spurs Chat section ?

    Its a good way to get new members on board and you've mentioned the chatroom which of course is often forgottened and not used as much as it perhaps could be ..

    Sorry if Im making your job that little harder ...Must be difficult for you but I think you need to be looking to be simplyfing as when Ive shown this forum to some Spurs fans, thats the feedback Ive got , is that its a little confusing...

    Anyway I must dash , will look in later .....


    Whats Going On - Page 2 Empty Re: Whats Going On

    Post by Guest Wed Apr 20 2011, 02:28

    ye i use the sopcast links but i find for the games that or on sky they aint always on sopcast.

    i notice on some forums they have a knee jerk reaction thread lol

    Whats Going On - Page 2 Empty Re: Whats Going On

    Post by Guest Wed Apr 20 2011, 05:19

    I personally dont blame lought for scaring off posters on here, i think maybe the fact he sticks to his guns regardless sparks discussion although the taarabt on has run its mile.

    The letdown of the cl against real madrid has no doubt contributed, the season is now closing and we wait with bated breathe to see if the players can raise themselves in the run in, maybe many dont believe we can qualify again.

    Chin up everyone! a win against the goons will get posters punching the keyboards again, but its also a do and die situation for them too, a win is vital for us, something must go our way sooner or later.

    Whats Going On - Page 2 Empty Re: Whats Going On

    Post by HotspurRoper Wed Apr 20 2011, 17:19

    Stop posting because i dont agree with Lought! Jeeeez, id have been gone a long time ago. Yeah he talks tosh at time and lays his money on silly bets lmao but he's a good lad really. I think at times Lought you post stuff on here to spark a reaction to kick the board into life regardless of what it is your posting. So come on pal chin up and lets have 1 of them BIG priced losers tonight.... what we on... 4-2, 5-1, 6-0 ????

    Whats Going On - Page 2 Empty Re: Whats Going On

    Post by Guest Wed Apr 20 2011, 17:26

    HotspurRoper wrote:Stop posting because i dont agree with Lought! Jeeeez, id have been gone a long time ago. Yeah he talks tosh at time and lays his money on silly bets lmao but he's a good lad really. I think at times Lought you post stuff on here to spark a reaction to kick the board into life regardless of what it is your posting. So come on pal chin up and lets have 1 of them BIG priced losers tonight.... what we on... 4-2, 5-1, 6-0 ????
    it must be me winding lought up still

    Whats Going On - Page 2 Empty Re: Whats Going On

    Post by HotspurRoper Wed Apr 20 2011, 17:29

    Like a clock work mouse lol

    Whats Going On - Page 2 Empty Re: Whats Going On

    Post by Guest Wed Apr 20 2011, 17:33

    HotspurRoper wrote:Like a clock work mouse lol
    lol yes lee thats the one, im winding lought up like a clockwork mouse to get to other posters pmsl

    Whats Going On - Page 2 Empty Re: Whats Going On

    Post by BazSpur Wed Apr 20 2011, 19:36

    I knew that a long time ago. Plain as the nose on ya face.
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    Whats Going On - Page 2 Empty Re: Whats Going On

    Post by ionman34 Wed Apr 20 2011, 20:37

    I'll keep this simple and to the point.

    When we lose, Spurs players get slagged off.

    When we draw, Spurs players get slagged off.

    When we win, Spurs players get slagged off.

    It has f*ck all to do with being deflated by the Real loss and everything to do with people who haven't a f*cking clue what being a SUPPORTER means.

    I went through this on AOHELL and have no wish to relive that Bollox.

    So I'm gone. I no longer have the desire to post on here any more as any opinion, argument or reasoning is totally ignored.

    You hit the nail on the head Baz and all I see is bleating.

    I still look in but I'll not post again.

    Take care guys.
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    Whats Going On - Page 2 Empty Re: Whats Going On

    Post by LOBO Wed Apr 20 2011, 21:02

    Members connected during last 24 hours : ArnieArdiles, BazSpur, burger is back again, cstmrsking, cynicsid, DJSR, HotspurRoper, ionman34, lewspurs, LOBO, Loughtonlegend, MAXIMUS, owen1s1, seebee1944, shearspur, SIMONDREW, SuneJim, TomoN17, VisionarySound

    This board is active end of !

    Whats Going On - Page 2 Empty Re: Whats Going On

    Post by Guest Wed Apr 20 2011, 21:36

    didnt think you would get that low ionman. sumone once said that you had a lot to do with the goons not allowed to post on here and now you want me to stop posting.

    i wish we got nocked out by ac milan and had 3 4 5 even 6 more points on the board now.

    its obvious harry saves hes best players for champions league or rushes them back to soon

    Whats Going On - Page 2 Empty Re: Whats Going On

    Post by Guest Wed Apr 20 2011, 21:38

    roper im on 5 1 4 1 spurs. just duno what scorecast to do as i dont have a clue who harry wil play tonight.

    i wouldnt start vdv but then hes due a goal.
    talking of super pav my mate txt me this morning saying he saw pav in the toby cavery in buckhurst hill yesterday. he said it look like he was with hes familey.

    Whats Going On - Page 2 Empty Re: Whats Going On

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 21 2011, 00:48

    BazSpur wrote:I knew that a long time ago. Plain as the nose on ya face.
    is it, lought has been on about tarrabt and other things since i got banned baz, that says to me that lought is his own man and needs no guidance in his posts, its not important to you, but it is to me, being wrongly accussed is something that has never sat with me in any field, so now thati have proved my innocence i am happy, on a lighter note the board needs to chill a bit and is in real danger of going tits up, u may think im happy about that but im not, i was one of the originals on this board, but hey that never came into your thinking when banning me, u listened to lobo who had been on for a week and ion who causes sh*t with everyone, lew,tress and now lought is on the wrong end of his hangover. anyway i have had my say. lew and vis no where to send there money and i trust they will do that.

    Whats Going On - Page 2 Empty Re: Whats Going On

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 21 2011, 01:42

    well i do post good stuff about harry sumtimes.

    but i just dont belive hes as good as people make him out to be.

    west brom was in big trouble last month now they are save. theres been teams in worse postion then us.

    2 points from 8 games. i dont remember shouting for ramos to go.
    also do any of you remember them games. away at chelsea who at the time was winning everything and we drew 1 1. then 1 lost we finissed the game with 9 men.

    theres no way we was going down.

    Whats Going On - Page 2 Empty Re: Whats Going On

    Post by HotspurRoper Thu Apr 21 2011, 05:27

    WOOOOOOW! Think we need to a minute here and calm down abit, Burgs that Clockwork Mouse jibe was said in jest, no offence ment by it and if it did offend im sorry! Now i never had a problem with you on this board in fact had many a good enjoyable chat with you, it was when ya 2 pals turned up and the 3 of you went through this board like a tornado hijacking threads left right and centre talking utter bollox on any thread and id like to think you are more intelligent then that. Warning after warning fell on deaf ears and thats when for me personally the problem started it was no longer fun to post on here because what ever was written by belittled and made a joke of, banter stopped and the P*ss taking began. As for the Lought situation i like Lought again iv had many a good chat with him wether it be about Spurs, Betting or him out on the pop chasing titties, its just his constant negativness towards Spurs that irritates me. So if we have the intelligent, always willing to have a chat/ discussion or debate Burger back welcome back Burgs mate, No hard feelings!

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