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    Darft - Page 3 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by Guest Tue Dec 11 2012, 17:13

    BazSpur wrote:To be fair to ion and I'm not taking sides. He did say he hadn't seen the match Lew and that he would give his assessment once he had watched it. Can't be fairer than that. I do agree however, that opinions should be given without resorting to mud slinging and I have done my fair share in the past so I am culpable too. After all we are all grown ups. I wonder sometimes if it's a case of old AOHell habbits die hard. And it's almost Christmas, let's be happy. Anyway there might not be anyone here after the 21st lol.

    I wasnt talking about sundays game baz, i havent seen the game either, or made comments about it.
    Yes the old aol habits creep back in now and again.

    Darft - Page 3 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by Guest Tue Dec 11 2012, 17:21

    vis wrote:Vis, i havent anything against ion, other than the fact that he enters words like "halfwit" into his post, like when answering max the other day.

    Well you know what you load of losers can do..........!
    f*ck this stupid forum, you opinionated load of tossers.

    And that Lew is why I have asked ALL POSTERS to try and refrain from personnel insults. We may be as different in our views as chalk and cheese but playground insults actually demean any argument, as well structured as it may appear. Yup once in awhile this board suffers from mass in-fighting but as a moderator I am requesting all Forum members take a deep breath and let the love flow back out. Once that is achieved we may be able to get back to arguing, in a more tempered way, over the pro's & con's of OUR beloved club . . . .

    .......and that vis a response to being called a judas, a troll , a wummer.
    There is no in fighting from me, do you see me having a go at anyone else other than ion ?
    I shall repeat that he inferred that max was a halfwit, thats the only kind of thing i have against him.

    Thats the one and only thing i have against him, he did it years ago and was asked not to.
    Prove a man wrong by counter argument, yes thats fine, having to insult someone in the bargain is distasteful, and smacks of self insecurity.
    2nd Division
    2nd Division

    Darft - Page 3 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by Maximus Tue Dec 11 2012, 18:04

    Mr Plums. wrote:

    Prove a man wrong by counter argument, yes thats fine, having to insult someone in the bargain is distasteful, and smacks of self insecurity.

    Sounds about right,
    Any way MERRY CHRISTMAS>>>>>>>>>>
    From the "HALFWIT "

    Darft - Page 3 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by BazSpur Tue Dec 11 2012, 21:28

    LOL Max. Sometimes it's best to laugh at ourselves.
    Champions League
    Champions League

    Darft - Page 3 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by ArnieArdiles Wed Dec 12 2012, 00:46

    BazSpur wrote:LOL Max. Sometimes it's best to laugh at ourselves.

    Yep so true Baz ...

    Wummers and backstabbing halfwits take note lol! lmao

    Look, I added an LOL and a rolling on the floor smiley, so I'm joking guys, aint I .


    Darft - Page 3 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by Guest Wed Dec 12 2012, 02:26

    ArnieArdiles wrote:
    BazSpur wrote:LOL Max. Sometimes it's best to laugh at ourselves.

    Yep so true Baz ...

    Wummers and backstabbing halfwits take note lol! lmao

    Look, I added an LOL and a rolling on the floor smiley, so I'm joking guys, aint I .
 want fcking insults i will give em to ya! lol

    Yeah just joking arnie, i was as gutted as you on sunday, dont ever misunderstand me though mate.
    Supporting spurs means wanting them to win, wanting them to win means in a round about way, that i support avb.
    So all this " hatred of avb " is really crap, when you think about it..........have a go ! Rolling Eyes
    From the nutter

    Darft - Page 3 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by Guest Wed Dec 12 2012, 02:37

    Maximus wrote:
    Mr Plums. wrote:

    Prove a man wrong by counter argument, yes thats fine, having to insult someone in the bargain is distasteful, and smacks of self insecurity.

    Sounds about right,
    Any way MERRY CHRISTMAS>>>>>>>>>>
    From the "HALFWIT "

    Only bloke i see as a halfwit on here, is a bloke who lives thousands of miles away, but knows all about what is happening at spurs. lmao

    Darft - Page 3 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by vis Wed Dec 12 2012, 08:37

    Mr Plums. wrote:
    Maximus wrote:
    Mr Plums. wrote:

    Prove a man wrong by counter argument, yes thats fine, having to insult someone in the bargain is distasteful, and smacks of self insecurity.

    Sounds about right,
    Any way MERRY CHRISTMAS>>>>>>>>>>
    From the "HALFWIT "

    Only bloke i see as a halfwit on here, is a bloke who lives thousands of miles away, but knows all about what is happening at spurs. lmao

    Lew why try to get that last dig in? I thought you had said you were done with it? We seem to have drifted a long way from half-time substitutions against Everton here . . . .

    Darft - Page 3 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by BazSpur Wed Dec 12 2012, 10:01

    Yep, personally I'm also getting fed up with the hi-jacking of threads. i.e taking them off topic.

    Darft - Page 3 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by Guest Wed Dec 12 2012, 19:01

    Agree totally with both you and baz, vis !

    But take a look and it isnt only me, many others involved here too.

    Yes i am finished now for a while, i have too much work to do before the end of the year to be arguing on here about all things tottenham.
    I suggest we all take it as it comes, what will be will be.

    Darft - Page 3 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by vis Thu Dec 13 2012, 09:14

    So we are agreed? No more last shout name calling? If it happens in this thread it WILL be locked and if it shifts into other threads then insult post's WILL be deleted to allow threads to continue. As always my Spurs beauties.
    I Thank You . . . . . .


    Darft - Page 3 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by BazSpur Thu Dec 13 2012, 09:36

    May I direct ALL posters to peruse the rules that are at the top of every forum. Think us Mods will have to be much tighter with regard the rules in future.

    Darft - Page 3 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by seebee1944 Thu Dec 13 2012, 22:37

    I must say that I've kept out of the threads that have ended up with name calling and personal insults and they have left a bitter taste. To resort to that is totally out of order and before anyone comes up with the old chestnut about sticks and stones, some years ago, my mates 15 year old daughter was found hanging from a tree in their garden, because of names she was called at school! So yes Mods please jump on it.
    Champions League
    Champions League

    Darft - Page 3 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by ionman34 Fri Dec 14 2012, 20:48

    Let's see;

    A) He's currently our manager.
    B) With a decimated team he's managing to keep us within a stones throw of top spot.
    C) With a depleted squad, in the throws of learning a different system to play, he is currently outperforming a team that pays a million a week more than us in wages.
    D) With a severely depleted squad he is managing to match a team with a squad who's front line cost nearly twice as much as our entire squad.
    E) He has had to run the gauntlet of abuse from fans of his own team, a vendetta from the press and unfounded criticism from pundits across the game and STILL has managed to keep us within a stone's throw of top spot.
    F) He has, to date, averaged 2 points per game and 2 goals per game.
    G) Despite all of the abuse, vendetta's and criticism he has maintained his poise, dignity and positivity towards the game, his players and even us the fans.
    And H) He's OUR f*cking MANAGER!!!

    If anyone is unable to offer him deserved support, considering the above, then f*ck off to Cheatski! They welcome halfwit, know nothing clowns who turn on their own without justification.

    Just for clarity, if anyone can show me where I have called Max a halfwit in the above scenario I would be grateful.
    Champions League
    Champions League

    Darft - Page 3 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by ionman34 Fri Dec 14 2012, 20:59

    Hi Arnie, glad you like it, lol, i am ok with things, really i am, just dont want to be preached 7 reasons and all that bull, by a

    Whilst you're at it, please let me know when being accused of being a megalomaniac, which questions my mental state, is NOT regarded as an insult.

    Call me pedantic but I'm sure we would all like to know just where the mud slinging originated and just who is doing his level best to make it look as though he is defending a 'wronged party.'

    Max was never insulted, this was the excuse used so that the attention seeker could kick off a row he has been itching for for months.

    Once he'd seen that his ground was not only shaky, but registering a 9 on the Richter scale, the fawning apology ensued. However, the itch just needed to be scratched, so the sly, backstabbing little digs swiftly followed with the petulant squeel at the entire forum the culmination.

    But it's all my fault because I keep on exposing the weakness of both the argument and the mentality.

    And I have my sanity questioned?

    Darft - Page 3 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by BazSpur Fri Dec 14 2012, 23:28

    I wasn't singling anyone out ion. It was a message to all posters to follow the rules. I am not blaming anyone in particular. Anyway what's done is done can we all move on?
    Champions League
    Champions League

    Darft - Page 3 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by ionman34 Sat Dec 15 2012, 00:47

    BazSpur wrote:I wasn't singling anyone out ion. It was a message to all posters to follow the rules. I am not blaming anyone in particular. Anyway what's done is done can we all move on?

    I wasn't suggesting you were mate, I merely put the last 2 posts up for clarity and to remind everyone where it all stemmed from as the half truths and outright fabrications were muddying the waters, all by design of course.

    As for moving on, no, I don't think so. Whilst I don't, and never have, gone looking to carry out a vendetta on any poster, unlike some on here, I will give the fool short shrift from here on in.

    He went after me even when I wasn't posting on here, I read the thread that Lought had started in my name and even commented on the digs contained in it, all by him.

    He's had a hard on for this fracas for a long time now, got his wish then threw a strop at the entire forum when he got torn a new one. It got that pitiful that many of you were forced to comment, prompting the lunatic tirade.

    Forget it? Not as long as my a*rsehole points towards the ground my friend.

    Darft - Page 3 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by BazSpur Sat Dec 15 2012, 02:24

    Then the Mods will have no choice but to carry on locking threads mate. I don't want this forum ending up like AOL and it won't on my watch ion. You and Lew have a foe button in your profile, which acts in the same way as ignore. Nothing to stop either of you using it.
    Champions League
    Champions League

    Darft - Page 3 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by ionman34 Sat Dec 15 2012, 04:21

    BazSpur wrote:Then the Mods will have no choice but to carry on locking threads mate. I don't want this forum ending up like AOL and it won't on my watch ion. You and Lew have a foe button in your profile, which acts in the same way as ignore. Nothing to stop either of you using it.

    Oh don't worry Baz. I said that I don't carry out vendetta's and I have no intention of starting now. I won't engage him, I have nothing I want to say to him now or ever. But then you know that of me anyway.

    But the foe button doesn't work too well when he's being quoted, and if he carries on with his digs, don't expect me to sit idly by and keep my peace. I didn't ask for this but I'll be damned if I'm going to let some fool slander me and not respond. No one else here does, why should it be any different for me?

    Darft - Page 3 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by BazSpur Sat Dec 15 2012, 06:48

    You have a point ion but I doubt very much anyone is going to quote any nastiness he may aim against you. Anyway fella we'll see how it goes.

    Darft - Page 3 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by Guest Sat Dec 15 2012, 07:26

    ionman34 wrote:
    BazSpur wrote:I wasn't singling anyone out ion. It was a message to all posters to follow the rules. I am not blaming anyone in particular. Anyway what's done is done can we all move on?

    Forget it? Not as long as my a*rsehole points towards the ground my friend.

    .......well i was wrong, and i thought your a*rsehole pointed toward the sky.

    By the way, have you ever been called a bully at any time of your life ? just wondered!

    Darft - Page 3 Empty Re: Darft

    Post by BazSpur Sat Dec 15 2012, 08:04

    FFS. Some people just don't f*cking listen.

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