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Former Spurs Manager: Keith Burkinshaw


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    wont have it

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    wont have it - Page 2 Empty Re: wont have it

    Post by cynicsid Tue Nov 09 2010, 20:29

    ionman34 wrote:Jesus, it seems that every time we lose a game the same old tosh comes out;

    'Harry has taken as far as he can.'

    'He's not the man for the job.'

    'We need someone who can take us forward.'

    It's a repeat of all the same old cobblers we heard when Jol had a bad start to the season.
    Well, the haters got their way and the most successful manager since Burkinshaw, was replaced by ...................................

    Juande Ramos.

    Now Harry has taken the debacle that Ramos left, shaken it up, got it playing some great Football and put us in the CL for the first time in our History.

    He currently has us in 7th and touching distance of the top spot. He's been the Architect of the success and the dreams & expectations that we Spurs now have.

    What he hasn't been the Architect of is this ridiculous notion that he MUST be infallible.

    Those same shouters are also stating that he's never been in this position before so can't take us any further.

    Excuse me? How did any of the other top managers get to where they are without first never having the experience?

    What a ridiculous statement to make, he's never been there so he can't take us there. I swear to God, the mouth is working whilst the brain is frantically screaming 'Will you shut the f**k up!'

    How many times do I have to say that we are on the cusp of something special here? The team is not the finished article and never will be until some fans learn some patience. We've seen how well we can play over the course of the last season and a bit. The Inter game wasn't a one off, it was the culmination of all the abilities this team has meeting in the one match. It served to show what we are capable of, it was the first real showing that we have had of what this team can achieve, the last season showed us glimpses, to greater or lesser degrees.

    Now the team has to learn to bring that all into play with more consistency. Do you people honestly believe that will happen by sacking Harry and starting again?

    It's like sacking a sculptor, halfway through the carving of a work of art, to bring in another who's vision is totally different. The original piece gets recarved and parts are lost.

    Then you get fed up with this sculptor, as he's taking too long, and replace him with another. Different vision, same result because a work of art takes time and you guys aren't prepared to give it.

    What you end up with is an unfinished piece of work that you are never satisfied with.

    The last finished piece I saw in Spurs shirts was under Burkinshaw. How many years did he have to get it right?

    Anyone with eyes can see that Spurs are creating a team that could challenge the '61 side for greatness. The Bill Nick side wasn't formed in a season, all the elements took time with fewer games played and no European competition. This team is facing more obstacles but they are overcoming them more often than not. Their consistency, or lack thereof, is just another one to overcome.

    Yes, the manager has to shoulder some of the blame but, as many are so quick to point out, these are professional Footballers and are required to take responsibility for their own actions and failures. They are quick enough to bask in the glory when praise comes their way.

    But Harry has his failings. Crouch being the main one. I like the guy, I love his honest graft and team ethic.

    I hate his profligacy in front of goal though and that is becoming more and more prevalent. Granted, him scoring has little to do with us letting in 4, but he has cost us goals and, as a result, points.
    I'd start him in every CL game because he is hugely effective in Europe, but his lack of goals is a liability in the league, and that's our bread and butter. We know that Pav struggles as a lone front man so put Gio in with him up front.

    Hey, if 'Man who sucks Lemons' can turn 2 wingers into strikers then why can't we?

    This is Harry's biggest failing, his stubborn adherence to Crouch.

    Enough to sack him?

    Are you mental?

    He hasn't had 2 full seasons yet and already the armchair experts know better. They've gazed into the future and seen the shape of things to come. He CAN'T take us forward.

    Based on what exactly, a steady progression up the league?

    I understand the frustration of losing when I believe we should have won. I also understand the profound feeling of disappointment, of feeling like you've been let down, wanting to lash out in that frustration.
    But that frustration derives from an expectation brought on by what I know the team can achieve. My belief is that the team WILL achieve once they overcome the remaining hurdles.

    There are those of you who think that I'm deluded by a few good games, that I'm buying into the hype. I've seen too many false dawns to be bought that easily and have always been cautious.

    This is no false dawn, but it is a dawn.

    There might be a few thunderclouds around but, on the whole, I reckon it'll be a lovely day.

    Yeah, What he said........

    wont have it - Page 2 Empty Re: wont have it

    Post by BazSpur Tue Nov 09 2010, 20:40

    Billy Nick took over in the 57/58 season it took 3 seasons before he saw the tree bear fruit. Patience is the key. Repped ion.
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    wont have it - Page 2 Empty Re: wont have it

    Post by shearspur Tue Nov 09 2010, 21:32

    alex ferguson- mark robbins goal. say no more

    wont have it - Page 2 Empty Re: wont have it

    Post by BazSpur Tue Nov 09 2010, 22:06

    And a Rep for you too Shear.
    Champions League
    Champions League

    wont have it - Page 2 Empty Re: wont have it

    Post by ArnieArdiles Wed Nov 10 2010, 04:51

    BazSpur wrote:Billy Nick took over in the 57/58 season it took 3 seasons before he saw the tree bear fruit. Patience is the key. Repped ion.

    Thats so true Baz ... Bill Nick took a few thrashings before he got us going , including I believe, a five in row run of defeats..

    I know most of those questioning many of Harry's decisions do not want him sacked and often I find myself in their corner but it seems to me, that there are some of us that just wont accept any hicups in any shape or form along the way ... I feel we have to get our heads around the fact that although we're in the CL this season, we're still essentialy a team in progress..

    Our players still have alot to learn and our manager has to learn about the players too... Some he will sell on and new faces will be bought in .....

    I liked Ions post and especialy the sculpture analogy...Harry is building and he knows more than any of us that there is still a way to go.... From where I'm sitting he is deserving of the chance to finish his work ...

    wont have it - Page 2 Empty Re: wont have it

    Post by Guest Wed Nov 10 2010, 04:55

    our prem league form is awful this season.
    Champions League
    Champions League

    wont have it - Page 2 Empty Re: wont have it

    Post by ArnieArdiles Wed Nov 10 2010, 05:06

    It's not been good enough that's true Lought, but I'm expecting and hoping for it to improve , starting tonight .......

    I'm sure Harry will have had a few hairdryer chats with the players since Bolton ...COYS!!!

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