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    Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO


    Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO - Page 4 Empty Re: Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 06 2012, 23:50

    baz the bottom line is harry didnt want to be with us anymore or he would of sign the contract extension.
    how dare he try and hold spurs and levy to ransom. afterall he took hes eye of the ball and didnt relise that a point at villa didnt mean anything and to lose a 13 point gap with the team he had.

    harry gone and we are in a better situation now .
    watch qpr get linked to every player going

    Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO - Page 4 Empty Re: Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO

    Post by BazSpur Thu Dec 06 2012, 23:53

    I think you should direct the above post to Lew Lought lol.
    Champions League
    Champions League

    Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO - Page 4 Empty Re: Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO

    Post by ionman34 Fri Dec 07 2012, 00:40

    [quote="Mr Plums."]
    ionman34 wrote:
    Mr Plums. wrote:Bit hard on max, ion ! you know i think that we all support spurs and want them to win every game, which means in a roundabout way that whoever is in charge has the best wishes of us all.
    It doesnt mean we have to shout it from the roof it also doesnt mean we have to accept blindly every decision that is made on our behalf.
    Look at chelsea and how they hate benitez ! but i bet their fans still want to win every game.
    I dont think its a case of supporting avb with some of us on here, its more the fact that one man made the decision to fix something when it wasnt broken that has disappointed a few on here, and they are entitled to their views, as you are.
    ,,,,,,,,and my view on the situation is that its early days yet , no one hates avb as far as i can see, i certainly dont, and i said i want spurs to win every game they play, so that should speak volumes.
    We all have different opinions of the situation, thats being human, not halfwitted, and i wont blindly accept every fcking decision thats made on my behalf, if i dont like it then i will say my bit.
    It doesnt mean i hate avb or that he doesnt get my support, at the end of the day its results that count for me, not blind acceptance.[/quote

    Spare me the 'blind acceptance' Tosh Lew.

    I posted 7 very good reasons why he should be SUPPORTED by our, alleged, SUPPORTERS. You've ignored every single one of them.

    And spare me the 'their entitled to their views' claptrap as well. If I had a dollar for every time this tired old evasion was trotted out by those without a logical argument I'd be a wealthy man.

    You're entitled to an opinion if you can back it with a reasoned, logical argument to back it up, otherwise you're 'entitled to f*ck all. If some Dropkick comes on here and offers the 'opinion that Lloris is sh*t because he's French, then all he's entitled to is an earful and an ignore button. Don't insult my intelligence with that PC bollox.

    The reason WHY he should support him was questioned, it was answered in full. As I said, if those 7 reasons aren't enough to support OUR f*cking MANAGER then f*ck off to Cheats I where they will welcome that kind of bullsh*t with open arms.

    I SUPPORT my club, players, manager, chairman, f*cking ground staff and tea lady because they are Tottenham and working towards the betterment of the club I adore. I will fling f*cks into every clown that I think is a threat to that.

    Don't like it? Feel free to argue it. If you can't argue it then clam up or ignore me. Either way I'll lose not a wink of sleep.

    Now before you get too indignant, mate, this isn't an attack on you but directed to anyone who feels that this is too much to ask of a Spurs SUPPORTER. Criticism of players, manager, chairman, ground staff and, yes, the tea lady is welcome and healthy.

    When backed by reason and logic. This I respect and this I will either agree with or argue dependant on whether I agree or not. You pull an 'opinion' out of your are though and I'll show it all the respect it deserves.

    Which is none.

    You've known me long enough to know that this is how I've always been and I'll never change.

    ......and you didnt bother to read my reasons, and there isnt f*cking 7 of them, there was one, and i wont bother to repeat it because you wont f*cking see the logical reasoning behind it, because you choose not to, just go on blundering and accepting every decision ion levy makes mate, if thats where your logic gets you.

    If you think it was LOGICAL to sack a man who did a good job for us, for all the petty, idiot and media jibes, being used as one excuse to do so, or for his england ambitions, or for the bad luck that chelsea fluked a cl final, then you have a strange sort of logic mate.
    ....and then you expect me to support a bloke who makes a decision like that, and his new chosen

    I couldnt give a sh*t about your blind support of everything spurs, but i say good luck to you if thats your way of doing things, it isnt my way, and mate, dont spring that old TRUE SUPPORTER bit on me, because i was going to whl while you were dirtying your nappies, and i was still going in the late 80s, until the underground journeys got on my fcking nerves, and the season tickets began to get beyond my financial means.

    Doesnt make me any less a spurs supporter, so dont tell me what i am or what i am not, because you arent qualified to do so, you dont even live in this country to know f*ck all what true supporters think, only what you read on the net, and on here, or see on aussie tv.

    You work with the people that i work with, spurs supporters and hear the view on the street mate.

    The day you do that then i will read all of your seven reasons.

    I didn't tell you f*ck all, you weren't even addressed. You decided to stick your oar in, as per usual.

    You constantly refer to my support as blind whilst blithely whittering on about Redknapp, ignoring anything positive said about our current manager. Blind? You ought to know as you haven't seen a single post that contradicts your ranting bullsh*t. You claim nothing was broken? Crashing and burning 2 seasons in a row is your idea of a rosey situation then?

    Then you top off all the rest of your bollox by questioning my credentials as a Spurs fan because of where I live? I'm more up to speed on the goings on at our club than you could ever dream to be.

    You won't address the 7 points because you can't, it's as simple as that. You take everything off on a tangent because that is all you can do, you don't have an answer because there is no logical basis in your angst against AVB.

    You won't answer them this time either, it's beyond you.

    Go on, prove me right yet again.

    Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO - Page 4 Empty Re: Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 07 2012, 00:50

    omg yea i meant lew sorry baz lol

    Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO - Page 4 Empty Re: Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO

    Post by BazSpur Fri Dec 07 2012, 01:02

    No probs Lought lol.

    Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO - Page 4 Empty Re: Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO

    Post by BazSpur Fri Dec 07 2012, 01:18

    BazSpur wrote:I stand corrected Lew. I read your post wrong. As you were lol.

    Having posted the above Lew I then spot this. I knew you posted somewhere you didn't read all 7. Either you did or you didn't.

    The day you do that then i will read all of your seven reasons.
    Champions League
    Champions League

    Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO - Page 4 Empty Re: Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO

    Post by ionman34 Fri Dec 07 2012, 01:56

    BazSpur wrote:
    BazSpur wrote:I stand corrected Lew. I read your post wrong. As you were lol.

    Having posted the above Lew I then spot this. I knew you posted somewhere you didn't read all 7. Either you did or you didn't.

    The day you do that then i will read all of your seven reasons.

    Best to not get involved Baz. Accusations will fly, we've both been there before mate lol, and it'll go off on a tangent again.

    Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO - Page 4 Empty Re: Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 07 2012, 02:47

    Mr Plums. wrote:
    ionman34 wrote:
    Mr Plums. wrote:Bit hard on max, ion ! you know i think that we all support spurs and want them to win every game, which means in a roundabout way that whoever is in charge has the best wishes of us all.
    It doesnt mean we have to shout it from the roof it also doesnt mean we have to accept blindly every decision that is made on our behalf.
    Look at chelsea and how they hate benitez ! but i bet their fans still want to win every game.
    I dont think its a case of supporting avb with some of us on here, its more the fact that one man made the decision to fix something when it wasnt broken that has disappointed a few on here, and they are entitled to their views, as you are.
    ,,,,,,,,and my view on the situation is that its early days yet , no one hates avb as far as i can see, i certainly dont, and i said i want spurs to win every game they play, so that should speak volumes.
    We all have different opinions of the situation, thats being human, not halfwitted, and i wont blindly accept every fcking decision thats made on my behalf, if i dont like it then i will say my bit.
    It doesnt mean i hate avb or that he doesnt get my support, at the end of the day its results that count for me, not blind acceptance.[/quote

    Spare me the 'blind acceptance' Tosh Lew.

    I posted 7 very good reasons why he should be SUPPORTED by our, alleged, SUPPORTERS. You've ignored every single one of them.

    And spare me the 'their entitled to their views' claptrap as well. If I had a dollar for every time this tired old evasion was trotted out by those without a logical argument I'd be a wealthy man.

    You're entitled to an opinion if you can back it with a reasoned, logical argument to back it up, otherwise you're 'entitled to f*ck all. If some Dropkick comes on here and offers the 'opinion that Lloris is sh*t because he's French, then all he's entitled to is an earful and an ignore button. Don't insult my intelligence with that PC bollox.

    The reason WHY he should support him was questioned, it was answered in full. As I said, if those 7 reasons aren't enough to support OUR f*cking MANAGER then f*ck off to Cheats I where they will welcome that kind of bullsh*t with open arms.

    I SUPPORT my club, players, manager, chairman, f*cking ground staff and tea lady because they are Tottenham and working towards the betterment of the club I adore. I will fling f*cks into every clown that I think is a threat to that.

    Don't like it? Feel free to argue it. If you can't argue it then clam up or ignore me. Either way I'll lose not a wink of sleep.

    Now before you get too indignant, mate, this isn't an attack on you but directed to anyone who feels that this is too much to ask of a Spurs SUPPORTER. Criticism of players, manager, chairman, ground staff and, yes, the tea lady is welcome and healthy.

    When backed by reason and logic. This I respect and this I will either agree with or argue dependant on whether I agree or not. You pull an 'opinion' out of your are though and I'll show it all the respect it deserves.

    Which is none.

    You've known me long enough to know that this is how I've always been and I'll never change.

    ......and you didnt bother to read my reasons, and there isnt f*cking 7 of them, there was one, and i wont bother to repeat it because you wont f*cking see the logical reasoning behind it, because you choose not to, just go on blundering and accepting every decision ion levy makes mate, if thats where your logic gets you.

    If you think it was LOGICAL to sack a man who did a good job for us, for all the petty, idiot and media jibes, being used as one excuse to do so, or for his england ambitions, or for the bad luck that chelsea fluked a cl final, then you have a strange sort of logic mate.
    ....and then you expect me to support a bloke who makes a decision like that, and his new chosen

    I couldnt give a sh*t about your blind support of everything spurs, but i say good luck to you if thats your way of doing things, it isnt my way, and mate, dont spring that old TRUE SUPPORTER bit on me, because i was going to whl while you were dirtying your nappies, and i was still going in the late 80s, until the underground journeys got on my fcking nerves, and the season tickets began to get beyond my financial means.

    Doesnt make me any less a spurs supporter, so dont tell me what i am or what i am not, because you arent qualified to do so, you dont even live in this country to know f*ck all what true supporters think, only what you read on the net, and on here, or see on aussie tv.

    You work with the people that i work with, spurs supporters and hear the view on the street mate.

    The day you do that then i will read all of your seven reasons.

    I didn't tell you f*ck all, you weren't even addressed. You decided to stick your oar in, as per usual.

    You constantly refer to my support as blind whilst blithely whittering on about Redknapp, ignoring anything positive said about our current manager. Blind? You ought to know as you haven't seen a single post that contradicts your ranting bullsh*t. You claim nothing was broken? Crashing and burning 2 seasons in a row is your idea of a rosey situation then?

    Then you top off all the rest of your bollox by questioning my credentials as a Spurs fan because of where I live? I'm more up to speed on the goings on at our club than you could ever dream to be.

    You won't address the 7 points because you can't, it's as simple as that. You take everything off on a tangent because that is all you can do, you don't have an answer because there is no logical basis in your angst against AVB.

    You won't answer them this time either, it's beyond you.

    Go on, prove me right yet again.

    Hello Mr right, firstly get your facts
    Bollox up 2 seasons, lol when was that then ?
    As i remember 2 seasons back we had a wonderful cl campaign that got spurs comments on being the best entertaining team in the cl, and we were, but guess your memory only goes back short term, as per usual with spurs supporters.
    Lets tackle your flimsy comment, because you dont like looking a mug on here, PUT MY OAR IN ! lol,
    its an opinions board mr right ? i shall put my oar in where i want, as you do, when you feel the need to, and as others do when they feel the need to, is aussie lacking in freedom of speech mate ?

    By the way, are there many spurs supporters in aussie that you can have a conversation with then ? well if the answer is no, then maybe some of the people i talk to here might be right by saying it was a dodgy decision by a dodgy chairman, the same chairman you support blindly, who sat and watched berbatov force his transfer through,(like a chump) that didnt have the balls to tell jol he was sacked, the same chairman who paid a ransom for ramos, the same chairman who f*cks up foreign deals because he backtracks on agreed sums.

    Support of avb isnt in this equation ion, although you make it the main point, my point is that as a spurs fan i want to win every game, and that means i support the manager, when you get that point, instead of raving and ranting on about 7 f*cking reasons blah blah blah, the better. Very Happy
    Champions League
    Champions League

    Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO - Page 4 Empty Re: Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO

    Post by ionman34 Fri Dec 07 2012, 03:12

    [quote="Mr Plums."]
    ionman34 wrote:
    Mr Plums. wrote:
    ionman34 wrote:
    Mr Plums. wrote:Bit hard on max, ion ! you know i think that we all support spurs and want them to win every game, which means in a roundabout way that whoever is in charge has the best wishes of us all.
    It doesnt mean we have to shout it from the roof it also doesnt mean we have to accept blindly every decision that is made on our behalf.
    Look at chelsea and how they hate benitez ! but i bet their fans still want to win every game.
    I dont think its a case of supporting avb with some of us on here, its more the fact that one man made the decision to fix something when it wasnt broken that has disappointed a few on here, and they are entitled to their views, as you are.
    ,,,,,,,,and my view on the situation is that its early days yet , no one hates avb as far as i can see, i certainly dont, and i said i want spurs to win every game they play, so that should speak volumes.
    We all have different opinions of the situation, thats being human, not halfwitted, and i wont blindly accept every fcking decision thats made on my behalf, if i dont like it then i will say my bit.
    It doesnt mean i hate avb or that he doesnt get my support, at the end of the day its results that count for me, not blind acceptance.[/quote

    Spare me the 'blind acceptance' Tosh Lew.

    I posted 7 very good reasons why he should be SUPPORTED by our, alleged, SUPPORTERS. You've ignored every single one of them.

    And spare me the 'their entitled to their views' claptrap as well. If I had a dollar for every time this tired old evasion was trotted out by those without a logical argument I'd be a wealthy man.

    You're entitled to an opinion if you can back it with a reasoned, logical argument to back it up, otherwise you're 'entitled to f*ck all. If some Dropkick comes on here and offers the 'opinion that Lloris is sh*t because he's French, then all he's entitled to is an earful and an ignore button. Don't insult my intelligence with that PC bollox.

    The reason WHY he should support him was questioned, it was answered in full. As I said, if those 7 reasons aren't enough to support OUR f*cking MANAGER then f*ck off to Cheats I where they will welcome that kind of bullsh*t with open arms.

    I SUPPORT my club, players, manager, chairman, f*cking ground staff and tea lady because they are Tottenham and working towards the betterment of the club I adore. I will fling f*cks into every clown that I think is a threat to that.

    Don't like it? Feel free to argue it. If you can't argue it then clam up or ignore me. Either way I'll lose not a wink of sleep.

    Now before you get too indignant, mate, this isn't an attack on you but directed to anyone who feels that this is too much to ask of a Spurs SUPPORTER. Criticism of players, manager, chairman, ground staff and, yes, the tea lady is welcome and healthy.

    When backed by reason and logic. This I respect and this I will either agree with or argue dependant on whether I agree or not. You pull an 'opinion' out of your are though and I'll show it all the respect it deserves.

    Which is none.

    You've known me long enough to know that this is how I've always been and I'll never change.

    ......and you didnt bother to read my reasons, and there isnt f*cking 7 of them, there was one, and i wont bother to repeat it because you wont f*cking see the logical reasoning behind it, because you choose not to, just go on blundering and accepting every decision ion levy makes mate, if thats where your logic gets you.

    If you think it was LOGICAL to sack a man who did a good job for us, for all the petty, idiot and media jibes, being used as one excuse to do so, or for his england ambitions, or for the bad luck that chelsea fluked a cl final, then you have a strange sort of logic mate.
    ....and then you expect me to support a bloke who makes a decision like that, and his new chosen

    I couldnt give a sh*t about your blind support of everything spurs, but i say good luck to you if thats your way of doing things, it isnt my way, and mate, dont spring that old TRUE SUPPORTER bit on me, because i was going to whl while you were dirtying your nappies, and i was still going in the late 80s, until the underground journeys got on my fcking nerves, and the season tickets began to get beyond my financial means.

    Doesnt make me any less a spurs supporter, so dont tell me what i am or what i am not, because you arent qualified to do so, you dont even live in this country to know f*ck all what true supporters think, only what you read on the net, and on here, or see on aussie tv.

    You work with the people that i work with, spurs supporters and hear the view on the street mate.

    The day you do that then i will read all of your seven reasons.

    I didn't tell you f*ck all, you weren't even addressed. You decided to stick your oar in, as per usual.

    You constantly refer to my support as blind whilst blithely whittering on about Redknapp, ignoring anything positive said about our current manager. Blind? You ought to know as you haven't seen a single post that contradicts your ranting bullsh*t. You claim nothing was broken? Crashing and burning 2 seasons in a row is your idea of a rosey situation then?

    Then you top off all the rest of your bollox by questioning my credentials as a Spurs fan because of where I live? I'm more up to speed on the goings on at our club than you could ever dream to be.

    You won't address the 7 points because you can't, it's as simple as that. You take everything off on a tangent because that is all you can do, you don't have an answer because there is no logical basis in your angst against AVB.

    You won't answer them this time either, it's beyond you.

    Go on, prove me right yet again.

    Hello Mr right, firstly get your facts
    Bollox up 2 seasons, lol when was that then ?
    As i remember 2 seasons back we had a wonderful cl campaign that got spurs comments on being the best entertaining team in the cl, and we were, but guess your memory only goes back short term, as per usual with spurs supporters.
    Lets tackle your flimsy comment, because you dont like looking a mug on here, PUT MY OAR IN ! lol,
    its an opinions board mr right ? i shall put my oar in where i want, as you do, when you feel the need to, and as others do when they feel the need to, is aussie lacking in freedom of speech mate ?

    By the way, are there many spurs supporters in aussie that you can have a conversation with then ? well if the answer is no, then maybe some of the people i talk to here might be right by saying it was a dodgy decision by a dodgy chairman, the same chairman you support blindly, who sat and watched berbatov force his transfer through,(like a chump) that didnt have the balls to tell jol he was sacked, the same chairman who paid a ransom for ramos, the same chairman who f*cks up foreign deals because he backtracks on agreed sums.

    Support of avb isnt in this equation ion, although you make it the main point, my point is that as a spurs fan i want to win every game, and that means i support the manager, when you get that point, instead of raving and ranting on about 7 f*cking reasons blah blah blah, the better. Very Happy

    Support of AVB WAS the equation though. You actually address MY post and tell me that MY point wasn't the equation?


    Shouldn't laugh really, Alzheimers deserves sympathy not mirth.

    Failed to address the 7 points too, couldn't even manage 1.

    Mr right hey?.................

    Well at least you got something correct.

    Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO - Page 4 Empty Re: Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO

    Post by Boltjean Fri Dec 07 2012, 03:35

    Getting out of hand this. Right, Ion gave seven very good reasons as to why we should get behind our team. I have to say Lew, you can be a Spurs supporter whether you live here, Australia or Mongolia, so I think Ion has a perfect right to give an oppinion, just like you, me and everyone else on here as to how he feels about the club he loves. I no longer go to the games, so perhaps those that do should have more of an oppinion than me, but they do not love the Spurs or crave for AVB to do well anymore than me. Ion gave seven very good reasons as to why we should get behind our Spurs and AVB, and I do not want anybody to take this as an insult or that I am having a pop at them, but I would like any of you that have your doubts about AVB give a few good reasons as to why you do not think he can achieve success at Spurs. I do not think Harry should not have got the sack is a very good answer anymore than when I went on about Jol should have not been sacked, I got over that and I am now 100% behind the present manager and the squad. And another poor answer would be look what happend at Chelsea, I do not care what happend at bloody Chelsea, it is what is happening at Spurs now that is far more important to me, and unless any of us are blind, it looks bloody good to me, early days yes, but lets just enjoy the positives, and look forward to a bright future with Spurs.

    Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO - Page 4 Empty Re: Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 07 2012, 04:04

    Mr Plums. wrote:
    ionman34 wrote:
    Mr Plums. wrote:
    ionman34 wrote:
    Mr Plums. wrote:Bit hard on max, ion ! you know i think that we all support spurs and want them to win every game, which means in a roundabout way that whoever is in charge has the best wishes of us all.
    It doesnt mean we have to shout it from the roof it also doesnt mean we have to accept blindly every decision that is made on our behalf.
    Look at chelsea and how they hate benitez ! but i bet their fans still want to win every game.
    I dont think its a case of supporting avb with some of us on here, its more the fact that one man made the decision to fix something when it wasnt broken that has disappointed a few on here, and they are entitled to their views, as you are.
    ,,,,,,,,and my view on the situation is that its early days yet , no one hates avb as far as i can see, i certainly dont, and i said i want spurs to win every game they play, so that should speak volumes.
    We all have different opinions of the situation, thats being human, not halfwitted, and i wont blindly accept every fcking decision thats made on my behalf, if i dont like it then i will say my bit.
    It doesnt mean i hate avb or that he doesnt get my support, at the end of the day its results that count for me, not blind acceptance.[/quote

    Spare me the 'blind acceptance' Tosh Lew.

    I posted 7 very good reasons why he should be SUPPORTED by our, alleged, SUPPORTERS. You've ignored every single one of them.

    And spare me the 'their entitled to their views' claptrap as well. If I had a dollar for every time this tired old evasion was trotted out by those without a logical argument I'd be a wealthy man.

    You're entitled to an opinion if you can back it with a reasoned, logical argument to back it up, otherwise you're 'entitled to f*ck all. If some Dropkick comes on here and offers the 'opinion that Lloris is sh*t because he's French, then all he's entitled to is an earful and an ignore button. Don't insult my intelligence with that PC bollox.

    The reason WHY he should support him was questioned, it was answered in full. As I said, if those 7 reasons aren't enough to support OUR f*cking MANAGER then f*ck off to Cheats I where they will welcome that kind of bullsh*t with open arms.

    I SUPPORT my club, players, manager, chairman, f*cking ground staff and tea lady because they are Tottenham and working towards the betterment of the club I adore. I will fling f*cks into every clown that I think is a threat to that.

    Don't like it? Feel free to argue it. If you can't argue it then clam up or ignore me. Either way I'll lose not a wink of sleep.

    Now before you get too indignant, mate, this isn't an attack on you but directed to anyone who feels that this is too much to ask of a Spurs SUPPORTER. Criticism of players, manager, chairman, ground staff and, yes, the tea lady is welcome and healthy.

    When backed by reason and logic. This I respect and this I will either agree with or argue dependant on whether I agree or not. You pull an 'opinion' out of your are though and I'll show it all the respect it deserves.

    Which is none.

    You've known me long enough to know that this is how I've always been and I'll never change.

    ......and you didnt bother to read my reasons, and there isnt f*cking 7 of them, there was one, and i wont bother to repeat it because you wont f*cking see the logical reasoning behind it, because you choose not to, just go on blundering and accepting every decision ion levy makes mate, if thats where your logic gets you.

    If you think it was LOGICAL to sack a man who did a good job for us, for all the petty, idiot and media jibes, being used as one excuse to do so, or for his england ambitions, or for the bad luck that chelsea fluked a cl final, then you have a strange sort of logic mate.
    ....and then you expect me to support a bloke who makes a decision like that, and his new chosen

    I couldnt give a sh*t about your blind support of everything spurs, but i say good luck to you if thats your way of doing things, it isnt my way, and mate, dont spring that old TRUE SUPPORTER bit on me, because i was going to whl while you were dirtying your nappies, and i was still going in the late 80s, until the underground journeys got on my fcking nerves, and the season tickets began to get beyond my financial means.

    Doesnt make me any less a spurs supporter, so dont tell me what i am or what i am not, because you arent qualified to do so, you dont even live in this country to know f*ck all what true supporters think, only what you read on the net, and on here, or see on aussie tv.

    You work with the people that i work with, spurs supporters and hear the view on the street mate.

    The day you do that then i will read all of your seven reasons.

    I didn't tell you f*ck all, you weren't even addressed. You decided to stick your oar in, as per usual.

    You constantly refer to my support as blind whilst blithely whittering on about Redknapp, ignoring anything positive said about our current manager. Blind? You ought to know as you haven't seen a single post that contradicts your ranting bullsh*t. You claim nothing was broken? Crashing and burning 2 seasons in a row is your idea of a rosey situation then?

    Then you top off all the rest of your bollox by questioning my credentials as a Spurs fan because of where I live? I'm more up to speed on the goings on at our club than you could ever dream to be.

    You won't address the 7 points because you can't, it's as simple as that. You take everything off on a tangent because that is all you can do, you don't have an answer because there is no logical basis in your angst against AVB.

    You won't answer them this time either, it's beyond you.

    Go on, prove me right yet again.

    Hello Mr right, firstly get your facts
    Bollox up 2 seasons, lol when was that then ?
    As i remember 2 seasons back we had a wonderful cl campaign that got spurs comments on being the best entertaining team in the cl, and we were, but guess your memory only goes back short term, as per usual with spurs supporters.
    Lets tackle your flimsy comment, because you dont like looking a mug on here, PUT MY OAR IN ! lol,
    its an opinions board mr right ? i shall put my oar in where i want, as you do, when you feel the need to, and as others do when they feel the need to, is aussie lacking in freedom of speech mate ?

    By the way, are there many spurs supporters in aussie that you can have a conversation with then ? well if the answer is no, then maybe some of the people i talk to here might be right by saying it was a dodgy decision by a dodgy chairman, the same chairman you support blindly, who sat and watched berbatov force his transfer through,(like a chump) that didnt have the balls to tell jol he was sacked, the same chairman who paid a ransom for ramos, the same chairman who f*cks up foreign deals because he backtracks on agreed sums.

    Support of avb isnt in this equation ion, although you make it the main point, my point is that as a spurs fan i want to win every game, and that means i support the manager, when you get that point, instead of raving and ranting on about 7 f*cking reasons blah blah blah, the better. Very Happy

    Support of AVB WAS the equation though. You actually address MY post and tell me that MY point wasn't the equation?


    Shouldn't laugh really, Alzheimers deserves sympathy not mirth.

    Failed to address the 7 points too, couldn't even manage 1.

    Mr right hey?.................

    Well at least you got something correct.

    Why use the alzheimers quote then, if you find mirth in something so bad, distasteful, i had already told you that you have a short memory, please try and find your own comparisons, and not mine, try to be original in an argument ion ! you aint a literal god to me, like you are to some on here.
    Read the thread again, giving avb support, surely even in your shuttered way of thinking, it also covers non support ?
    I wont answer your 7 reasons , but maybe the blind leading the blind might be some hint to what i think on your opinions.
    Let me spell it out for you, my only confidence in levy is that he will keep the club financially sound, and god bless him, he reached the apex of what a club like spurs can achieve, 4th 5th 4th, what else has he ever given you blind faith chappies ? 1 carling cup in 10 years since sugar gave it all
    Posters might rally to your support ion, but i couldnt give a sh*t really.
    See what levy gives you in the next 10 years.

    Last edited by Mr Plums. on Fri Dec 07 2012, 04:23; edited 1 time in total

    Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO - Page 4 Empty Re: Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 07 2012, 04:17

    Boltjean wrote:Getting out of hand this. Right, Ion gave seven very good reasons as to why we should get behind our team. I have to say Lew, you can be a Spurs supporter whether you live here, Australia or Mongolia, so I think Ion has a perfect right to give an oppinion, just like you, me and everyone else on here as to how he feels about the club he loves. I no longer go to the games, so perhaps those that do should have more of an oppinion than me, but they do not love the Spurs or crave for AVB to do well anymore than me. Ion gave seven very good reasons as to why we should get behind our Spurs and AVB, and I do not want anybody to take this as an insult or that I am having a pop at them, but I would like any of you that have your doubts about AVB give a few good reasons as to why you do not think he can achieve success at Spurs. I do not think Harry should not have got the sack is a very good answer anymore than when I went on about Jol should have not been sacked, I got over that and I am now 100% behind the present manager and the squad. And another poor answer would be look what happend at Chelsea, I do not care what happend at bloody Chelsea, it is what is happening at Spurs now that is far more important to me, and unless any of us are blind, it looks bloody good to me, early days yes, but lets just enjoy the positives, and look forward to a bright future with Spurs.

    Why is it getting out of hand len ? ion and me have had discussions before ?
    Last time i used personal insults, this time i intend to stick to an argument, because ion thinks he is the last word, and has abandoned the forum because people do not listen to
    People dont listen to loads of posters on here, so f*cking what !
    What you and ion arent reading in my posts is that i want spurs to win every game, and so that amounts to supporting spurs with or without avb, harry, jol, ramos etc etc, i support whoever is the main man.
    Levy to me is a cnut, so i dont go for everything he does, but i still support the club as i have for years and years.
    Balls to the 7 reasons, load of twaddle len, for mindless people with no lives.
    Champions League
    Champions League

    Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO - Page 4 Empty Re: Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO

    Post by ArnieArdiles Fri Dec 07 2012, 05:01

    Ha ha , this thread is one reason why I love this forum Smile

    I started the thread about giving the manager a little support, as previous to our three win streak he were getting what I would call unfair criticism when taking into account all that's going on at the club. Also, I just couldn't help but admire the way he's conducted himself in all this .

    Lew , I've said to you in a few threads now but it seems it's still not registered . Whilst I share some of the concerns you have regarding Levy, to lay all the blame on his shoulders regarding Harry is just not fair . Look at Harry's managerial career and you will see quiet a few fall outs with his previous chairmen at West Ham , Portsmouth and Southampton.

    Also, Maximus, "not good enough for them so why us" ?

    This is not Roman Abramovich's Chelsea, where to get sacked by that piece of gangster filth means absolutely FA to anyone with half a brain and to put it up as some kind of valid credible reason for not appointing AVB is laughable really . AVB's appointment was high risk because of the unfair treatment he suffered at the Chavs and many people were questioning whether a manager so young could bounce back from it all which is another thing altogether to your reasoning.

    Like I've said I'm really pleasantly suprised how AVB is doing and I'm just a little surprised how so many of my fellow Spurs (cant say Yids now) are just not on board with it all . I mean ffs I'm chatting to a Harry fan on the Sunday after beating Fulham 3-0 away, where the home team had two shots on target and he's telling me ,

    "yeah we won 3-0 but it wasn't sexy football like under Harry"


    I suppose I shouldve reminded him last season's 3-1 win at the Cottage was rough sexy football, well it definitely were a heart job.

    It could all go wrong next few games, who knows but one thing I'm confident about is that after four years, we now have a manager at the helm that will not be pointing blame elsewhere if it does, one who seems genuinely honoured to be manager of our great club.



    Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO - Page 4 Empty Re: Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 07 2012, 05:11

    ArnieArdiles wrote:Ha ha , this thread is one reason why I love this forum Smile

    I started the thread about giving the manager a little support, as previous to our three win streak he were getting what I would call unfair criticism when taking into account all that's going on at the club. Also, I just couldn't help but admire the way he's conducted himself in all this .

    Lew , I've said to you in a few threads now but it seems it's still not registered . Whilst I share some of the concerns you have regarding Levy, to lay all the blame on his shoulders regarding Harry is just not fair . Look at Harry's managerial career and you will see quiet a few fall outs with his previous chairmen at West Ham , Portsmouth and Southampton.

    Also, Maximus, "not good enough for them so why us" ?

    This is not Roman Abramovich's Chelsea, where to get sacked by that piece of gangster filth means absolutely FA to anyone with half a brain and to put it up as some kind of valid credible reason for not appointing AVB is laughable really . AVB's appointment was high risk because of the unfair treatment he suffered at the Chavs and many people were questioning whether a manager so young could bounce back from it all which is another thing altogether to your reasoning.

    Like I've said I'm really pleasantly suprised how AVB is doing and I'm just a little surprised how so many of my fellow Spurs (cant say Yids now) are just not on board with it all . I mean ffs I'm chatting to a Harry fan on the Sunday after beating Fulham 3-0 away, where the home team had two shots on target and he's telling me ,

    "yeah we won 3-0 but it wasn't sexy football like under Harry"


    I suppose I shouldve reminded him last season's 3-1 win at the Cottage was rough sexy football, well it definitely were a heart job.

    It could all go wrong next few games, who knows but one thing I'm confident about is that after four years, we now have a manager at the helm that will not be pointing blame elsewhere if it does, one who seems genuinely honoured to be manager of our great club.


    Hi Arnie, glad you like it, lol, i am ok with things, really i am, just dont want to be preached 7 reasons and all that bull, by a
    Yeah avb doing well, pleased for him and he has my support, as have all tottenham managers, from me, even gooner graham got my support.
    I keep saying that i support spurs, i want them to win every time, doesnt that mean the manager has my support?
    Because its crazy if anyone thinks otherwise.
    Oh and ion mentioned my angst against avb, where is that might i ask....? ion hearing voices now.
    Champions League
    Champions League

    Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO - Page 4 Empty Re: Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO

    Post by ArnieArdiles Fri Dec 07 2012, 05:18

    [quote="Mr Plums."]
    ArnieArdiles wrote:

    Hi Arnie, glad you like it, lol, i am ok with things, really i am, just dont want to be preached 7 reasons and all that bull, by a
    Yeah avb doing well, pleased for him and he has my support, as have all tottenham managers, from me, even gooner graham got my support.
    I keep saying that i support spurs, i want them to win every time, doesnt that mean the manager has my support?
    Because its crazy if anyone thinks otherwise.
    Oh and ion mentioned my angst against avb, where is that might i ask....? ion hearing voices now.

    Lol its called passion Lew .

    I know for sure that you , Max, Mark and anyone else not sure about AVB want us to win every game.

    Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO - Page 4 Empty Re: Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO

    Post by djfitzo Fri Dec 07 2012, 05:41

    Mr Plums. wrote:
    ArnieArdiles wrote:Ha ha , this thread is one reason why I love this forum Smile

    I started the thread about giving the manager a little support, as previous to our three win streak he were getting what I would call unfair criticism when taking into account all that's going on at the club. Also, I just couldn't help but admire the way he's conducted himself in all this .

    Lew , I've said to you in a few threads now but it seems it's still not registered . Whilst I share some of the concerns you have regarding Levy, to lay all the blame on his shoulders regarding Harry is just not fair . Look at Harry's managerial career and you will see quiet a few fall outs with his previous chairmen at West Ham , Portsmouth and Southampton.

    Also, Maximus, "not good enough for them so why us" ?

    This is not Roman Abramovich's Chelsea, where to get sacked by that piece of gangster filth means absolutely FA to anyone with half a brain and to put it up as some kind of valid credible reason for not appointing AVB is laughable really . AVB's appointment was high risk because of the unfair treatment he suffered at the Chavs and many people were questioning whether a manager so young could bounce back from it all which is another thing altogether to your reasoning.

    Like I've said I'm really pleasantly suprised how AVB is doing and I'm just a little surprised how so many of my fellow Spurs (cant say Yids now) are just not on board with it all . I mean ffs I'm chatting to a Harry fan on the Sunday after beating Fulham 3-0 away, where the home team had two shots on target and he's telling me ,

    "yeah we won 3-0 but it wasn't sexy football like under Harry"


    I suppose I shouldve reminded him last season's 3-1 win at the Cottage was rough sexy football, well it definitely were a heart job.

    It could all go wrong next few games, who knows but one thing I'm confident about is that after four years, we now have a manager at the helm that will not be pointing blame elsewhere if it does, one who seems genuinely honoured to be manager of our great club.


    Hi Arnie, glad you like it, lol, i am ok with things, really i am, just dont want to be preached 7 reasons and all that bull, by a
    Yeah avb doing well, pleased for him and he has my support, as have all tottenham managers, from me, even gooner graham got my support.
    I keep saying that i support spurs, i want them to win every time, doesnt that mean the manager has my support?
    Because its crazy if anyone thinks otherwise.
    Oh and ion mentioned my angst against avb, where is that might i ask....? ion hearing voices now.

    But you did say you didn't want him in the first place, why?


    Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO - Page 4 Empty Re: Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 07 2012, 06:22

    Hi dj,
    I worry about you blokes, i really do.
    I have said that it was 4th 5th 4th, why risk all that for a new order ?
    No i didnt want him in the first place, because of the above reasons of starting all over again, but he still has my support, because i want spurs to win all the time.
    Thats it in a nutshell.

    Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO - Page 4 Empty Re: Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 07 2012, 06:40

    ionman34 wrote:
    Maximus wrote:If the Messiah AVB was not good enough for The Chelski why oh why is he so good for us, i just dont get why he has the backing of so many yids !!!

    Let's see;

    A) He's currently our manager.
    B) With a decimated team he's managing to keep us within a stones throw of top spot.
    C) With a depleted squad, in the throws of learning a different system to play, he is currently outperforming a team that pays a million a week more than us in wages.
    D) With a severely depleted squad he is managing to match a team with a squad who's front line cost nearly twice as much as our entire squad.
    E) He has had to run the gauntlet of abuse from fans of his own team, a vendetta from the press and unfounded criticism from pundits across the game and STILL has managed to keep us within a stone's throw of top spot.
    F) He has, to date, averaged 2 points per game and 2 goals per game.
    G) Despite all of the abuse, vendetta's and criticism he has maintained his poise, dignity and positivity towards the game, his players and even us the fans.
    And H) He's OUR f*cking MANAGER!!!

    If anyone is unable to offer him deserved support, considering the above, then f*ck off to Cheatski! They welcome halfwit, know nothing clowns who turn on their own without justification.

    Here you go ion, your 7 questions.
    A)answer.......yes, and ?
    B)answer.......hardly a stones throw,but get the point ! no worse than harry so far.
    C) answer.....despite the crowing of how strong the team and reserves are, many fall back on the depleted squad song.
    D) answer.....much the same as the (C) question, just worded differently and comparing a wage bill from another club to reflect results, not relevant really.
    E) answer.......dont see much criticism from any corner really, what gaunlet of hate is that ion ?
    F) answer......well since comparing wages of clubs lower than us have come into it, also compare those of the present prem leaders, what are their points ratio per game ?
    G) answer....what abuse ? and what would you do in the same situation ? flip and tell everyone you have had enough.
    Surely its LOGICAL to stay calm and do the best you can, which he is doing.
    H) answer.....sure is !

    Great fun this ion, any more ?
    Stay calm and enjoy the game tonight, i am on your side remember. Very Happy

    Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO - Page 4 Empty Re: Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO

    Post by vis Fri Dec 07 2012, 08:03

    Gentlemen, freedom of opinion is a given right on here. But can we please keep differing opinions in the realms of reasonableness? The growing passion in this thread, although fine, is bordering on an all out slanging match and that gets no ones opinion/viewpoint/beliefs across. I thank you all . . . . .

    Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO - Page 4 Empty Re: Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 07 2012, 09:30

    vis wrote:Gentlemen, freedom of opinion is a given right on here. But can we please keep differing opinions in the realms of reasonableness? The growing passion in this thread, although fine, is bordering on an all out slanging match and that gets no ones opinion/viewpoint/beliefs across. I thank you all . . . . .

    Its ok vis, i am finished with the subject
    You know sometimes people take themselves and their views too seriously.
    Guess it livened the day up for a few, and ions posts as usual are very good, nothing wrong at all with that, just respecting others opinions is my only problem with him.
    As i said , its my last say on the subject, i want to move on from this subject as its run its distance imho !
    Champions League
    Champions League

    Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO - Page 4 Empty Re: Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO

    Post by ionman34 Fri Dec 07 2012, 14:08

    [quote="Mr Plums."]
    ionman34 wrote:
    Maximus wrote:If the Messiah AVB was not good enough for The Chelski why oh why is he so good for us, i just dont get why he has the backing of so many yids !!!

    Let's see;

    A) He's currently our manager.
    B) With a decimated team he's managing to keep us within a stones throw of top spot.
    C) With a depleted squad, in the throws of learning a different system to play, he is currently outperforming a team that pays a million a week more than us in wages.
    D) With a severely depleted squad he is managing to match a team with a squad who's front line cost nearly twice as much as our entire squad.
    E) He has had to run the gauntlet of abuse from fans of his own team, a vendetta from the press and unfounded criticism from pundits across the game and STILL has managed to keep us within a stone's throw of top spot.
    F) He has, to date, averaged 2 points per game and 2 goals per game.
    G) Despite all of the abuse, vendetta's and criticism he has maintained his poise, dignity and positivity towards the game, his players and even us the fans.
    And H) He's OUR f*cking MANAGER!!!

    If anyone is unable to offer him deserved support, considering the above, then f*ck off to Cheatski! They welcome halfwit, know nothing clowns who turn on their own without justification.

    Here you go ion, your 7 questions.
    A)answer.......yes, and ?
    B)answer.......hardly a stones throw,but get the point ! no worse than harry so far.
    C) answer.....despite the crowing of how strong the team and reserves are, many fall back on the depleted squad song.
    D) answer.....much the same as the (C) question, just worded differently and comparing a wage bill from another club to reflect results, not relevant really.
    E) answer.......dont see much criticism from any corner really, what gaunlet of hate is that ion ?
    F) answer......well since comparing wages of clubs lower than us have come into it, also compare those of the present prem leaders, what are their points ratio per game ?
    G) answer....what abuse ? and what would you do in the same situation ? flip and tell everyone you have had enough.
    Surely its LOGICAL to stay calm and do the best you can, which he is doing.
    H) answer.....sure is !

    Great fun this ion, any more ?
    Stay calm and enjoy the game tonight, i am on your side remember. Very Happy [

    No Lew, you're not. Apparently me living in Oz precludes me from that.

    As for your replies above............ a reply from me really isn't necessary to show just how spurious they are. At least you answered them though, I'll give you that.

    Champions League
    Champions League

    Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO - Page 4 Empty Re: Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO

    Post by ionman34 Fri Dec 07 2012, 14:26

    Mr Plums. wrote:
    ArnieArdiles wrote:Ha ha , this thread is one reason why I love this forum Smile

    I started the thread about giving the manager a little support, as previous to our three win streak he were getting what I would call unfair criticism when taking into account all that's going on at the club. Also, I just couldn't help but admire the way he's conducted himself in all this .

    Lew , I've said to you in a few threads now but it seems it's still not registered . Whilst I share some of the concerns you have regarding Levy, to lay all the blame on his shoulders regarding Harry is just not fair . Look at Harry's managerial career and you will see quiet a few fall outs with his previous chairmen at West Ham , Portsmouth and Southampton.

    Also, Maximus, "not good enough for them so why us" ?

    This is not Roman Abramovich's Chelsea, where to get sacked by that piece of gangster filth means absolutely FA to anyone with half a brain and to put it up as some kind of valid credible reason for not appointing AVB is laughable really . AVB's appointment was high risk because of the unfair treatment he suffered at the Chavs and many people were questioning whether a manager so young could bounce back from it all which is another thing altogether to your reasoning.

    Like I've said I'm really pleasantly suprised how AVB is doing and I'm just a little surprised how so many of my fellow Spurs (cant say Yids now) are just not on board with it all . I mean ffs I'm chatting to a Harry fan on the Sunday after beating Fulham 3-0 away, where the home team had two shots on target and he's telling me ,

    "yeah we won 3-0 but it wasn't sexy football like under Harry"


    I suppose I shouldve reminded him last season's 3-1 win at the Cottage was rough sexy football, well it definitely were a heart job.

    It could all go wrong next few games, who knows but one thing I'm confident about is that after four years, we now have a manager at the helm that will not be pointing blame elsewhere if it does, one who seems genuinely honoured to be manager of our great club.


    Hi Arnie, glad you like it, lol, i am ok with things, really i am, just dont want to be preached 7 reasons and all that bull, by a
    Yeah avb doing well, pleased for him and he has my support, as have all tottenham managers, from me, even gooner graham got my support.
    I keep saying that i support spurs, i want them to win every time, doesnt that mean the manager has my support?
    Because its crazy if anyone thinks otherwise.
    Oh and ion mentioned my angst against avb, where is that might i ask....? ion hearing voices now.

    Megalomaniac? Arrogant yes, but then I have good reason to be as I know my strengths so I can live with that accusation and admit to it.

    I wonder can you live with being an attention seeking cretin with attention deficiency syndrome, as we're taking this down to personal insults? How else do we explain the 'abandoning the forum remark? Evidently me being here is your idea of abandonment. Do you even think about what you post or do you just hit keys and hope for the best?

    Evidence suggests the latter.

    Good luck with the canvassing for votes though. As Lincoln once said, 'You can fool some of the people some of the time .........'


    Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO - Page 4 Empty Re: Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 07 2012, 18:49

    ionman34 wrote:
    Mr Plums. wrote:
    ArnieArdiles wrote:Ha ha , this thread is one reason why I love this forum Smile

    I started the thread about giving the manager a little support, as previous to our three win streak he were getting what I would call unfair criticism when taking into account all that's going on at the club. Also, I just couldn't help but admire the way he's conducted himself in all this .

    Lew , I've said to you in a few threads now but it seems it's still not registered . Whilst I share some of the concerns you have regarding Levy, to lay all the blame on his shoulders regarding Harry is just not fair . Look at Harry's managerial career and you will see quiet a few fall outs with his previous chairmen at West Ham , Portsmouth and Southampton.

    Also, Maximus, "not good enough for them so why us" ?

    This is not Roman Abramovich's Chelsea, where to get sacked by that piece of gangster filth means absolutely FA to anyone with half a brain and to put it up as some kind of valid credible reason for not appointing AVB is laughable really . AVB's appointment was high risk because of the unfair treatment he suffered at the Chavs and many people were questioning whether a manager so young could bounce back from it all which is another thing altogether to your reasoning.

    Like I've said I'm really pleasantly suprised how AVB is doing and I'm just a little surprised how so many of my fellow Spurs (cant say Yids now) are just not on board with it all . I mean ffs I'm chatting to a Harry fan on the Sunday after beating Fulham 3-0 away, where the home team had two shots on target and he's telling me ,

    "yeah we won 3-0 but it wasn't sexy football like under Harry"


    I suppose I shouldve reminded him last season's 3-1 win at the Cottage was rough sexy football, well it definitely were a heart job.

    It could all go wrong next few games, who knows but one thing I'm confident about is that after four years, we now have a manager at the helm that will not be pointing blame elsewhere if it does, one who seems genuinely honoured to be manager of our great club.


    Hi Arnie, glad you like it, lol, i am ok with things, really i am, just dont want to be preached 7 reasons and all that bull, by a
    Yeah avb doing well, pleased for him and he has my support, as have all tottenham managers, from me, even gooner graham got my support.
    I keep saying that i support spurs, i want them to win every time, doesnt that mean the manager has my support?
    Because its crazy if anyone thinks otherwise.
    Oh and ion mentioned my angst against avb, where is that might i ask....? ion hearing voices now.

    Megalomaniac? Arrogant yes, but then I have good reason to be as I know my strengths so I can live with that accusation and admit to it.

    I wonder can you live with being an attention seeking cretin with attention deficiency syndrome, as we're taking this down to personal insults? How else do we explain the 'abandoning the forum remark? Evidently me being here is your idea of abandonment. Do you even think about what you post or do you just hit keys and hope for the best?

    Evidence suggests the latter.

    Good luck with the canvassing for votes though. As Lincoln once said, 'You can fool some of the people some of the time .........'

    ........and you sure fool em big guy !
    I will let you have the last word ion, your arrogance wouldnt allow you any less !
    Champions League
    Champions League

    Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO - Page 4 Empty Re: Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO

    Post by ionman34 Fri Dec 07 2012, 18:52

    Mr Plums. wrote:
    ionman34 wrote:
    Mr Plums. wrote:
    ArnieArdiles wrote:Ha ha , this thread is one reason why I love this forum Smile

    I started the thread about giving the manager a little support, as previous to our three win streak he were getting what I would call unfair criticism when taking into account all that's going on at the club. Also, I just couldn't help but admire the way he's conducted himself in all this .

    Lew , I've said to you in a few threads now but it seems it's still not registered . Whilst I share some of the concerns you have regarding Levy, to lay all the blame on his shoulders regarding Harry is just not fair . Look at Harry's managerial career and you will see quiet a few fall outs with his previous chairmen at West Ham , Portsmouth and Southampton.

    Also, Maximus, "not good enough for them so why us" ?

    This is not Roman Abramovich's Chelsea, where to get sacked by that piece of gangster filth means absolutely FA to anyone with half a brain and to put it up as some kind of valid credible reason for not appointing AVB is laughable really . AVB's appointment was high risk because of the unfair treatment he suffered at the Chavs and many people were questioning whether a manager so young could bounce back from it all which is another thing altogether to your reasoning.

    Like I've said I'm really pleasantly suprised how AVB is doing and I'm just a little surprised how so many of my fellow Spurs (cant say Yids now) are just not on board with it all . I mean ffs I'm chatting to a Harry fan on the Sunday after beating Fulham 3-0 away, where the home team had two shots on target and he's telling me ,

    "yeah we won 3-0 but it wasn't sexy football like under Harry"


    I suppose I shouldve reminded him last season's 3-1 win at the Cottage was rough sexy football, well it definitely were a heart job.

    It could all go wrong next few games, who knows but one thing I'm confident about is that after four years, we now have a manager at the helm that will not be pointing blame elsewhere if it does, one who seems genuinely honoured to be manager of our great club.


    Hi Arnie, glad you like it, lol, i am ok with things, really i am, just dont want to be preached 7 reasons and all that bull, by a
    Yeah avb doing well, pleased for him and he has my support, as have all tottenham managers, from me, even gooner graham got my support.
    I keep saying that i support spurs, i want them to win every time, doesnt that mean the manager has my support?
    Because its crazy if anyone thinks otherwise.
    Oh and ion mentioned my angst against avb, where is that might i ask....? ion hearing voices now.

    Megalomaniac? Arrogant yes, but then I have good reason to be as I know my strengths so I can live with that accusation and admit to it.

    I wonder can you live with being an attention seeking cretin with attention deficiency syndrome, as we're taking this down to personal insults? How else do we explain the 'abandoning the forum remark? Evidently me being here is your idea of abandonment. Do you even think about what you post or do you just hit keys and hope for the best?

    Evidence suggests the latter.

    Good luck with the canvassing for votes though. As Lincoln once said, 'You can fool some of the people some of the time .........'

    ........and you sure fool em big guy !
    I will let you have the last word ion, your arrogance wouldnt allow you any less !

    Your inability makes it inevitable.

    Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO - Page 4 Empty Re: Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 07 2012, 19:05

    .......also the fact that you are so boring makes it final.
    Dont we naturally ignore things that bore us ?
    Get the picture ? or are you really that thick ?
    Not quite sure what you have to be arrogant about by the way, you must be hearing those voices again.
    Have a joyful christmas big head, remember ! its goodwill to all men time. cheers

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    Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO - Page 4 Empty Re: Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO

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