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    Darft - Page 2 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by djfitzo Mon Dec 10 2012, 07:20

    MarkA249 wrote:Not seen any of todays game so cant comment on it but 2 more late goals somethings not right are the players tired ? AVB goes too defensive and sits back ? Players getting payed bungs ? Lew does sound like hes gloating that we lost but how many times has Lought done that when Arry was in charge. Lew tad bit harsh with calling it a stupid forum and us all loses everybody has a opionion about AVB some like him some dont thats football.

    Everton hard game not many teams win there two tricky home games two different stlyes of play Swansea ext week passing team and then Stoke rugby team

    As he brought on two attacking midfielders, no not defensive. Sig hits the bar on 88 minutes, they lump the ball long and Lloris calls for it and Caulker panics and clears it straight to the mwhich then sets up the equaliser . Then they lump it long and their Greek guy tries a overhead kick which somehow falls straight to Jelavic, thems the breaks, yesterday our friends up the road get a dodgy pen and then the Ox fouls there defender and then goes on and gets the second pen, so lets hope we get some luck ourselves. Still level points in fourth and two winnable home games to come.

    Champions League
    Champions League

    Darft - Page 2 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by LOBO Mon Dec 10 2012, 07:27


    Opinion is a good thing, sorry to see lew go again LOL
    But in my opinion the substitutions were at the wrong time
    should have been a bit earlier IMO , I do agree with lew , attack is the best form of defense , we wont all agree on this , but that's the beauty of football, so lets all not lose our cool over having different opinions, I still back RVB.

    Darft - Page 2 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by BazSpur Mon Dec 10 2012, 07:30

    Oh dear. Such petulance. I'll leave your membership open Lew and give you time to calm down. I'm sure you'll be back. My god if any of you think this is bad then you haven't been on the facebook pages I go on LOL. Some are as bad as AOL. Take a look at the Spam page on there.

    Darft - Page 2 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by BazSpur Mon Dec 10 2012, 07:34

    Lobo Wrote: I still back RVB.

    Or even AVB Lobs lol. Of course we all have opinions Lobs and I think emotions always get a bit fraught after a loss from a game that we really ought to have won. But I really don't think AVB was to blame and that's my opinion. You are entitled to yours and so that's how it goes. Now, shall we all calm down and discuss sensibly. FOR FUKS SAKE lol.
    Champions League
    Champions League

    Darft - Page 2 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by ArnieArdiles Mon Dec 10 2012, 07:46

    LOBO wrote:
    ArnieArdiles wrote:
    Mr Plums. wrote:
    ArnieArdiles wrote:
    djfitzo wrote:
    Mr Plums. wrote:You aint criticising are you lob !
    You aint allowed pale Suspect Suspect

    Remember ! from the tea ladies, to the groundsman,to the chairman,to the manager, you dont criticise tottenham.


    Seems like your taking delight in Spurs losing Lew

    Lew only watches the games when we've lost , misses games when we win 3-1 at home to the Spammers.

    I were wrong I thought he were for the Spurs but I'm now convinced he wants us to lose at least whilst, Levy and AVB are at the club.

    Judus Plum clown

    Arnie, do you know i was working while i had text on bbc tv.
    I kept looking up and saw it was 0-0, at 5pm the text still read 0-0.....the text was stuck.
    My thoughts were "can we grab a late winner" " but happy with a draw " then 5.15 pm the text still read 0-0, so i clicked on to prem team news and onto spurs, saw we had lost 2-1, and fcking well cursed.
    So if you misread a joke thread, then thats your problem.
    The joke was actually aimed at someone else, but guess its not the right time.
    Judas hey arnie !
    Thats ok my son, you know not what you say.

    Its a daft thread as Lobo is is making a statement but not backing it up with his reasons behind it.

    So AVB should've just left the same eleven players on the pitch for the full 90 minutes? But then had the result gone the same , we'd have seen, daft why no substitutions pratt!

    As Ion said earlier in the week , some people make posts but then there's no explanation behind them so wtf ?

    As for your post having a pop at the forum because that's what you're doing, coming out with you're not allowed to criticise anything about the club on here and getting your jibe at Ion in the process too, just smacks of wumming, trolling to me ...

    The scousers just mugged us off three points and all you're concerned about is, your one upmanship!

    Stop being a Bellend Arnie

    I must have been watching a different game from you , no coincidence we gave 2 late goals away then, nothing to do with substitutions, LOL f*ck me

    Yeah I think we were Lobo ..

    Lennon was flagging on the right side and they were again becoming a threat with Baines, so AVB bought on Huddlestone in the center and put Dembele on the right. Five minutes later, seeing Dembele was struggling, AVB bought on Siggurdson. This got us back in control of the right flank .

    AVB then bought on the youngster Falque and Defoe came off, for ball retention purposes in the middle of the park .

    This was all going well , the substitutions had in fact improved our hold on the game. We could've increased our lead when Siggurdson hit the bar and Everton were lost at what to do . They caught us out with a couple of hail marys at the end of game that's how I see it , nothing to do with the substitutions as far as I'm concerned.

    Champions League
    Champions League

    Darft - Page 2 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by ArnieArdiles Mon Dec 10 2012, 08:03

    Lew wrote :

    Well you know what you load of losers can do..........!
    f*ck this stupid forum, you opinionated load of tossers.
    Just wait till psycho, one way of thinking ion turns on you lot and you aint the balls to stand up to the bloke.
    Thats my lot on here.
    Finished with the lot of you.
    Have a good season.[/quote]

    Lew, you think it's funny to misrepresent another poster like you did but I don't and doing that minutes after a loss like we've just suffered, I think wtf is this bloke on, ffs let it go mate .

    Where has anyone told you criticism is not allowed on here, a mantra you've often repeated?

    Here's what Ion wrote:

    I ask you to take special consideration at the highlighted part in green

    Re: Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO ----------------------------Post n°70

    Spare me the 'blind acceptance' Tosh Lew.

    I posted 7 very good reasons why he should be SUPPORTED by our, alleged, SUPPORTERS. You've ignored every single one of them.

    And spare me the 'their entitled to their views' claptrap as well. If I had a dollar for every time this tired old evasion was trotted out by those without a logical argument I'd be a wealthy man.

    You're entitled to an opinion if you can back it with a reasoned, logical argument to back it up, otherwise you're 'entitled to f*ck all. If some Dropkick comes on here and offers the 'opinion that Lloris is sh*t because he's French, then all he's entitled to is an earful and an ignore button. Don't insult my intelligence with that PC bollox.

    The reason WHY he should support him was questioned, it was answered in full. As I said, if those 7 reasons aren't enough to support OUR f*cking MANAGER then f*ck off to Cheats I where they will welcome that kind of bullsh*t with open arms.

    I SUPPORT my club, players, manager, chairman, f*cking ground staff and tea lady because they are Tottenham and working towards the betterment of the club I adore. I will fling f*cks into every clown that I think is a threat to that.

    Don't like it? Feel free to argue it. If you can't argue it then clam up or ignore me. Either way I'll lose not a wink of sleep.

    Now before you get too indignant, mate, this isn't an attack on you but directed to anyone who feels that this is too much to ask of a Spurs SUPPORTER. Criticism of players, manager, chairman, ground staff and, yes, the tea lady is welcome and healthy.

    When backed by reason and logic. This I respect and this I will either agree with or argue dependant on whether I agree or not.
    You pull an 'opinion' out of your are though and I'll show it all the respect it deserves.

    Which is none.


    Darft - Page 2 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by djfitzo Mon Dec 10 2012, 08:28

    LOBO wrote:
    ArnieArdiles wrote:
    Mr Plums. wrote:
    ArnieArdiles wrote:
    djfitzo wrote:
    Mr Plums. wrote:You aint criticising are you lob !
    You aint allowed pale Suspect Suspect

    Remember ! from the tea ladies, to the groundsman,to the chairman,to the manager, you dont criticise tottenham.


    Seems like your taking delight in Spurs losing Lew

    Lew only watches the games when we've lost , misses games when we win 3-1 at home to the Spammers.

    I were wrong I thought he were for the Spurs but I'm now convinced he wants us to lose at least whilst, Levy and AVB are at the club.

    Judus Plum clown

    Arnie, do you know i was working while i had text on bbc tv.
    I kept looking up and saw it was 0-0, at 5pm the text still read 0-0.....the text was stuck.
    My thoughts were "can we grab a late winner" " but happy with a draw " then 5.15 pm the text still read 0-0, so i clicked on to prem team news and onto spurs, saw we had lost 2-1, and fcking well cursed.
    So if you misread a joke thread, then thats your problem.
    The joke was actually aimed at someone else, but guess its not the right time.
    Judas hey arnie !
    Thats ok my son, you know not what you say.

    Its a daft thread as Lobo is is making a statement but not backing it up with his reasons behind it.

    So AVB should've just left the same eleven players on the pitch for the full 90 minutes? But then had the result gone the same , we'd have seen, daft why no substitutions pratt!

    As Ion said earlier in the week , some people make posts but then there's no explanation behind them so wtf ?

    As for your post having a pop at the forum because that's what you're doing, coming out with you're not allowed to criticise anything about the club on here and getting your jibe at Ion in the process too, just smacks of wumming, trolling to me ...

    The scousers just mugged us off three points and all you're concerned about is, your one upmanship!

    Stop being a Bellend Arnie

    I must have been watching a different game from you , no coincidence we gave 2 late goals away then, nothing to do with substitutions, LOL f*ck me

    Rather than calling Arnie a bell end Lobo, why not discuss you post and tell us how you think the substitution affected the outcome of the match.


    Darft - Page 2 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by Guest Mon Dec 10 2012, 08:42

    i think the best thing to do after a game if your really annoyed is not post right away. i was fuming. i had a bet on the draw so when everton scored i was upset but then to lose another i was going mad but i gave it 10 mins to calm down before i posted lol


    Darft - Page 2 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by BazSpur Mon Dec 10 2012, 08:46

    Good advice Lought.

    Darft - Page 2 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by Guest Mon Dec 10 2012, 09:26

    ArnieArdiles wrote:Lew wrote :

    Well you know what you load of losers can do..........!
    f*ck this stupid forum, you opinionated load of tossers.
    Just wait till psycho, one way of thinking ion turns on you lot and you aint the balls to stand up to the bloke.
    Thats my lot on here.
    Finished with the lot of you.
    Have a good season.

    Lew, you think it's funny to misrepresent another poster like you did but I don't and doing that minutes after a loss like we've just suffered, I think wtf is this bloke on, ffs let it go mate .

    Where has anyone told you criticism is not allowed on here, a mantra you've often repeated?

    Here's what Ion wrote:

    I ask you to take special consideration at the highlighted part in green

    Re: Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO ----------------------------Post n°70

    Spare me the 'blind acceptance' Tosh Lew.

    I posted 7 very good reasons why he should be SUPPORTED by our, alleged, SUPPORTERS. You've ignored every single one of them.

    And spare me the 'their entitled to their views' claptrap as well. If I had a dollar for every time this tired old evasion was trotted out by those without a logical argument I'd be a wealthy man.

    You're entitled to an opinion if you can back it with a reasoned, logical argument to back it up, otherwise you're 'entitled to f*ck all. If some Dropkick comes on here and offers the 'opinion that Lloris is sh*t because he's French, then all he's entitled to is an earful and an ignore button. Don't insult my intelligence with that PC bollox.

    The reason WHY he should support him was questioned, it was answered in full. As I said, if those 7 reasons aren't enough to support OUR f*cking MANAGER then f*ck off to Cheats I where they will welcome that kind of bullsh*t with open arms.

    I SUPPORT my club, players, manager, chairman, f*cking ground staff and tea lady because they are Tottenham and working towards the betterment of the club I adore. I will fling f*cks into every clown that I think is a threat to that.

    Don't like it? Feel free to argue it. If you can't argue it then clam up or ignore me. Either way I'll lose not a wink of sleep.

    Now before you get too indignant, mate, this isn't an attack on you but directed to anyone who feels that this is too much to ask of a Spurs SUPPORTER. Criticism of players, manager, chairman, ground staff and, yes, the tea lady is welcome and healthy.

    When backed by reason and logic. This I respect and this I will either agree with or argue dependant on whether I agree or not.
    You pull an 'opinion' out of your are though and I'll show it all the respect it deserves.

    Which is none.


    The problem is arnie, and Bollox to people being in a mood after a loss.
    You blokes back ion to the hilt, a bloke who has been asked to temper his personal comments, but still answers max with words like halfwit, and then says to me, " as we are into personal insults..blah blah blah.
    You blokes gang up on anyone who isnt happy with what has happened this year, and side with a bloke who lives on the other side of the world, a bloke that only reads about spurs on the net, a bloke that caned you lot because you made comments about the berbatov situation years ago, when you all were proved right, (true criticism of a player) he told you all to leave alone, and was damn well insulting in the bargain to many a poster at the time, and cried when i hit him with the fact that he was the only bloke who didnt know f*ck all about what berbatov was all about.
    He knows nothing about the true feelings of the spurs supporters i meet and talk to, as a stall holder at a local market, and yet you all rally to his views because you are all too scared to stand up to him, because you dont want to look like mugs, and that is what he revels in, not all that clatrap he reels off , just eloquently insults you blokes when the opportunity arises.

    Well i am sick of cliques, i think maybe those people who are knocked back on their views, and not bullshitted about blind acceptance of being a spurs supporter should come out and have their say.
    Thats my lot mate.
    I am sick of all this sh*t and being called a troll is the last straw.

    Over to you mr ion, guess you might have a little to say.
    Whats the spurs news in aussie by the way ?
    Dont bother to answer mate, i wont be reading it because its too boring and pedantic, not to mention spurious.

    Darft - Page 2 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by djfitzo Mon Dec 10 2012, 09:46

    Mr Plums. wrote:
    ArnieArdiles wrote:Lew wrote :

    Well you know what you load of losers can do..........!
    f*ck this stupid forum, you opinionated load of tossers.
    Just wait till psycho, one way of thinking ion turns on you lot and you aint the balls to stand up to the bloke.
    Thats my lot on here.
    Finished with the lot of you.
    Have a good season.

    Lew, you think it's funny to misrepresent another poster like you did but I don't and doing that minutes after a loss like we've just suffered, I think wtf is this bloke on, ffs let it go mate .

    Where has anyone told you criticism is not allowed on here, a mantra you've often repeated?

    Here's what Ion wrote:

    I ask you to take special consideration at the highlighted part in green

    Re: Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO ----------------------------Post n°70

    Spare me the 'blind acceptance' Tosh Lew.

    I posted 7 very good reasons why he should be SUPPORTED by our, alleged, SUPPORTERS. You've ignored every single one of them.

    And spare me the 'their entitled to their views' claptrap as well. If I had a dollar for every time this tired old evasion was trotted out by those without a logical argument I'd be a wealthy man.

    You're entitled to an opinion if you can back it with a reasoned, logical argument to back it up, otherwise you're 'entitled to f*ck all. If some Dropkick comes on here and offers the 'opinion that Lloris is sh*t because he's French, then all he's entitled to is an earful and an ignore button. Don't insult my intelligence with that PC bollox.

    The reason WHY he should support him was questioned, it was answered in full. As I said, if those 7 reasons aren't enough to support OUR f*cking MANAGER then f*ck off to Cheats I where they will welcome that kind of bullsh*t with open arms.

    I SUPPORT my club, players, manager, chairman, f*cking ground staff and tea lady because they are Tottenham and working towards the betterment of the club I adore. I will fling f*cks into every clown that I think is a threat to that.

    Don't like it? Feel free to argue it. If you can't argue it then clam up or ignore me. Either way I'll lose not a wink of sleep.

    Now before you get too indignant, mate, this isn't an attack on you but directed to anyone who feels that this is too much to ask of a Spurs SUPPORTER. Criticism of players, manager, chairman, ground staff and, yes, the tea lady is welcome and healthy.

    When backed by reason and logic. This I respect and this I will either agree with or argue dependant on whether I agree or not.
    You pull an 'opinion' out of your are though and I'll show it all the respect it deserves.

    Which is none.

    The problem is arnie, and Bollox to people being in a mood after a loss.
    You blokes back ion to the hilt, a bloke who has been asked to temper his personal comments, but still answers max with words like halfwit, and then says to me, " as we are into personal insults..blah blah blah.
    You blokes gang up on anyone who isnt happy with what has happened this year, and side with a bloke who lives on the other side of the world, a bloke that only reads about spurs on the net, a bloke that caned you lot because you made comments about the berbatov situation years ago, when you all were proved right, (true criticism of a player) he told you all to leave alone, and was damn well insulting in the bargain to many a poster at the time, and cried when i hit him with the fact that he was the only bloke who didnt know f*ck all about what berbatov was all about.
    He knows nothing about the true feelings of the spurs supporters i meet and talk to, as a stall holder at a local market, and yet you all rally to his views because you are all too scared to stand up to him, because you dont want to look like mugs, and that is what he revels in, not all that clatrap he reels off , just eloquently insults you blokes when the opportunity arises.

    Well i am sick of cliques, i think maybe those people who are knocked back on their views, and not bullshitted about blind acceptance of being a spurs supporter should come out and have their say.
    Thats my lot mate.
    I am sick of all this sh*t and being called a troll is the last straw.[/quote]

    That's cobblers Lew, Ions hardly on here and if I didn't agree with him, I would say so, you wanna talk about cliques ? What about you Max and Lobo coming on here after every loss and AVB bashing? Just be because we disagree with you and see Ions points doesn't me we are scared of him, just see what he sees. Lobo has made a comment both Arnie and I don't agree with and Ions nowhere to be seen. We have both given our views on why the subs were not the reason why we lost ,but Lobo has chosen not to give his reasons, just that we happen to lose to two lucky long ball punts,but because its easier to Blame the substitutions ,that's the way forward,then you come on with your childish comments directed at Ion. People are not knocked back on their views, just asked to discuss why they have posted them, like Lought or Arnie or me or Baz,you even said you say what you say because you always want Spurs to win, we'll we would win more if we got behind the manager a little more instead of shooting him down afte every loss.


    Darft - Page 2 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by Guest Mon Dec 10 2012, 10:19

    lew your being silly. we all at times had arguements with other posters. me and ion dont always see eye to eye but if i agree with him il say so.

    its just strange how people come on here when we lose but nowhere to be seen.

    how the hell is it avb fault that caulker ignores a shot from lloris to leave the ball.
    its not the first time as it happend in the west ham game. and no im not slagging of caulker as he was superb today.

    Darft - Page 2 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by BazSpur Mon Dec 10 2012, 11:52

    f*ck me if we want to talk about arguments with ion, me and him have had loads. We always remained friends though as that's the way it should be. Nothing should ever be taken to heart.
    3rd Division
    3rd Division

    Darft - Page 2 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by wobberler Mon Dec 10 2012, 12:14

    i heard hugo shout from my armchair in guernsey, lol, he is still learning caulker, maybe ledly should spend a bit of time with him. coys
    Champions League
    Champions League

    Darft - Page 2 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by ionman34 Mon Dec 10 2012, 17:07

    ArnieArdiles wrote:Lew wrote :

    Well you know what you load of losers can do..........!
    f*ck this stupid forum, you opinionated load of tossers.
    Just wait till psycho, one way of thinking ion turns on you lot and you aint the balls to stand up to the bloke.
    Thats my lot on here.
    Finished with the lot of you.
    Have a good season.

    Lew, you think it's funny to misrepresent another poster like you did but I don't and doing that minutes after a loss like we've just suffered, I think wtf is this bloke on, ffs let it go mate .

    Where has anyone told you criticism is not allowed on here, a mantra you've often repeated?

    Here's what Ion wrote:

    I ask you to take special consideration at the highlighted part in green

    Re: Giving AVB our support......WOOHOO ----------------------------Post n°70

    Spare me the 'blind acceptance' Tosh Lew.

    I posted 7 very good reasons why he should be SUPPORTED by our, alleged, SUPPORTERS. You've ignored every single one of them.

    And spare me the 'their entitled to their views' claptrap as well. If I had a dollar for every time this tired old evasion was trotted out by those without a logical argument I'd be a wealthy man.

    You're entitled to an opinion if you can back it with a reasoned, logical argument to back it up, otherwise you're 'entitled to f*ck all. If some Dropkick comes on here and offers the 'opinion that Lloris is sh*t because he's French, then all he's entitled to is an earful and an ignore button. Don't insult my intelligence with that PC bollox.

    The reason WHY he should support him was questioned, it was answered in full. As I said, if those 7 reasons aren't enough to support OUR f*cking MANAGER then f*ck off to Cheats I where they will welcome that kind of bullsh*t with open arms.

    I SUPPORT my club, players, manager, chairman, f*cking ground staff and tea lady because they are Tottenham and working towards the betterment of the club I adore. I will fling f*cks into every clown that I think is a threat to that.

    Don't like it? Feel free to argue it. If you can't argue it then clam up or ignore me. Either way I'll lose not a wink of sleep.

    Now before you get too indignant, mate, this isn't an attack on you but directed to anyone who feels that this is too much to ask of a Spurs SUPPORTER. Criticism of players, manager, chairman, ground staff and, yes, the tea lady is welcome and healthy.

    When backed by reason and logic. This I respect and this I will either agree with or argue dependant on whether I agree or not.
    You pull an 'opinion' out of your are though and I'll show it all the respect it deserves.

    Which is none.


    I applaud the attempt Arnie, but it won't make a shade of difference because the nutter goes into a blind frenzy whenever my username pops up.

    Tempted as I am to go further, I won't. I'm due back 'oop North' on Tuesday and I haven't seen the game as yet. I'll catch it later and try to post up my comments on the game.

    Who knows, I may even attempt some criticism!

    Darft - Page 2 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by djfitzo Mon Dec 10 2012, 18:33

    The problem is arnie, and Bollox to people being in a mood after a loss.

    And there you have it Lew, if your not in a mood after losing the game after being one up in the 90th minute, to lose to two long ball punts, the second being a fluked overhead kick, then maybe your not a big a fan of Spurs as you think you are.


    Darft - Page 2 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by MarkA249 Mon Dec 10 2012, 19:15

    To be honest thats my bag i come on here too soon after a loss and say a lot of things i dont mean and regret and im warming to AVB must be the Chrimbo spirit and all that mulled wine from the Manchester xmas markets lol! Saw Balottelli there on Friday when we went the guy has more muscle than a beach with his bling on looked like MR T too .Sorry going off point.

    AVB seems like a nice guy at Chelsea he came across a cock but wasnt him must be something in Chelseas water who ever goes there becomes a cock lol!

    Darft - Page 2 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by BazSpur Mon Dec 10 2012, 20:46

    must be something in Chelseas water who ever goes there becomes a cock lol!

    Darft - Page 2 348204

    Darft - Page 2 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by BazSpur Mon Dec 10 2012, 20:48

    f*ck this stupid forum, you opinionated load of tossers.

    Opinionated? Everyone is opinionated aren't they?

    Darft - Page 2 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by DJSR Tue Dec 11 2012, 00:41

    i thought the substitutions were fine except for one Huddlestone, as Lought said we kept the ball better. Huddlestone is too slow, the only reason i think avb brough him on was to play keep ball, but huddlestone lost the ball on a few occasions. End of the day, Everton were bloody lucky, but thats football, we will get some luck throughout the season at some point, i hope lol

    Darft - Page 2 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by BazSpur Tue Dec 11 2012, 03:56

    I hope so too DJ but it's a long time coming. We never seem to get any luck.

    Darft - Page 2 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by vis Tue Dec 11 2012, 07:37

    Mr Plums. wrote:
    ArnieArdiles wrote:
    Mr Plums. wrote:
    ArnieArdiles wrote:
    djfitzo wrote:
    Mr Plums. wrote:You aint criticising are you lob !
    You aint allowed pale Suspect Suspect

    Remember ! from the tea ladies, to the groundsman,to the chairman,to the manager, you dont criticise tottenham.


    Seems like your taking delight in Spurs losing Lew

    Lew only watches the games when we've lost , misses games when we win 3-1 at home to the Spammers.

    I were wrong I thought he were for the Spurs but I'm now convinced he wants us to lose at least whilst, Levy and AVB are at the club.

    Judus Plum clown

    Arnie, do you know i was working while i had text on bbc tv.
    I kept looking up and saw it was 0-0, at 5pm the text still read 0-0.....the text was stuck.
    My thoughts were "can we grab a late winner" " but happy with a draw " then 5.15 pm the text still read 0-0, so i clicked on to prem team news and onto spurs, saw we had lost 2-1, and fcking well cursed.
    So if you misread a joke thread, then thats your problem.
    The joke was actually aimed at someone else, but guess its not the right time.
    Judas hey arnie !
    Thats ok my son, you know not what you say.

    Its a daft thread as Lobo is is making a statement but not backing it up with his reasons behind it.

    So AVB should've just left the same eleven players on the pitch for the full 90 minutes? But then had the result gone the same , we'd have seen, daft why no substitutions pratt!

    As Ion said earlier in the week , some people make posts but then there's no explanation behind them so wtf ?

    As for your post having a pop at the forum because that's what you're doing, coming out with you're not allowed to criticise anything about the club on here and getting your jibe at Ion in the process too, just smacks of wumming, trolling to me ...

    The scousers just mugged us off three points and all you're concerned about is, your one upmanship!

    Well you know what you load of losers can do..........!
    f*ck this stupid forum, you opinionated load of tossers.
    Just wait till psycho, one way of thinking ion turns on you lot and you aint the balls to stand up to the bloke.
    Thats my lot on here.
    Finished with the lot of you.
    Have a good season.

    WOW Lew that was pretty intense ! ! !

    This ain't just at you Lew this is at ALL POSTERS. Lets try to keep things reasonable please. Yup we will all disagree and blow up with each other but difference of opinion/belief does not mean we have to insult each other in such base ways. Threads will be locked if this continues.
    Peace out my friends and remember we are all supposed to support the team and be united in that even if some are not best buddies . . . . .

    Darft - Page 2 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by Guest Tue Dec 11 2012, 08:52

    Vis, i havent anything against ion, other than the fact that he enters words like "halfwit" into his post, like when answering max the other day.
    He has been asked before to temper his comments and said he would, but now and again he lumbers back to the old ion.
    I read his posts, and like many on here find them interesting, its when he has to grind another poster into the ground, thats what i dont like.
    I hear all that crap goes on a lot on other boards, well i thought we rose above all that on here.
    When a man on the other side of the world, gives his true and frank opinion from a 15 min tv highlight, or scrambled broken up live stream, or from what he reads on the net, and then resorts to calling people half wits who live over here, then that is when i see red.
    My message to him, is say your bit, disagree with others, but leave the insults out of it.
    I live 90 mins from north london via train, i talk to local spurs supporters about what is happening at the club , when he has that advantage to throw into his views, instead of insults , then he will get more respect from me.

    Darft - Page 2 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by BazSpur Tue Dec 11 2012, 09:05

    To be fair to ion and I'm not taking sides. He did say he hadn't seen the match Lew and that he would give his assessment once he had watched it. Can't be fairer than that. I do agree however, that opinions should be given without resorting to mud slinging and I have done my fair share in the past so I am culpable too. After all we are all grown ups. I wonder sometimes if it's a case of old AOHell habbits die hard. And it's almost Christmas, let's be happy. Anyway there might not be anyone here after the 21st lol.

    Darft - Page 2 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by vis Tue Dec 11 2012, 09:19

    Vis, i havent anything against ion, other than the fact that he enters words like "halfwit" into his post, like when answering max the other day.

    Well you know what you load of losers can do..........!
    f*ck this stupid forum, you opinionated load of tossers.

    And that Lew is why I have asked ALL POSTERS to try and refrain from personnel insults. We may be as different in our views as chalk and cheese but playground insults actually demean any argument, as well structured as it may appear. Yup once in awhile this board suffers from mass in-fighting but as a moderator I am requesting all Forum members take a deep breath and let the love flow back out. Once that is achieved we may be able to get back to arguing, in a more tempered way, over the pro's & con's of OUR beloved club . . . .

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