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    Is Harry a good manager?


    Is Harry a good manager? Empty Is Harry a good manager?

    Post by Guest Tue May 04 2010, 19:14

    In another thread, this was said:

    VisionarySound wrote:At the present Spurs have no recognised right back yet still we manage to beat 2 of the teams above us in the league. Good management there me thinks.

    I'll certainly have to agree that the coaching during those matches was on the money, but.... funny mentioning money?

    A player on £50,000 a week, on a 5 year deal, is a £12,500,000 commitment by a club over the 5 year period. Needless to say that a team full of players on similar contracts, with reserves and squad players warming the bench, brings about a committment of approaching £200 million over a 5 year period.
    £100,000 a week players like Crouch & Defoe rockets this figure even higher.
    Now, what is THFC's expected revenue stream over that same 5 year period.
    Is it £400 million?

    I ask, because if it is not, then you will not be able to play Champions League football (assuming you qualify to) come season commencing 2012, according to the new Uefa financial rules.
    Needless to say that Chelsea would also be struggling with this. Liverpool too.
    Quite how £350 million + would also magically appear to build a new stadium with is also one for you to enrol the assistance of Paul Daniels on.

    Arsenal, of course, having patiently met the needs of financial constraint whilst still challenging for the top honours year in year out, would of course have no problems with Uefas new rules, nor would there be any issue meeting the 'home grown' player rules.
    With TWENTY SEVEN of our current 35 man reserve squad being English (not British) there does not appear to be a future problem either. With the release of the land earmarked for social housing having now gone through, a further approx £35 million will be available for Arsenal transfer kitty during the next 2 - 3 years.

    Now, what was we saying about a good manager?
    Champions League
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    Is Harry a good manager? Empty Re: Is Harry a good manager?

    Post by ArnieArdiles Wed May 05 2010, 00:22

    Friggin gooners, they just dont stop do they? lol .....

    Where did you get that piece from Mark, ?

    You goons so make me laugh .....I got many in my family and extended family too , gooner mates as well and they're all so praying we fail tomorrow night .....You're lot have had how many attempts at the CL with the same manager, 12 -13?

    We win tomorrow , it's a big ask I know and then we get past the intitial CL rounds and you Goons will shatting yourselves midweek next season for sure and it will be, not because of the prospect of facing either Barcalona or ManUre but the fact that, Tottenham Hotspur FC, the one true North London Football Club will beat your cheating slimey lot to the prize that has so eluded you....

    Is Harry a good manager? Empty Re: Is Harry a good manager?

    Post by BazSpur Wed May 05 2010, 01:01

    I have said before Arnie, if we had, had as many tilts at the CL as the goons we would have won it by now and no, I'm not joking either.
    Champions League
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    Is Harry a good manager? Empty Re: Is Harry a good manager?

    Post by ionman34 Wed May 05 2010, 01:13

    [quote="Mark2spark"]In another thread, this was said:

    VisionarySound wrote:At the present Spurs have no recognised right back yet still we manage to beat 2 of the teams above us in the league. Good management there me thinks.

    I'll certainly have to agree that the coaching during those matches was on the money, but.... funny mentioning money?

    A player on £50,000 a week, on a 5 year deal, is a £12,500,000 commitment by a club over the 5 year period. Needless to say that a team full of players on similar contracts, with reserves and squad players warming the bench, brings about a committment of approaching £200 million over a 5 year period.

    Which works out at 40 million per year. I'm not sure what the SKY revenue is but I'm sure that takes a rather large lump out of it. Merchandising alone would wipe out the rest of that and the rest, from gate receipts, player trading etc would cover overheads and realise a profit.

    Then you add the revenue gleaned via cup runs and European Football. This then garners the ability to seek better sponsorship deals and, let's face it, with the wedge we took from Mansion after just making the UEFA up, what sort of a deal could we broker were we to make the CL?

    The Mansion deal took the P*ss, A deal when we're CL would have us in stitches.

    £100,000 a week players like Crouch & Defoe rockets this figure even higher.

    If they were on £100,000.

    Which they are not.

    So there!!

    Now, what is THFC's expected revenue stream over that same 5 year period.
    Is it £400 million?

    Very close to that I'd expect. I'd hope higher with the Prem title on our shelf and a CL Final beckoning.

    You lot have had your day, you need to jog on now.

    You're done.

    I ask, because if it is not, then you will not be able to play Champions League football (assuming you qualify to) come season commencing 2012, according to the new Uefa financial rules.

    We're the most financially secure team in the Premiership. We were the 15th richest club in the World BEFORE we made our 1st European appearance in 20 years. The club makes money every year regardless.

    Needless to say that Chelsea would also be struggling with this. Liverpool too.
    Quite how £350 million + would also magically appear to build a new stadium with is also one for you to enrol the assistance of Paul Daniels on.

    Well that explains a lot.

    It is said that primitive species, when confronted with the unknown, always attribute it to 'Magic'.

    Of course that's why us advanced species (Yids) are such a jolly bunch................... You do make us laugh so.

    Arsenal, of course, having patiently met the needs of financial constraint whilst still challenging for the top honours year in year out, would of course have no problems with Uefas new rules, nor would there be any issue meeting the 'home grown' player rules.

    What's this new ruling then? You must show that you can get into, and maintain, a £300+ million debt whilst not getting a sniff at a trophy?

    Damn ............ We're rumbled!! We have no debt and recently won Silver.

    With TWENTY SEVEN of our current 35 man reserve squad being English (not British) there does not appear to be a future problem either.
    Not if you don't mind fielding the U18's against Barcelona next season.
    I reckon Judas would absolutely LOVE that though hey?

    With the release of the land earmarked for social housing having now gone through, a further approx £35 million will be available for Arsenal transfer kitty during the next 2 - 3 years.

    Now, what was we saying about a good manager?

    Congratulations. You have a board of management who gambled on you staying right where you are and, so far, they've kept your heads above water.

    But the cracks appear to be showing now hey? Are the goons now fretting on losing prized assets? Their strength in depth appears to be very, well, weak?
    Are the natives getting a little restless at a manager who appears to have stagnated them whilst their bitterest rivals progressively overhaul them?

    What would the loss of the massive CL revenue do?
    Would the gates drop dramatically should the decline gather pace? History suggests so.
    Then we have the inevitable manager merry-go-round looking for the quick fix.

    And all the while the debt becomes harder and harder to manage.

    Eventually the Administrator is required to settle and the loss of 9 points puts you in the fizzy pop.

    Where Leeds say 'See you again in 20 years.'

    If in some way I've managed to brighten the day of Spurs fans reading this last section then I'm chuffed.

    I'm now going to bed with a smile on my face dreaming of the inevitable demise of the Woolwich Wanderers.

    Is Harry a good manager? Empty Re: Is Harry a good manager?

    Post by spurslegend Wed May 05 2010, 01:16

    gooners are craping then selfs the yids are on the up and the scum are falling apart lol lol lol lol
    Champions League
    Champions League

    Is Harry a good manager? Empty Re: Is Harry a good manager?

    Post by ArnieArdiles Wed May 05 2010, 01:41

    Ion you obviously have more patience than me lol

    Its a Mark wind-up ...

    So poorly researched ....

    For starters the new ruling has been shifted from 2012 to 2015 ...

    Crouch and Defoe on 100g each per week lol

    Is Harry a good manager? Empty Re: Is Harry a good manager?

    Post by BazSpur Wed May 05 2010, 01:52

    Is Harry a good manager? 858412

    Is Harry a good manager? Empty Re: Is Harry a good manager?

    Post by Guest Wed May 05 2010, 02:45

    ion ! wind up my friend, but great answers........... Is Harry a good manager? Icon_bounce

    Is Harry a good manager? Empty Re: Is Harry a good manager?

    Post by Guest Wed May 05 2010, 03:22

    LOL Mark desperation me thinks. Breathing down your necks and the ole goner bums are getting squeaky (except lil theos who uncle sol has made quite slack but thats for another thread eh ?). My point was what 'arry done in January and the lack of foresight of your myopic manager. I have also stated in the is Ekotto a mercenary ? thread that 'arry has developed a good squad, work ethic & togetherness. So yes on those points he IS a good manager. One of the signings of the season in Kranjcar at just £2M ! Has bought the best out of one this seasons outstanding players of any team, Bale. Has known what games to play Englands best centre half, King, and therefore get the best out of him. Oh and I don't think he has played an individual with a broken leg in a game either ! Therefore even with his habbit of changing tactics against some teams and it not working and some of his less imaganitive substitutions YES he is a good manager. As for your basis of 'arry being a good manager then qouting monopoly money figures I think you really have lost the plot with US being in with a chance of grabbing 3rd spot. Just can't see what money has to do with it ? You bang on about what a great finacial posistion your club are in but to borrow part of a post from the same thread you borrowed my quote from you state - To point the finger in just the one direction though may well be premature. It may well turn out that strengthening the squad to the level required was unaffordable to our club at the present/during that window. - You can't have it both ways Mark. You can't be loaded when criticising yet skint when being criticised. And as Spurs are the 12th richest club in the world in the 2010 Forbes richest clubs list without Chumps League footie & the huge mortgage of a new, trophyless stadium I'd say were doing quite well on that front. As well as 'arry is doing as our manager in fact. I know you are only looking for bites Mark but you have made yourself look just a touch foolish with this one & felt it was only fair to point it out . . . . .

    Is Harry a good manager? Empty Re: Is Harry a good manager?

    Post by Guest Wed May 05 2010, 05:36

    Mark2spark wrote:In another thread, this was said:

    VisionarySound wrote:At the present Spurs have no recognised right back yet still we manage to beat 2 of the teams above us in the league. Good management there me thinks.

    I'll certainly have to agree that the coaching during those matches was on the money, but.... funny mentioning money?

    A player on £50,000 a week, on a 5 year deal, is a £12,500,000 commitment by a club over the 5 year period. Needless to say that a team full of players on similar contracts, with reserves and squad players warming the bench, brings about a committment of approaching £200 million over a 5 year period.
    £100,000 a week players like Crouch & Defoe rockets this figure even higher.
    Now, what is THFC's expected revenue stream over that same 5 year period.
    Is it £400 million?

    I ask, because if it is not, then you will not be able to play Champions League football (assuming you qualify to) come season commencing 2012, according to the new Uefa financial rules.
    Needless to say that Chelsea would also be struggling with this. Liverpool too.
    Quite how £350 million + would also magically appear to build a new stadium with is also one for you to enrol the assistance of Paul Daniels on.

    Arsenal, of course, having patiently met the needs of financial constraint whilst still challenging for the top honours year in year out, would of course have no problems with Uefas new rules, nor would there be any issue meeting the 'home grown' player rules.
    With TWENTY SEVEN of our current 35 man reserve squad being English (not British) there does not appear to be a future problem either. With the release of the land earmarked for social housing having now gone through, a further approx £35 million will be available for Arsenal transfer kitty during the next 2 - 3 years.

    Now, what was we saying about a good manager?

    What a load of ..............ttttttttttttt ! honestly mate i couldnt even begin to want to answer that rubbish, and ! rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr uuuuuuuuuuuuu really serious ?
    Champions League
    Champions League

    Is Harry a good manager? Empty Re: Is Harry a good manager?

    Post by ionman34 Wed May 05 2010, 15:08

    [quote="ArnieArdiles"]Ion you obviously have more patience than me lol

    Its a Mark wind-up ...

    So poorly researched ....

    For starters the new ruling has been shifted from 2012 to 2015 ...

    Crouch and Defoe on 100g each per week lol

    Of course it's a wind up Arnie. The goons with over 20 ENGLISH players?

    Only if you count back to 1971!!

    Is Harry a good manager? Empty Re: Is Harry a good manager?

    Post by BazSpur Wed May 05 2010, 18:04

    Of course it's a wind up Arnie. The goons
    with over 20 ENGLISH players?

    Only if you count back to 1971!!

    PMSL Ion.
    2nd Division
    2nd Division

    Is Harry a good manager? Empty Re: Is Harry a good manager?

    Post by tressman1 Wed May 05 2010, 22:07

    Great reply Ion

    Is Harry a good manager? Empty Re: Is Harry a good manager?

    Post by Guest Sun May 09 2010, 00:40

    ionman34 wrote:
    Of course it's a wind up Arnie. The goons with over 20 ENGLISH players?

    Only if you count back to 1971!!

    It all went quiet when I pointed it out before. Facts hurt don't they?

    28 out of 35 are English.

    Is Harry a good manager? Empty Re: Is Harry a good manager?

    Post by Guest Sun May 09 2010, 00:46

    What a load of ..............ttttttttttttt ! honestly mate i couldnt even begin to want to answer that rubbish, and ! rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr uuuuuuuuuuuuu really serious ?

    I can't see the point of replying then if you can't say what bit is false?

    Is Harry a good manager? Empty Re: Is Harry a good manager?

    Post by BazSpur Sun May 09 2010, 01:00


    Is Harry a good manager? Empty Re: Is Harry a good manager?

    Post by Guest Sun May 09 2010, 01:10

    Oh dear Mark you really must be more dilligent with your research. I followed the link and found out that of the 35 players 11 where born outside of the British Isles. Didn't bother with looking at how many where born in England as the previous fact blows your claim out of the water straight away. I SANK YOUR BATTLESHIP. Please engage brain before clunking away at your keyboard . . . . . .

    Is Harry a good manager? Empty Re: Is Harry a good manager?

    Post by Guest Sun May 09 2010, 01:12

    ion's reply being comprehensive enough to deserve a response.

    Which works out at 40 million per year. (the wages bill) (It's closer to £50 mill pa but not wanting to split hairs) I'm not sure what the SKY revenue (44.8m but likely to increase with CL, granted) is but I'm sure that takes a rather large lump out of it. Merchandising alone would wipe out the rest of that and the rest, from gate receipts, player trading etc would cover overheads and realise a profit.

    Then you add the revenue gleaned via cup runs and European Football.
    With Gate receipts at about £39m and unlikely to increase much as games are well attended, you're not far off your peak of £113 mill pa gross revenue

    £100,000 a week players like Crouch & Defoe rockets this figure even higher.

    If they were on £100,000.

    Which they are not.

    Ok, the point was *some* players will be on more than £50k a week.

    We're the most financially secure team in the Premiership. We were the 15th richest club in the World BEFORE we made our 1st European appearance in 20 years. The club makes money every year regardless.

    Not according to your accounts. Please feel free to post a link that proves me wrong.

    What's this new ruling then? You must show that you can get into, and maintain, a £300+ million debt whilst not getting a sniff at a trophy?

    Damn ............ We're rumbled!! We have no debt and recently won Silver.
    The jist of the ruling is of course complex, and likely to suffer adjustments yet, but *currently*, a club's wage bill cannot be more than half of the income stream. Basically Roman & the Sheikh can't just chuck money into the team, a team has to live within it's means.
    One carling cup in 10 years ain't much of a silverware return though is it?

    Congratulations. You have a board of management who gambled on you staying right where you are and, so far, they've kept your heads above water.

    But the cracks appear to be showing now hey? Are the goons now fretting on losing prized assets? Their strength in depth appears to be very, well, weak?
    Are the natives getting a little restless at a manager who appears to have stagnated them whilst their bitterest rivals progressively overhaul them?

    Yes, we have our share of hunters. Some have never known Arsenal to not be in the CL.

    What would the loss of the massive CL revenue do? Sh*t creek would beckon. (I tell it like it is)
    Would the gates drop dramatically should the decline gather pace? History suggests so. I'd agree with the history ananolgy, but would point to a much larger season ticket waiting list these days, so possibly not.

    Then we have the inevitable manager merry-go-round looking for the quick fix.

    And all the while the debt becomes harder and harder to manage.

    Eventually the Administrator is required to settle and the loss of 9 points puts you in the fizzy pop.

    Where Leeds say 'See you again in 20 years.'
    Some of that is certainly true. Can't see that our debt will encumber us too much, we're over the worse of it now. Don't forget that most of Spurs £45.9 mill net debt is on secured loans of 7.29% until 2024, - and you haven't raised the new stadium construction cost finance yet. Still, once Levy has cashed in on the groundwork involved in setting that little lot up it'll be up to the new owners to finance it... the financing of that of course not affecting the CL entry requirements.
    A good post ion, I don't know why you end up in so many rucks with your compatriots Is Harry a good manager? Icon_silent

    Is Harry a good manager? Empty Re: Is Harry a good manager?

    Post by BazSpur Sun May 09 2010, 01:12

    Please engage brain before clunking away
    at your keyboard . . . . . .


    Is Harry a good manager? Empty Re: Is Harry a good manager?

    Post by Guest Sun May 09 2010, 01:22

    VisionarySound wrote:Oh dear Mark you really must be more dilligent with your research. I followed the link and found out that of the 35 players 11 where born outside of the British Isles. Didn't bother with looking at how many where born in England as the previous fact blows your claim out of the water straight away. I SANK YOUR BATTLESHIP. Please engage brain before clunking away at your keyboard . . . . . .
    I stand corrected, it's not 8. I actually counted 10 non English (I think some have come back from on loan) but I won't split hairs. Well done on pointing out that we only have TWENTY FOUR English players in our 35 man reserve squad.

    Is Harry a good manager? Empty Re: Is Harry a good manager?

    Post by Guest Sun May 09 2010, 01:50

    Mark2spark wrote:

    What a load of ..............ttttttttttttt ! honestly mate i couldnt even begin to want to answer that rubbish, and ! rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr uuuuuuuuuuuuu really serious ?

    I can't see the point of replying then if you can't say what bit is false?

    Nor can i !

    Is Harry a good manager? Empty Re: Is Harry a good manager?

    Post by Guest Sun May 09 2010, 01:52

    Mark2spark wrote:
    VisionarySound wrote:Oh dear Mark you really must be more dilligent with your research. I followed the link and found out that of the 35 players 11 where born outside of the British Isles. Didn't bother with looking at how many where born in England as the previous fact blows your claim out of the water straight away. I SANK YOUR BATTLESHIP. Please engage brain before clunking away at your keyboard . . . . . .
    I stand corrected, it's not 8. I actually counted 10 non English (I think some have come back from on loan) but I won't split hairs. Well done on pointing out that we only have TWENTY FOUR English players in our 35 man reserve squad.

    Always a pleasure putting a goner straight and pointing out the errors of their ways Mark. Yup 24 in your reserve/youth team is acceptable but lets look at this shall we. Out of Spurs squad of 40 players (including those out on loan) 17 are English and another 3 are British Nationals. I could make it 18 English players if I included Cuddicini, who was once touted as a possible England 'keeper due to the fact he is entitled to English nationality, but I won't be greedy. Half the squad and almost 2 teams worth of players Now I'd rather those representing my team at the highest level than playing in the stiffs . . .. .

    Is Harry a good manager? Empty Re: Is Harry a good manager?

    Post by BazSpur Sun May 09 2010, 01:54

    I can't see the point of telling us you have 24 British players in your RESERVES, so what?

    Is Harry a good manager? Empty Re: Is Harry a good manager?

    Post by Guest Sun May 09 2010, 01:55

    Not just reserves tho' Baz. Reserves & YOUTH team. In other words uncle sol's harem . . . . . . . .

    Is Harry a good manager? Empty Re: Is Harry a good manager?

    Post by Guest Sun May 09 2010, 01:56

    The hackles certainly went up on this thread lew.
    I was simply pointing out that new players for CL purposes raises the wage bill, and on your clubs income stream, there might be a problem with the new rules.
    Your clubs accounts aren't actually that bad, just not as good as the club would like everyone to believe.
    A bit like not telling your bank manager how much you really owe on credit cards when you go for a new loan Is Harry a good manager? Icon_smile

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