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    Match Thread Vs Arsenal


    Match Thread Vs Arsenal - Page 3 Empty Re: Match Thread Vs Arsenal

    Post by totalytot Mon Oct 03 2011, 18:25

    I was very dissapointed with Modric performance today. I thought he was poor and Adybayor had one of those games I said when we signed him we would see. He's such a in and out sort of player. But the 3 points and against the enemy are great.

    I agree Lought VDV didn't do a lot but score but as I have said to you many times he always scores important and great goals and without him we wouldn't have 3 points.

    We got the points not playing well and we were a bit lucky today but I'll take that any time.We have played well many times in the past and got nothing, I think Parker has made so much difference to our MF he is the missing link that we have needed for a long time and what an engine he has. Maybe this is now our time.


    Mikey M

    Mikey M

    Match Thread Vs Arsenal - Page 3 Empty Re: Match Thread Vs Arsenal

    Post by Guest Tue Oct 04 2011, 06:05

    Tottenham vow to ban fans over offensive chants in Arsenal game

    Tottenham have vowed to ban fans guilty of offensive chanting during Sunday's derby victory over Arsenal.

    Managers Harry Redknapp and Arsene Wenger both condemned abusive chanting from fans during Spurs' 2-1 win.

    Former Gunners striker Emmanuel Adebayor, who now plays for Spurs, was taunted about the Togo national team being attacked before the Africa Cup of Nations in Angola in January 2010.

    Redknapp and Wenger were also targeted for insults by sections of the crowd.
    Tottenham said several fans from both the home and away sections of the crowd were ejected from White Hart Lane during the game.

    "It is club policy to ban fans who are found guilty of abusive chanting," a Tottenham spokeswoman said.

    In a joint statement, the clubs said: "[We] were extremely disappointed to hear the chants from supporters. Neither club tolerates foul language, racist chanting, homophobic chanting or any anti-social behaviour from its supporters.

    "We shall be working closely with each other to identify the individuals involved."

    Both managers had condemned the chants after the match.

    "What was chanted at Emmanuel was disgusting," said Redknapp.

    "There was some pretty disgusting chanting at me as well but that's life. How do you chant something like that at someone? You can't be right mentally. You need help."

    The abusive songs also included those by Arsenal fans chanting about the recent Tottenham riots.

    Redknapp added: "It's got no place anywhere in life. Emmanuel never said anything to me. I think he regretted what happened when he ran to the Arsenal fans after scoring for Manchester City the other season.

    "Even then what did he really do? They are all shouting abuse and he ran up and said 'have a bit of that'. He's run up and slid on his knees and said 'I've scored'. It might have been a bit over the top but he'd been getting grief for 80 minutes and that's how he reacted."
    Wenger, when asked if he was disappointed at chanting from both sections of support, said: "Yes. We respect everybody and want to be respected as well."

    The Arsenal boss also brushed off a confrontation with Spurs coach Clive Allen at the final whistle, which appeared to centre on Wenger's apparent refusal to shake his hand.

    Wenger said: "Nothing happened. I shook the hands of the Spurs manager Harry Redknapp and his assistant. How many people do I have to shake hands with? There were no words exchanged. "
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    Match Thread Vs Arsenal - Page 3 Empty Re: Match Thread Vs Arsenal

    Post by ionman34 Tue Oct 04 2011, 08:38

    Kaboul was immense. He got beaten once in the entire game, same as ledley who got skinned by Walcott as well. Funny how that gets missed whilst Kaboul's is picked up on immediately.
    Younes won absolutely everything in the air and his positional/covering play was exceptional. If it wasn't for the fact that Parker had an awesome game then he'd be my MOM.
    Walker had his best game in the Lillywhite too, he was as good as Disco who was excellent.
    Modric, whilst not having a stinker, had a relatively poor game for him. I reckon he lost possession of the ball more times in this game than in all of the previous games, this season, combined.
    Adabad battled all day with Song, without too much change. Yet still made an important contribution with setting up VDV, who I thought was probably the weakest link in the game.
    Defoe, I thought, was good without being exceptional. He put himself about everywhere from our 18 yard box to theirs.
    Sandro's addition was the game changer. His run and cross set up Modric and led to Walker's goal whilst his energy, added to Parkers, won the battle in the middle. It helped that Ramsay was bobbins though and that Coquelin was moved to CH as he was quality.

    All in all it was an excellent result as I really don't think we ever got into top gear and we were still the better side.

    Match Thread Vs Arsenal - Page 3 Empty Re: Match Thread Vs Arsenal

    Post by BazSpur Tue Oct 04 2011, 08:47

    Can't disagree with any of that ion. Sandro defeinately changed the game when he came on.

    Match Thread Vs Arsenal - Page 3 Empty Re: Match Thread Vs Arsenal

    Post by Guest Tue Oct 04 2011, 10:01

    bang on the money there ion lol . i was screaming for sandro to come on for vdv.

    kaboul made one mistake all game, the guy is so good and hes still so young.
    parker did not stop running all game, it didnt help that he was over run in the middle before sandro came on.
    defoe worked hard. modric didnt have hes best game and i agree that vdv was poor yet still scored a great goal

    remember last season at the emriates clive allen barged into wenger and after the game on sunday clive offerd to shake wenger hand and he refused to so our clive chased after him and called him a 2 bob lol

    wenger makes himself look stupid as he never sees anything aganst hes own team , after vdv goal he said watch the replay and you will see he handled it, im still not sure he did though

    Match Thread Vs Arsenal - Page 3 Empty Re: Match Thread Vs Arsenal

    Post by MarkA249 Tue Oct 04 2011, 17:14

    ionman34 wrote:Kaboul was immense. He got beaten once in the entire game, same as ledley who got skinned by Walcott as well. Funny how that gets missed whilst Kaboul's is picked up on immediately.
    Younes won absolutely everything in the air and his positional/covering play was exceptional. If it wasn't for the fact that Parker had an awesome game then he'd be my MOM.
    Walker had his best game in the Lillywhite too, he was as good as Disco who was excellent.
    Modric, whilst not having a stinker, had a relatively poor game for him. I reckon he lost possession of the ball more times in this game than in all of the previous games, this season, combined.
    Adabad battled all day with Song, without too much change. Yet still made an important contribution with setting up VDV, who I thought was probably the weakest link in the game.
    Defoe, I thought, was good without being exceptional. He put himself about everywhere from our 18 yard box to theirs.
    Sandro's addition was the game changer. His run and cross set up Modric and led to Walker's goal whilst his energy, added to Parkers, won the battle in the middle. It helped that Ramsay was bobbins though and that Coquelin was moved to CH as he was quality.

    All in all it was an excellent result as I really don't think we ever got into top gear and we were still the better side.

    Fair doos thats your opionion ion same as i am intitled to mine i thought Kaboul played well not saying that but if Gervinho had scored what would of other people been saying then? and been good in the air against V Persie is like Lennon Lewis against me in a boxing match non event on the ground he give away a stupid free kick as for King getting skinned ill watch the game again i thought it was Benny but never mind still won the derby lol COYS

    Match Thread Vs Arsenal - Page 3 Empty Re: Match Thread Vs Arsenal

    Post by HotspurRoper Tue Oct 04 2011, 17:43

    Well what a fekking result............ Aint been around for a few days and i apologise for missing the a*se predictions (cheers Baz for starting that 1 up) got in the house on Sunday just in time for kick off and i witnessed IMO 1 of the best performances' in a Spurs shirt iv seen... Scotty Parker, tik a boo son, absolutley phenomanol, a collosus in the centre of the park, never stopped running, by the end you could see he was running on empty yet still carried on running and fighting and winning may i add the ball everytime!!! Great to see King putting a run of games togeather and Kaboul is really starting to look the bollox. Walker getting better and what a goal. Defoe hardest iv seen him work in a long time!
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    Match Thread Vs Arsenal - Page 3 Empty Re: Match Thread Vs Arsenal

    Post by anicoll5 Tue Oct 04 2011, 20:03

    I hope both clubs make examples of the scum who were responsible for the chants Vis - certainly at our end they are almost certainly season ticket holders so they can kiss bye-bye to the Emirates for their foreseeable future.

    I was also stunned to see a so called Spuds fan was outed on Twitter yesterday for a series of posts on Facebook and Twitter to Jack Wilshere and his girlfriend to the effect that he hoped their week old baby would die a cot death - name of Crispin

    It is not often I am stunned - but I was stunned No
    Champions League
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    Match Thread Vs Arsenal - Page 3 Empty Re: Match Thread Vs Arsenal

    Post by anicoll5 Tue Oct 04 2011, 20:27

    In line with the new moderation in chants I have penned the following;


    your shoes are quite dirty

    your grooming is poor

    Good eh ?
    Champions League
    Champions League

    Match Thread Vs Arsenal - Page 3 Empty Re: Match Thread Vs Arsenal

    Post by LOBO Tue Oct 04 2011, 22:13

    First half we were all over the shop .. they had to much space and time to pace it we relied to much on long balls to ade, but thankfully arry saw that problem and fixed it, second half we played much better, Parker was by far the best player on the pitch he is the type of player we have not seen at spurs in many a year .

    Match Thread Vs Arsenal - Page 3 Empty Re: Match Thread Vs Arsenal

    Post by BazSpur Tue Oct 04 2011, 23:32

    anicoll5 wrote:I hope both clubs make examples of the scum who were responsible for the chants Vis - certainly at our end they are almost certainly season ticket holders so they can kiss bye-bye to the Emirates for their foreseeable future.

    I was also stunned to see a so called Spuds fan was outed on Twitter yesterday for a series of posts on Facebook and Twitter to Jack Wilshere and his girlfriend to the effect that he hoped their week old baby would die a cot death - name of Crispin

    It is not often I am stunned - but I was stunned No

    Yes Nic, Mr Crispin has been outed from twitter and facebook. The man is a cnut end of. Not content with outrageous outbursts about Arsenal he has also been racist toward black Spurs players. What use is it having scum like that on the Earth? He should be made to appologise to Wilshire. As much as I don't like Wilshire that sort of thing is disgusting in the extreme.
    Champions League
    Champions League

    Match Thread Vs Arsenal - Page 3 Empty A week after the NLD , I'm worried , I am , I really am...

    Post by ArnieArdiles Sun Oct 09 2011, 00:57

    [b]Heres The Match Of The Day highlights for a refresher

    I just wondered have any of you come into contact with any Goons this past week as the ones I've spoken to have left me physically injured, primarily through cracked ribs .......Perhaps its because they've been whipped up into their state of mind of being utter lady gardens by those that represent their club or maybe they're just utter caaaants anyway and that's why they support the Woolwich , yeah I think I'll go with that one and the fact that too , they just got beat yet again by the team from North London...

    Frimpong, who ? He's a squad Goon , he reckons Spurs play girlie football.....

    Apparently we're cheats , VDV being the worse..

    The chavvy Wilshire tweeted: VDV clearly handled it ..

    It could be argued that one good thing that has come out of all this, is the Professor's eyesight has been restored and at last, he did see the incident .....

    In the past I've had Goons not willing to talk football with me and they would tell me being a Spud, I'm clearly not worthy , an embarrassment to North London and forever in their shadow ...

    Anyway I'd love to hear about any contact with the Gooner species this past week you guys may have had as I've noticed that the ones I know, seem to have developed droopy shoulders, they wont even look me in the eye, less talk football with me and all I'm hearing are grumbles, something about cheats ....ahhhhhh


    A Spud genuinely concerned for his WoolwichGoon mates...


    Match Thread Vs Arsenal - Page 3 Empty Re: Match Thread Vs Arsenal

    Post by Guest Sun Oct 09 2011, 01:32

    Doesnt this belong under the vs arsenal thread ? i think lob also put up the highlights ?
    Just wondered because i was going to post " we always score spectacular goals against the goons" bentley, rose and now walker but then realised it would be moved to the vs arsenal thread .
    Champions League
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    Match Thread Vs Arsenal - Page 3 Empty Re: Match Thread Vs Arsenal

    Post by LOBO Sun Oct 09 2011, 04:30

    I gave my nephew and his mate a lift to work yesterday and his mate's name was Gooner lol and the first thing i said when he got in the car was "Yido" lol hes only 21 , he said your not a yid are ya , i said yea of course why, he said frucking cheating barstewards is all i can say.. made my day the first time i can remember a sad faced gooner looking for a rock to go hide under :P
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    Match Thread Vs Arsenal - Page 3 Empty Re: Match Thread Vs Arsenal

    Post by anicoll5 Sun Oct 09 2011, 05:04

    Get over it lads - you have a game next week - three points are three points
    A lesson worth learning if you want to achieve any success

    Match Thread Vs Arsenal - Page 3 Empty Re: Match Thread Vs Arsenal

    Post by BazSpur Sun Oct 09 2011, 07:18

    Topic Merged. Thanks lads.

    Match Thread Vs Arsenal - Page 3 Empty Re: Match Thread Vs Arsenal

    Post by Guest Sun Oct 09 2011, 08:02

    Arnie the goners I have had contact with have all said handball, even though TV pictures (so often seen as being the final say on everything) have proved inconclusive, yet have also said Spurs deserved the win. They have seemed almost humble, which has been a refreshing change from the usual superiority complex they seem to have, and have also been willing to discuss the match on it's merits and not just through red & white eyes. . . . . .
    Champions League
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    Match Thread Vs Arsenal - Page 3 Empty Re: Match Thread Vs Arsenal

    Post by anicoll5 Sun Oct 09 2011, 08:33

    "humble" Vis - a very fair, and if I may say measured, comment

    Indeed Mr Murdoch used the word in the way it was meant perhaps ?

    I am however obliged you took exception to the one week celebration posting of the WHL result - proper football
    Champions League
    Champions League

    Match Thread Vs Arsenal - Page 3 Empty Re: Match Thread Vs Arsenal

    Post by ArnieArdiles Thu Oct 13 2011, 00:46

    LOBO wrote:I gave my nephew and his mate a lift to work yesterday and his mate's name was Gooner lol and the first thing i said when he got in the car was "Yido" lol hes only 21 , he said your not a yid are ya , i said yea of course why, he said frucking cheating barstewards is all i can say.. made my day the first time i can remember a sad faced gooner looking for a rock to go hide under :P

    His name was Gooner ....really Lobo ? pale

    Give him this address Freebournes Court, Witham, Essex... Smile .

    Champions League
    Champions League

    Match Thread Vs Arsenal - Page 3 Empty Re: Match Thread Vs Arsenal

    Post by ArnieArdiles Thu Oct 13 2011, 00:48

    anicoll5 wrote:Get over it lads - you have a game next week - three points are three points
    A lesson worth learning if you want to achieve any success

    My very words to you Gooners , Nico !

    Anyway , this is a Spurs forum so you must allow us our moment

    Champions League
    Champions League

    Match Thread Vs Arsenal - Page 3 Empty Re: Match Thread Vs Arsenal

    Post by ArnieArdiles Thu Oct 13 2011, 00:58

    VisionarySound wrote:Arnie the goners I have had contact with have all said handball, even though TV pictures (so often seen as being the final say on everything) have proved inconclusive, yet have also said Spurs deserved the win. They have seemed almost humble, which has been a refreshing change from the usual superiority complex they seem to have, and have also been willing to discuss the match on it's merits and not just through red & white eyes. . . . . .

    Well you've obviously got fairer minded gooner folk round your way than here in North London where I am Vis ....All Ive heard is VDV handball and their team's own deficiencies... It's true that they're not what they were, but I've hardly heard a mention that we're a lot stronger than what we were back in the days when Scumball crossed over to the dark side...

    We've beaten them three times and drawn one in the last four games and a seasonal double at the Emirates awaits
    Twisted Evil

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