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    Taking time out.


    Taking time out. Empty Taking time out.

    Post by Guest Sat Mar 12 2011, 02:04

    Taking a break from the board for a while, woo hoo do i hear ? lol!

    Will be looking in now and again but wont be commenting.another.... woo hoo

    Be back in the close season to do the transfer gossip.

    Great time to be a spurs fan with injured players coming back, i cant see sandro being dropped, we just need to get that 4th place again, chelsea might even glitch some games as well as man city.

    all the best everyone, hope the season realises all the hopes of everybody.

    Taking time out. Empty Re: Taking time out.

    Post by Guest Sat Mar 12 2011, 04:04

    why are you going for.

    Taking time out. Empty Re: Taking time out.

    Post by HotspurRoper Sat Mar 12 2011, 04:57

    Something we said???

    Taking time out. Empty Re: Taking time out.

    Post by BazSpur Sat Mar 12 2011, 05:09

    My god, it's a forum, things get said. People take the P*ss, tempers get
    short and banter ensues. None of it should be taken too seriously. It's
    the nature of forums. Anyone who remembers AOHell will know it's
    nowhere near that bad.

    Taking time out. Empty Re: Taking time out.

    Post by Guest Sat Mar 12 2011, 05:18

    lew why are you doing this again. you spent the last week trying to wind up ionman and now he either busy are ignores you and you wana leave.

    its only banter. i wouldnt take anything people say to seriosuly
    Champions League
    Champions League

    Taking time out. Empty Re: Taking time out.

    Post by shearspur Sat Mar 12 2011, 07:31

    now is the time to be ON the board lew, most exciting season since.......... well last season lol. but still in hunt for 4th-3rd, quarter final of champs lge. draw next friday, ar**al crumbling like a rotting tree.plenty to comment on. stay on board for the final plunge of the roller coaster.

    Taking time out. Empty Re: Taking time out.

    Post by Guest Sat Mar 12 2011, 08:15

    exactley shear. its the summer im worried about lol
    Champions League
    Champions League

    Taking time out. Empty Re: Taking time out.

    Post by shearspur Sat Mar 12 2011, 08:18

    yeah and me if we dont get 4th, i fear players being cherry picked. then its back to square one

    Taking time out. Empty Re: Taking time out.

    Post by Guest Sat Mar 12 2011, 08:24

    well i think harry knows he has a really good young sqaud now. players like sandro hudd daws lennon bale walker modric.

    harrys going to have to make a big call on other players now .

    he wont be happy with defoes scoring recored then with defoe sayin he thought about leaving even though defoe was gettin game time.

    plus crouch is getting on aswell. robbie keane will go.

    plus i get the feelin king will retire in the season.

    Taking time out. Empty Re: Taking time out.

    Post by Guest Sat Mar 12 2011, 17:57

    Loughtonlegend wrote:lew why are you doing this again. you spent the last week trying to wind up ionman and now he either busy are ignores you and you wana leave.

    its only banter. i wouldnt take anything people say to seriosuly

    Lought , absolutely exactly, i have allowed myself (once again) to get involved in a banal argument about what ? at the end of the day what did it prove ? and then because of the result midweek and because of a few drinks i wanted to carry the argument on, how would it have ended if ionman had taken me up in the ruck room, more insults , more mud slinging , to prove what ? that one of us could argue better than the other one, that one of us is slicker thinking than the other ? its pointless.

    I aint going anywhere, i am just taking a break, and i mean that very thing, i will be back, in fact i will be looking in most days, just wont be getting involved verbally at the moment.

    I will just keep on with jims predictions at the moment and look in from a distance.

    I will be back.....of that you can be sure......... Suspect Suspect Suspect

    Taking time out. Empty Re: Taking time out.

    Post by Guest Sat Mar 12 2011, 20:56

    BazSpur wrote:My god, it's a forum, things get said. People take the P*ss, tempers get
    short and banter ensues. None of it should be taken too seriously. It's
    the nature of forums. Anyone who remembers AOHell will know it's
    nowhere near that bad.

    Baz , totally understand what you are saying, but we have to remember guests looking in on the forum and seeing two established members ripping into each other, its embarrassing and probably off putting for any potential spurs fan wanting to join and add to the chat.

    I am not afraid of locking horns with ion at all, as he isnt with me, but in the end it wasnt banter or a difference of opinions, it was more than that.

    By the way , been accused of loads of things on here but copying ions writing style ? i did actually employ the same break up of a post to answer specific questions as ion does and to make them stand out, but that was very brief because i have a writing colour change problem that i cant cure, if i try to do what ion does it all comes out the same colour as the original thread writer.

    Advice for ion if he is worried is to get a patent ! lol!

    Taking time out. Empty Re: Taking time out.

    Post by BazSpur Sat Mar 12 2011, 21:28

    i have a writing colour change problem that i cant cure, if i try to do
    what ion does it all comes out the same colour as the original thread

    Perhaps you are doing something wrong. Tell me how you do it and I'll see if I can help. PM me the procedure you go through for changing font colour. It's As Easy As That lol.

    Taking time out. Empty Re: Taking time out.

    Post by BazSpur Sat Mar 12 2011, 21:36

    but we have to remember guests looking in on the forum and seeing two
    established members ripping into each other, its embarrassing and
    probably off putting for any potential spurs fan wanting to join and add
    to the chat.

    It may put some off Lew but have you seen the views when a ruck is going on. The views rise dramatically. Not that I encourage rucks lol. I look at loads of forums and believe me there are rucks on other forums too. On some forums the insults get really nasty. I don't encourage that. This forum is fairly well Moderated so we can lock or move threads if we feel the time is right to do so. Like all posters on here Lew you are well thought of. Even by ion I am quite sure and I am sure you think a lot of ion too. Now, get your a*se back on this forum. lol!

    Taking time out. Empty Re: Taking time out.

    Post by Guest Sat Mar 12 2011, 23:29

    BazSpur wrote:but we have to remember guests looking in on the forum and seeing two
    established members ripping into each other, its embarrassing and
    probably off putting for any potential spurs fan wanting to join and add
    to the chat.

    It may put some off Lew but have you seen the views when a ruck is going on. The views rise dramatically. Not that I encourage rucks lol. I look at loads of forums and believe me there are rucks on other forums too. On some forums the insults get really nasty. I don't encourage that. This forum is fairly well Moderated so we can lock or move threads if we feel the time is right to do so. Like all posters on here Lew you are well thought of. Even by ion I am quite sure and I am sure you think a lot of ion too. Now, get your a*se back on this forum. lol!

    Baz, i really think ion is a great contributer to the forum, carefully thought out posts that i have to give him credit for, what i dont like about him is his pigheadedness about certain things about what other people write.
    eg and i am not going to keep on about berbatov, but years ago people on here picked up on the signs that berbatov was wanting out from spurs and ion blasted them for it, i didnt see any admission from him that he was wrong until my ruck with him this week, and now he is extending the same views on harry leaving for england which in my honest opinion seems very likely to happen given the evidence from the mans mouth himself and if he is offered the job?

    I dont want to continue the argument, i said to lought its pointless and it is, ion will spin it round, jumble it up, interpret it in his own way and end up disecting the post to what he believes is the truth, then when or if harry is made england manager it will all be conviently forgotten, no apology or whatever for blasting at posters who see what is happening.

    If harry doesnt leave for england i would be the first to admit i was wrong, if bale doesnt realise his world class potential then i will say i was wrong.

    A few weeks back i said sandro looked useless, i was wrong, the bloke is a marvel and i apologise to those posters who saw the truth and said " give him time to adjust to the prem " yeah they were right and i was wrong.

    Its easy isnt it, no pride lost, no kudos, just an admission that you get things wrong.

    I will be back baz , short break from posting will do me good. Cool
    1st Division
    1st Division

    Taking time out. Empty Re: Taking time out.

    Post by cynicsid Sun Mar 13 2011, 04:25

    Lew..........................................................I Love you.


    LOL, whatever you do mate it's OK. no need to worry. I dont think we have ever crossed word & I can be a bit of a w*nker when I want to so you cant be that bad & I'm sure Ionman wouldn't want to think that a fellow Yid is getting upset BY his manner's or opinions.

    So long as you can sort your head out and you say what you mean and not what you think others want to hear then your allright in my book.

    there's a saying I like to to live by. It might help you.

    f*ck EM!

    Taking time out. Empty Re: Taking time out.

    Post by Guest Sun Mar 13 2011, 06:25

    cynicsid wrote:Lew..........................................................I Love you.


    LOL, whatever you do mate it's OK. no need to worry. I dont think we have ever crossed word & I can be a bit of a w*nker when I want to so you cant be that bad & I'm sure Ionman wouldn't want to think that a fellow Yid is getting upset BY his manner's or opinions.

    So long as you can sort your head out and you say what you mean and not what you think others want to hear then your allright in my book.

    there's a saying I like to to live by. It might help you.

    f*ck EM!

    lol! Good attitude sid, say your opinion and be damned.

    I have to say that ion is a great poster, we do clash at times and maybe i should just say my bit and leave it at that.

    Thats why i was going to give it a rest for a while, as i said i aint leaving just going to look in with a reflective type of attitude, rather than go in all guns blazing as i do from time to time. lol!
    1st Division
    1st Division

    Taking time out. Empty Re: Taking time out.

    Post by cynicsid Sun Mar 13 2011, 07:37

    lewspurs wrote:
    cynicsid wrote:Lew..........................................................I Love you.


    LOL, whatever you do mate it's OK. no need to worry. I dont think we have ever crossed word & I can be a bit of a w*nker when I want to so you cant be that bad & I'm sure Ionman wouldn't want to think that a fellow Yid is getting upset BY his manner's or opinions.

    So long as you can sort your head out and you say what you mean and not what you think others want to hear then your allright in my book.

    there's a saying I like to to live by. It might help you.

    f*ck EM!

    lol! Good attitude sid, say your opinion and be damned.

    I have to say that ion is a great poster, we do clash at times and maybe i should just say my bit and leave it at that.

    Thats why i was going to give it a rest for a while, as i said i aint leaving just going to look in with a reflective type of attitude, rather than go in all guns blazing as i do from time to time. lol!

    Anyway. Today is a fun day. I have a mate who just two weeks ago was giving me hell, his team was in 4 competitions and we were only in two. Boy was he taking the P*ss. Trouble is after two weeks of laughing and sheer joy at seeing his boastfull world fall apart, and watching him cling on to one next match after another, he has finally come out with that old excuse. the computer is broken down. LOL

    The question is, do I go round his house tomorrow to continue the hillarity's or do I wait untill Monday when once again he will be among 6 or 7 of us Spurs fans all day for a round of golf.

    I just cant decide.


    Taking time out. Empty Re: Taking time out.

    Post by Guest Sun Mar 13 2011, 08:07

    he has finally come out with that old excuse. the computer is broken down. LOL

    Is your mate AKA Burger Sid ?????? lmao . . . . . . . .

    Taking time out. Empty Re: Taking time out.

    Post by BazSpur Sun Mar 13 2011, 08:24

    Taking time out. 348204 Vis.

    Taking time out. Empty Re: Taking time out.

    Post by Guest Sun Mar 13 2011, 09:09

    id wait untill monday

    Taking time out. Empty Re: Taking time out.

    Post by Boltjean Sun Mar 13 2011, 21:27

    I have gave you a repp point Sid, loved the post although I can not think who the club is he supports, 4 competitions and now down to one, always the bridesmaid never the bride, a manager who looks as though he is sucking Lemon's when they lose. Anyway, that's the beauty of being a Spurs supporter, we dream of winning a trophy, they expect or think they have the devine right to win one, we have learnt over the year's to cope with dissapointment, they cant because their expectations are to high, want to win 4, then 3 then 2 trophy's, I wonder how many of those that said they did not care about loosing the tin pot cup final are now wishing they had won it ?

    1st Division
    1st Division

    Taking time out. Empty Re: Taking time out.

    Post by cynicsid Sun Mar 13 2011, 22:39

    Boltjean wrote:I have gave you a repp point Sid, loved the post although I can not think who the club is he supports, 4 competitions and now down to one, always the bridesmaid never the bride, a manager who looks as though he is sucking Lemon's when they lose. Anyway, that's the beauty of being a Spurs supporter, we dream of winning a trophy, they expect or think they have the devine right to win one, we have learnt over the year's to cope with dissapointment, they cant because their expectations are to high, want to win 4, then 3 then 2 trophy's, I wonder how many of those that said they did not care about loosing the tin pot cup final are now wishing they had won it ?

    All of em.

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